Left: soul

Left: soul
Right: soulless

Attached: DUMxtJrUMAA_8Cf[1].jpg (1200x554, 90.35K)

>if it's new it has no soul

why do niggers put the word soul on everything they like?

right is better

And yet both look bad.

Left : video game
right : Pixar movie


People are still unironically doing this?

no theres plenty of new games with soul but a remake is objectivity soulless since it just repackaging of someone elses vision

These sorts of demakes are worse than the FF7R type, because people will play this and think they've actually played Shadow of the Colossus, and not some deviantart tier knockoff.

somebody post the webms to redpill these zoomer faggots

Left: i will revive you.
Right: tfw no gf ;_;

Shadow of the Colossus is the worst PS2 game I have ever played by far. Oooh it's "art"? I got the fucking point 10 minutes in, and then it's 6 more hours of absolute dog shit. 10 FPS, worst camera in any 3d game, terribly bland and boring overlord, and 90% of the game is just waiting. HOW do people defend it? ICO is so much better it's not even funny

>Low poly count models good
>High resolution textures bad

When can we start killing people with autism?

If you're "on the spectrum", I'm coming for you. I'll make what you received in high school seem like a walk in the park.

Is the gameplay in the remake good though? I got it free through PS plus but haven’t started it yet. I never played the original or PS3 port so I have no frame of reference.

fucking BASED. Ico shits all over this trash, way more fun

name one

Ico is garbage

It's the best version of the game. The PS2 version was a technical marvel, but the controls were jank as fuck.

i watched or read something at some point that laid out in excrutiating detail how the remaster completely ruins the game.

its the lion king situation
this realism meme needs to end

Attached: lion-king-live-action-animation-comparison-fb.png (1200x630, 620.78K)

right looks terrible

>NOOOO I want my anime trannies and Sasukes!

Attached: 7r.jpg (600x800, 168.49K)

>completely change his face into a porcelain raggedy ann
No, it just looks like shit. That demake fucked up a lot more than that too.

>left is actually looking at something
>right is a dead cumdoll

Attached: 1261185988929.jpg (848x480, 32.02K)

You should realize that this is a much-needed backlash against a twisted, consumerist society that scoffs at art and worships the new because pretty graphics.


>shadow of the colossus remake
Have you even tried playing it? the remake i mean. It's easily one of the most beautiful games I've ever played. Even places that the player has absolutely no reason to explore exhibit an impressive amount of detail and care put into them. I consider a soulless game one that cuts corners whenever possible and it's obviously an attemp to make a quick buck, usually glitchy as fuck too and they make stupid changes for the worse. In this remake they remade absolutely every area with autistic regard while keeping the gameplay and story the same. They even added an easter egg that references an old as fuck secret searching thread that was ultimately fruitless in the og. In the remake they made it actually real and allude to it in the credits.
So the expressions of wander look different at times and they added more detail to his face. Is it really that demoting?

>ICO is so much better
This would've been good bait if that last line didn't immediately give it away.

you have shit taste if you're not just shilling

Attached: Particles.webm (1176x338, 2.88M)

none of that matters when they reduced the fog, added retarded spinning eyes and removed animations and particle effects.

what's the deal with this vid?

soul / soulless

Attached: 5 1.webm (1552x380, 2.76M)

to prove you are retarded and blind

Im the guy he's responding to. I think he references the fact that in the og the collossus causes a bigger sand cloud which is actually fair and makes more sense.

>fake gamer girl
>playing a remake of an old good game
>not good at it
>probably pretending she played the original game

like clockwork, everything match.
when this kind of people will end?

It's insane how good the PS2 was with particle effects, nothing even came close.

The remake is technically stunning, I’ve never felt so immersed in a world and get such a realistic sense of scale in a open word. Which is crazy considering the world is empty. In conclusion, stay mad.

why did they tone down the fog, fucking why? fucking hacks

Im sorry but I don't understand how having worse visibility because of deep fog is an improvement. The cutscene is actually exactly the same. Compared to remakes like twin snakes i consider this quite failthful.

These remakes (technically it's probably a remaster since it's build on the original code but whatever) should always include the original game with them. That way you preserve the original by having it work on a newer system so the player can choose which version they prefer.
That said it feels nice playing SotC in 60fps.

t. soulless poster

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