It's up

It's up

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it's down

but it goes up again


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So is Chuck E Cheese a restaurant or not

That was fucking retarded, amazing how the longer it continued the less funny it got.

Its a Family Entertainment Center


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Cope harder faggot

What's there to cope? it was funny as shit in the first few episodes, but the longer it went for it became unfunny, Coomer was the only one carrying the whole thing

with what?
you dont even know what that word means do you

Rip in peace Benry, you dragged this series down every frame you were on screen.

>voices character named dr. coomer

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100% he's back for half life 2


I checked his Twitter, I got the feeling he is a methhead or something, he just talks non-sense and not even in a funny way.

>look gordon, ropes! we can use these to hang ourselves

user you magnificent bastard you made me choke laughing

Well, that was fun for as long as it lasted, it was like a fever dream, but I had fun.
All the characters had their moments to shine and, in times of quarantine, is good to have this kind of shit

fucking love these things

Bubby was my personal favorite of the 3 scientists.

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>"can you stop flying please" he says, flashing his ID at the attack helicopter shooting them
he has his moments for sure

I liked Tommy

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For me it was Tommy.

Agreed. First act was fucking terrific, but the quality went down steadily after that.

Fuck this retarded zoomer meme video. Nothing but loud shouting and fast cuts, the epitome of zoom culture to appeal to their ADHD brainwashed minds.

Pure kino. When Benrey's last strand of sanity called out to Gordon by invoking his memories of the two as children playing in the sand and the mud, I felt that. Pure kino.

>You will never play the Playstation's Halo with your best buddy with as strong a bond as these two had

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Sure smells like reddit here

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and here we see the braindead Yas Forums user in its natural habitat.

Last part shouldn't have had so much GMod-ish stuff
>Sunkist part
>Benry being huge
>Final boss fight
It wasn't bad, but it started feeling less Half-Life near the end.

this series needed other characters and it probably would've been a lot better

I'm surprised they didn't keep Darnold. It's weird that him and that military guy showed up and left without having any other scenes.

You'd know, huh? Go back.

this is pretty cringe

Sooo here I am asking the question everyone has on their mind; what does Dr. Coomer look like in real life. I know I'll be kinda dissapointed but I need to know !