Animal Crossing

Other threads are just bashing features. Post dodos. I have a spare golden armor diy anyone have anything worth trading?

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r8 villagers

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I have patty too. Love her personality

What are the most common flowers?

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Cosmos unfortunately...which is my native flower

How can you tell the difference betwen red roses and the ones made by orange and white?
She's so d*rn precious.

I'm so out of touch I thought everyone had Mums and they were shit flowers. Had no idea it worked like the fruits.

>how can you tell the difference betwen red roses
By remembering where you got the red one from. That's the only way

Mums are the worst flower. Pansies and lilies are master race

>mums worst
That's not hyacinths

My island has lilies and hyacinths, natively and in store, and they're all I've seen in other islands too for some reason.

Almost nobody I know has Cosmos, though that's purely anecdotal. The most common flowers right now are objectively tulips, pansies, windflowers, and hyacinths because of how flower availability works. Every flower type has a certain span of months it's associated with. Your shop sells three flower types: one type randomly selected from those available during your birth month, which will not change after first being chosen. For me this is mums because I was born in August. One type randomly selected from those available during the month your island was created, and one type randomly selected from those available during the current month. The four I listed earlier are the only four associated with March and April, so they're very widely available.

I'd rather have hyacinths than something that looks like dandelion weeds

Is the crafting user's island still open?

Pretty good group. I don't know about Prince. He seems like the weakest frog to me. The only villager in my town that I'm not big on is Rocket. I feel like any other Uchi villager would have been better. I kind of like having all of these monkeys/apes in my town though. Anyone who doesn't like Peewee or Nana has poor taste.

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I thought Nook's was supposed to upgrade on the 28th day. I started 31 days ago. Is there another condition that I'm missing?

I've planted like a million flowers and Isabelle still thinks the island needs more

bandaid chads rise up

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red roses + red roses also create pink
I have native roses and only breed the red ones. I get both pink and black roses out of them

>spend/sell 200,000 bells
>wait 30 days
>Mable visits at least once
That's it. Most people should have their nook upgrades by tomorrow.

>tfw got a blue rose today
>didn't even do it optimally

feels good

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>talking shit about the chadacinth

>he leaves with minus

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My island sells tulips pansies and Hyacinth


Ok, Do you mean Label? Mable set up shop weeks ago.

>After 30 days have elapsed, buying and selling roughly 200,000 Bells combined and Mabel visits the island at least once, Nook's Cranny will expand into a larger general store. Unlike previous games, the store retains the name Nook's Cranny and this is the only upgrade for the store. This expanded store is bigger in both size and selection, with more items being available per day. The store also sells better tools.
Maybe your upgrade will be tomorrow?

Post your most based villager

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You posted him. If I could import a second Elvis onto my island, I'd do it.

Based, thanks dude.

Is today the last day to get aries fragments? or is that not how it works?

Eternal Stonks

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bros i hope vegetables really happen

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>buy 300k worth of turnips for 95 bells each last Sunday
>all week turnip prices were shit
>Think today is the last day to check prices
>Turnips are rotten

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I was born in August (August 31st) and my store never sells mums.

Red+red only produces pink 25% of the time. Red+white produces pink 50% of the time.

Not sure, but I'll be hosting a meteor shower later tonight if you want to try for some.

What a fucking retard

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This sounds like complete bullshit, pretty sure your native flower is completely random


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Because there are three flowers associated with august, mums, cosmos, and lilies. Once it decides which of those is your birth month flower, it never rotates to the others. The only one that rotates is the "current month" flower, but that is only ever available to you through seeds at nook's cranny.

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Anyone have cosmos or white lillies/mums for sale in their store?

yall niggas gay for playing a childrens game lol. me and my 5 homies just had an orgy and now we're playing fortnite.

How long does it take to get a villager to move out? I've been ignoring one for 2 weeks now and I never see a thought bubble on them

That's nice of you user, I already got some extras so I'll let another user try their luck, have fun tonight

So what's the absolute lowest and highest price on buying turnips? All I see from google are averages

No shit you never see it, you're ignoring them

Everything not roses.

Lowest buy price is 90, highest buy price is 1337

Ah, I see.
Maybe that's why my native flower is cosmos.

It doesn't matter

where the hell is the earth day update?

Bitch you have no taste

You're an idiot.

So your native flower is based on your birth month?

Like how your turnips did?

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Maybe next time then.

how do amiibo villagers work? i currently have 9 villagers and i want to invite flurry though amiibo card

do i have to have an open plot for her to move in or does 1 of my 9 villagers move out for her?

I don't want to buy a 10th plot yet because i'm saving that for Zucker when he moves out of my friend's town

>crying over 300k

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>forgot the pic

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When are you opening up?

i wish I had friends

Does anyone have a Lion Stone recipe? And an Imperial fence recipe? I can trade with you whatever you like.


I think they start falling around 7, so maybe in about 3 hours possibly 2. I'll be leaving it open for a long while.

I give you my villagers and island layout. Nate and Amelia I am most open to switch out if the opportunity arrives

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>most common flower on my island is lily
>nook sells lilies, pansies and hyacinths
>birth month is june
Are you sure it isn't just random?

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Neat, guess that's why roses are my native. Hyacinths and windflowers are my common secondaries, though.

Reminder if you use shit like you are no better than a time traveler

nobody cares virgin

>There are people who are genuinely eating turnips
Only on Discord ladies and gentlemen.

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Nice town layout.

It could also pull from adjacent months, I was born in May and got roses for native and hyacinths and windflowers for seeds (though tulips sometimes replace windflowers).

Where my time traveling niggas at. Will tip 100k for anything 400+

If what they say is true then I don't blame them. I might even consider it in the future.

You're told so many times that they don't buy turnips on Sunday. 300k is chump change anyway.