*is still the best game in the series*

*is still the best game in the series*

Attached: FF9.jpg (800x450, 85.05K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>IX remake happens
>Vivi lives
how fucking pissed would you be?

>no Tifa
Immediately disqualified

>best game in the series

Attached: 54745745.gif (296x222, 662.03K)

best game period

The story is a mess, combat sucks, characters suck, Trance sucks, bloated roster of useless characters, secrets require you to speedrun the entire game, and literally nothing happens in the end.
Waste of time.

lot of ff9 threads lately. spammer?

everything you said is wrong

Too slow

Keep your coomer cancer in another thread, thanks.

i think it's pretty funny how it's still the highest rated ff game on metacritic

I think it's just right
You have ADHD

>The story is a mess
It's the most thematically tight FF game.

>combat sucks

>Characters suck
Zidane kind of but gets better, Amarant is nothing. Steiner and Vivi are brilliant, as are many of the NPCs.

>Trance sucks

>bloated roster of useless characters
Stories have characters

>secrets require you to speedrun the entire game
Only one, for autists.

>and literally nothing happens in the end.
The party confronts mortality, the main theme of the game.

>Waste of time.
All games are

this is the 5th FF9 thread i've seen in the past 2 days

So what?

>Zidane kind of but gets better
why does everyone hate zidane? I thought he was pretty cool. It was very refeshing having a light hearted protagonist in such a long time, especially when the past 2 games had complete emo faggots crying the whole game. Zidane fit perfectly with 9's fairytale world. And his arc is great too.

it's suspicious

I could never get into it as a kid, I hated the art style and pace of the game. I remember I’d always get to that ice cavern and just give up. Tempted to try it again as it’s the only one from FF6 - 10 that I haven’t beat.


>especially when the past 2 games had complete emo faggots crying the whole game
Squall wasn't an emo faggot. He was a normal guy while everyone around him was a moron

just out of curiosity, is 7 your favorite? did you grow up watching old disney cartoons?


Attached: 1587215589046.jpg (584x410, 71.9K)

Cloud was insecure and goofy. The characters call him out on his try hard nature. Squall is surrounded by twats.

8 wasn't THAT bad


Swap VIII and X and we've got a list

i never got that impression. he just seemed like a quiet faggot who only spoke to tifa and aeris.

I don't get the people who say that the old battle system sucks. I still like it but i am also not an action guy. I like it slow and tactical.

same. i loved ATB.

>10 that high

>emo faggot

Very, but at least I would have to wait until the actual end to get mad.
Now if they had Queen Brahne live, then they could go fuck themselves to hell and back

I still love it. Lot of games out there with a cool old fashion FF battle system. Just thinking about my backlog with all the old games who also have a good old FF battle system. It is not like it is gone, i think it is more the shift in the opinion of the majority who is clearly influenced by shills so big studios can make easier games with no deepth what so ever.

>enter command
>go to bed
>wake up next morning
>character performs action
>enter next command

Swap 8 and 12 and we can start talking.

checking if i finally got banned

>Game ends 2 discs in, then continues for no reason for another 2 discs.
>Half the cast have no character arc.
>18 second load time for random battles.

12 is amazing my dude

based and 12pilled

>every PSX final fantasy ever

*is still the lowest selling mainline entry in the series*

Anyone try out Alternate Fantasy IX? I'm running it with Moguri and it seems cool.

*is still the highest rated FF game of all time on metacritic*

>released on a dead platform
>different setting than the 2 past games which meant 7sperms got filtered a priori (thankfully)

>7fags get concerts, sidequels, ova, cgi film, remake
>9fags get metacritic trivia

I've thought about an appropriate spot to end "part 1" of a FF9 remake. Change the flow of the storytelling around and have it end with Zidane & co. getting beaten by Beatrix and, simultaneously, Dagger, Steiner and Marcus getting captured upon returning to Alexandria. It'd be kino.

Not even close

FFIX is really fucking good and probably the best of the Crystal Era games but I prefer the new style that blends fantasy and reality more.

It absolutely deserves a Remake

am i supposed to be mad i didnt get nomura fanfic cringe movies? im thankful.
and 9 did get concerts, as well as new albums re-orchestrated and produced by nobuo uematsu.

Isn't that where the game changes discs also?

Why couldn't they just find an alternate energy source for Vivi? Surely they could have thought up of something.

nobody cares about 9 nerd
this board is 7Rchad clay

>le diffrent setting excuse

7 Remake couldn't get through Midgar. You want Alexandria, both slow and spectacle parts, the forest, some world map parts, cave shit, Dale, and Lindblum, the sewer place with the cunt snake boss, and going to the rat city all in ONE game.

I've been playing this and I'm sort of conflicted about it. On one hand it's amazingly smooth and well paced, constantly switching up your party or moving on to the next boss, area or plot event before you get bored. On the other hand, it's really obvious that without that the core gameplay wouldn't hold up for two hours. Both combat and character building are paper thin. I guess a lot of JRPGs are like that, but it's not great.