>mfw there are really people who think that the seventh console generation was better than what we have now
Mfw there are really people who think that the seventh console generation was better than what we have now
Other urls found in this thread:
>I bought a PS3 and 3shitty last gen and had a reasonable time
>I bought a PS4 and Switch and have sold both within a month of owning this gen
definitively worth
god i wish that were me
It's comical how Aomushi's GuP stuff is somehow more degenerate than Sakusyaaya's
Selling your consoles because you ran out of money has nothing to do with the quality of the libraries. There is not even enough time in a month to get through all the games worth playing from this generation.
Me on the left
Does Aomushi hate Yukari?
why would he? she is precious
Both the PS4 and the PS3 took their sweet time getting good games. For the PS3 it wasn't until at least 2010 with GoW3 and Demon's Souls, and the PS4 it was probably 2016.
Last games in my PS3 backlog really are McGee's Alice and Armored Core 4Answer. Then it can go back to collecting dust. Or get hacked. At this point I'm kind of indifferent. And ALL of that shit can wait til I beat Doom Eternal. Finally have a fucking day off.
Why there are so much fanart of Miho being sadistic?
Is it really a surprise when this board is just full of autists who can't cope with change and excessively cling onto the past in spite of all reason
I mean we literally just had a 400 post thread about a huge NTR discussion
because they are degenerates
I see, thanks.
np user
Console war bullshiy is the stupidest fucking thing ever and it still pisses me off. Just play games and fuck off why is it a competition? Who are you bragging to? EVERYONES ANONYMOUS AND NO GIVES A FUCK.
>than what we have now
New Dream Tank Match with characters from spinoff material when?
post more bully
never because the company stopped active development
It was more about the period in life than the consoles for me.
Sorry user, at least the multiplayer is still kicking
after the pc version
Eye bullying is hot
I wish I had a beautiful and well-mannered daughter like Saori.
post more ryona
For Xbox it's faaaar worse this gen. For Nintendo it's a lot better and for Playstation it's about even quality with last gen.
What makes you think that?
>Sony is about even quality
>Literally became a far left movie company thanks to california and american influence
how does this autistic show have so many top tier waifus jesus christ
posting something this lewd without providing souce should result in an autoban
You have the artist's name and two characters, you should be able to solve this.
Isn't lemon good for eyes though?