ITT: Vidya tropes you hate

>grind for endgame gear
>takes forever to obtain
>only marginally better stats/durability than pre-endgame gear, and takes disproportionately more effort to obtain

and the cherry on top
>looks worse than pre-endgame gear

Attached: netherite.png (516x486, 16.25K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>devs create system where millions of possibilities exist for class building and different strategies
>Theirs like 2-3 really good builds that make this entire system obsolete.
>Devs never buff the rest of the stuff and just leave it as is.

>>takes forever to obtain
Netherite isn't particularly hard to get, just kinda dangerous with all the new mobs and shit

does not take for ever to get just build a tnt duper and put some obsidian down for it to bounce off of you can get like half a stack in an hour

>Lmao just cheat
Good one retard.

>not hard to obtain
it's a pointless slog to get the scrap in an already dangerous area unless you build an autism machine, and thats not even what i really care about. if it had insane durability or a neat gimmick or something it would worth the slog, but right now it's definitely not worth

>b..but it floats on lava

yeah, but if you die in lava you lose your shulker boxes, elytra, etc. and good luck getting back to the exact spot in the lava where you died to retrieve your shitty armor

>low level gear looks believable and cool
>high level gear looks like ridiculous, gaudy, plastic power ranger bullshit

Attached: glass_armor.jpg (491x892, 161.77K)

The issue with this is if everything had equal power, there would be no point in the class system in the first place.
You either are shit out of luck or gravitate towards the community/dev meta which both also negate the class system.
It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation which is why something like Path of Exile is so shit.

at least it’s better than oblivion’s glass armor, good lord

I really liked the glass armor in Morrowind, although maybe it was the already more alien setting helping it to seem less silly.

>The player has to choose between looking good and having good stats

Almost every single RPG.

Netherite chads report in
Let D**m*ndtes seethe

Attached: the_berserker_armor_by_vizardgirl_db2t8xm-fullview.jpg (600x869, 105.6K)

>looks worse than pre-endgame gear

pic unrelated, i guess?

Imagine not playing minecraft on hard

>"You can do ANYTHING"
>you can do anything but the game ends the same way
countless hours wasted on a shitty way to end the game

Attached: 1488715524088.gif (200x170, 2.9M)

>posts fanart
now post the actual ingame netherite, aka boring black stone armor
>diamond gear
>iconic, eye-catching blue
>other players fear and respect you on sight

>netherite gear
>shitty black, almost indistinguishable from stone
>uhh.. is that stone?

but despite all that, it doesn't take forever to obtain, and the effort required is not disproportionate to the slight upgrade in stats that it gives.
plus, jet black armor looks cool

>aka boring black stone armor
Everything in Minecraft looks boring
Next you're going to tell me how light blue armor looks "exciting"

It looks good, d**m*nd looks like a kid's toy, literally zoomer tier
Netherite looks like some dwarven tier shit, a mechanical armor designed to fuck shit up and kick ass
Only literal children/zoomers and nostalgiagoggle users think diamond looks good

Get the fuck out with that umgak shit, netherite gang

Attached: tPRMfzTUDKmn4f5hHqTwvX.png (1920x1137, 646.07K)

>>diamond gear
>>iconic, eye-catching blue
>>other players fear and respect you on sight

Attached: 7165KYKDuLL._AC_SY879_.jpg (358x879, 33.29K)

>strawmanning with a fucking children's cosplay
i have nothing more to say to you

and a buzzword buzzword to you too faggot

You are confusing your mental association of "bright teal armor = powerful" with it being an inherent truth

>children's cosplay
Beacuse only literal children think its cool
Diamond armor looks dumb as shit and the only reason it sees any use its because its the end of the tierlist for gear (as of now)

Attached: 20200419_151337.jpg (234x211, 47.02K)

Keep seething diamondlet

Attached: Manga_E224_Berserker_Armor.png (1044x1600, 985.03K)

Are you retarded or just baiting?

Pic unrelated

Never played minecraft before, whats the best way to start a new game?
I got lost and died

Wander around for resources
When you have enough make a house
Try to dont wander far from your house
Make torches and mark your way inside caves to avoid getting lost

>get 16 wood
>turn into 64 planks
>turn 16 of those into sticks and 4 into crafting table
>make wood pickaxe
>mine 11 cobble
>make cobble pickaxe and furnace
>dig straight down and look for cave system
>if you die during this step, restart
>get some coal and iron
>smelt iron and make torches
>make iron pickaxe
>dig straight down again
>if you die during this step, restart
>once at y=11, dig forward in straight line until you get diamonds
>make diamond pickaxe
>continue doing this until you get bored or have full diamond gear
>emerge from the underground as a demigod

Cant wait to chop up creepers and skeletons by the dozen and make zombies and spiders into mincemeat, genuinely hyped for 1.16

Attached: 489533-Berserk-berserk_armor-Guts-748x1084.jpg (748x1084, 289.27K)

I'll try, and why does it run like absolute dogshit? I got the java version and im on a 3800x and a RTX2060 and it runs at like 35fps

If you are near a mountain mine a hole inside of the side of it as a temp base while getting resources for a real base.

The place is unironically safer than the overworld, even moreso with the upcoming update, with only two actually dangerous biomes.

>pic related

literally how?
>has skeletons like the overworld
>new hoglins which attack indiscriminately
>new piglins which attack indiscriminately
>wither skeletons
>lava everywhere
>can't place water to negate fall damage

Attached: file.png (1948x370, 89.55K)

Just use a resource pack

minecraft is dogshit now

i don't care about the cosmetic stuff that much, the new gear just sucks