Game has less than 60 hrs

>Game has less than 60 hrs

Other urls found in this thread:


there are hotter mexican escorts, why bother with a video game streamer?

Attached: 1586328794482.jpg (560x560, 342.96K)


>user has less than 60 iq


>Game deceives you

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Attached: sp.jpg (249x202, 4.88K)

why do zoomers obsess over this fake as shit plastic barbie whore?

Surprisingly not even that bad, you should expect every woman to be ugly as all fuck and complete liars without makeup.

*dabs on you*

Attached: 1563530239_preview_X 1 Killer ID.png (508x537, 108.31K)

Post that picture of her without photoshop and makeup

Attached: shadwars.jpg (563x843, 229.43K)

>someone paid him $1000 to make all this

reminder that women use rouge to blush their cheeks because people's cheeks flush when they're attracted to somebody, so using the makeup makes men subconsciously like them more and be nicer to them. aka they're whores.

Attached: 12384324213.png (782x721, 412.65K)

I'd still simp that

based obra dinn poster

Is this "no makeup" makeup?

imagine unironically being a berniefag after he scammed you twice

have fun

Attached: 1585156559379.jpg (1024x766, 75.94K)


>50 of those hours are meaningless filler

I would fuck neeko raw

lad, theres more to this than makeup

Attached: 1585623231071.png (904x543, 964.34K)

>western asanagi

Attached: 1587151782705.gif (200x270, 585.58K)

mogs me

dios mio

Blush and bronzer look like shit most of the time anyways.

Attached: 1531432826111.webm (854x480, 2.73M)

>game is 10 hours of actual content and 50 hours of padding because retards like OP

based shad

>okie boomer girl is a boomer

I still don't see it.

What do fake tits feel like?

>man of shade

Attached: shademan met.jpg (700x902, 131.57K)

>Game has NIGGERS in it

Attached: 1581993457011.webm (440x332, 2.96M)

salty milk and coins

Yeah, you can tell there's still makeup applied. Soft layer on the face, eyelashes, etc.

her fake blush looks like a disease the fuck

>directly linking to Shad's website
wew nigger, what do you think you're doing?

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>virgins fooled by a 30 year old wrinkly saggy faced mexican whore who lathers her face in makeup and edits her photos

Every fucking time

Fucking BASED shadposter

it's called herpes

it's called a salty milk and coins line.....I'll show you later


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The fact that you said specifically 60 makes me know you're a casual.

Games with that kinda play time are almost invariably stuffed with shitty filler garbage. Casual movie games for little baby.

10-20 hour games that are well-designed and lack filler are amazing.

Arcade games that you can beat in 5 hours or even 20 minutes are amazing. These games people can play for hundreds, or even thosuands of hours.

You enjoy your Red Dead, Dragon's Dogma, Assassin's Creed, and other baby tier games for fags.

>la goblina de la caravana

Why does the hit or miss girl drawn as a man?

Are you implying that isn't my exact kink or something?

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women over 25 are the most disgusting creatures on the planet


people still think she's a trap

>the gentleman commonly known as shad

Attached: mama luigi.gif (340x436, 1.24M)

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Attached: shadman.gif (498x471, 3.71M)

>t. fat hombre

Seamless game worlds like Arkham Asylum are so much better than empty open worlds.

Salty milk and coins

>tfw you unironically like shadman
I'll be saving this for later

Is this the incel thread?

*trap cocksleeve

Wish I could like Obra Dinn, the transitional wipes, and their length killed it for me. Particularly how long it takes for them to start with there being two minutes of dead air before you can exit the given memory.

It's because the >shadman meme is completely misunderstood by normalfags. They think people posted >shadman because they don't like the content instead of his art being subpar(better now than 4 years ago), so people call asanagi jap shadman and vice versa because people also don't like asanagi's content, however his art is fundamentally sound, only stylized.

but left one is cuter than right

How much did this cost and will it become more common because it should.

>being ugly is good for you
>proceeds to remove said ugliness ASAP

I thought it was because he drew porn of his own fucking mother, keemstar's daughter and numerous other underaged individuals while being a genuinely exceptional individual


looks like a turd golem

I'm pretty confident >shadman has existed before he even did most if not all of those. People have used crops of his porn for ages because his art style was generally unappealing to most people. It still kinda is, but he has improved a bit over the years.

The meme was about the shitty art and how often his comics would get spammed here, which still happens when there’s a new one out

This site is 99% edgy shit, that’s definitely not the problem people have with Shadman on here