Why are Gamers so fragile when it comes to representation of women and non-white people?

Why are Gamers so fragile when it comes to representation of women and non-white people?

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well women and minorities shouldn't be represented at all

Fucking based

because i am not a woman nor am i a non-white


no we just dont want ugly women and minorities. Devs love to brag about representation in their games but all their black characters look like racist caricatures. Just let the japs handle it, atleast they look good

you’re clearly too dumb to even answer a “Why” question, must be all the wasted semen clogging your brain.

Get outta here you fucking commie

i don't fucking inhale my cum back into me retard

I just really hate black people and women

It's more like I just don't give a fuck.

you need a beating

Because diversity in video games was proven to be purely for jew reasons when people didn't like black people being in Africa with Resident Evil 5 ten fucking years ago.

why would you want either of those in vidya

>must be all the wasted semen clogging your brain

Let's unpack this...

stop speaking like it’s the case, idiot incel.

Ha ha idiot

I don't get it. What's racist about spearchuckers?

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Some because they're retards. Others because the way women and minorities are represented in games is retarded 90% of the time.
Is it too hard to understand this?

The funny thing is that no that's not ehay communism is about but radlibs lile you think communism is epin so they get tarred with your faggot brush

i mean there's nothing wrong about putting non-white women in games but they should be beautiful, not abomination like in fallen order

>they should be beautiful

because men like beautiful women?
are you retarded, gay or tranny?

It's funny how these faggots say shit like this and then identity as a communist when you ask them. Zero fucking self-awarness.

Why should devs care about your babydick? They're making games not porno.

What does this even mean?

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who said they have to be nude or in skimpy clothes?
I just want attractive women, nothing more

Because things, in general, should be beautiful if possible. This goes for art in general.
>but I think it's important to have art that makes the viewer unhappy or uncomfortable for no reason
Well, user, that's because you're a fucking subversive kike or a retard who fell for a literal CIA gayop, and you belong in a gulag.

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The problem has everything to do with the people putting them in the games in the first place, not the women and people of darkitude.

The go watch porn you fucking simp.

CUNTS and NIGGERS you mean

>yea let's make women ugly for no reason

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Hello, based department?

the word simp lost all its meaning...

No surprise there, now it's like incel and toxic.


shut the fuck up