Who is the objective best girl for dude Robin?
Who is the objective best girl for dude Robin?
Female Robin
Weird how she insists on calling you Chrom.
Ricken!Noire gives you the best magic Morgan in the game
And based
>Babe, for the last time, my name is not Chrom.
Except having a hot body, what does Tharja has?
Exalted taste
Shame about the Chrom obsession.
Rare exquisite taste
Also excellent taste.
Plebius maximus
Near fanatical loyalty
Probably one of the pegs. I like to lock down Sumia early just so Chrom doesn't accidentally hook up with her.
I know this isnt three houses thread but how many hours left do I have until i beat the game? Im on the mission with skull knight chapter 20 blue lions. Getting so burned out at this point just want it to be done.
Nothing, unlike her daughter who's cute and hot at the same time.
There are 22 chapters in Azure Moon.
Olivia, being the cutest girl, is the answer.
A lot of loyalty
Just skip weeks, by that point you should have every character basically finished and you'll stream roll the last two chapters.
Yea i think i might the weeks are realy whats taking it out of me.
Try unhealthy obsession. She also experiments on her daughter and presumed husband.