Post things that will get changed for the remake
Post things that will get changed for the remake
Good. She's like 15 years old that shit was fucking creepy
Not so fast.
Cloud entered the military at what, 16? And this is a very modern, Cold War+Diesel Punk setting, so not middle ages and people marrying at 13.
All ages are played down. If she's said to be 15, realistically she's like 19.
>mental gymnastics
just accept the fact that you want to bang a 15yo girl, nobody here but trannies give a quarter of a damn
95% of the male population would bang a hot 15yo if they knew they would get away with it.
it was cute CUTE
I mean not that long ago it was entirely legal
God I hope they give you the freedom to take the yuffie route this time around.
Will she still have her clusterfuck design?
based time janny
I hope they give her more dialogue as part of the main story.
I hope they put her in a swimsuit at some point
in much of the world it still is. American's are so egocentric they think their laws apply to the world when they don't seem to understand at all that they have one of the higher ages of consent in the world.
if the age is an issue all they have to do is age her up a year or two like they always do in the english dub of hentai that is clearly about highschool girls but have to say they are in college for legal reasons.
absolutely based
pedoniggers btfo
the other 5% are gay. and we know the fagaloons have always had a pretty close relationship with youth anyhow.
Based and FPBP
The cunny is not creepy, the cunny is cute and pure.
actual cringe
Time jannies are dead user. No one unbutton those pants now
I really don't give a fuck. Teenage sexuality is normal. Did you even have a life in high school? Never had friends?
>actual cringe
i doubt they'll change that