He plays borderlands 3 without mayhem 4 on

>he plays borderlands 3 without mayhem 4 on

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>he plays borderlands 3

>he plays borderlands 3

I just finished the main story yesterday and I can't believe how fucking bad it got by the end. I feel like everything after Eden 6 was pure garbage, especially the last 5 minutes. The only good part was the Troy fight.

>he plays borderlands 3

go back to resetera

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>they play any of the borderlands games
Get some fucking taste fags.



felt like rushed trash with le epic story telling after eden-6. also all the le powerful female characters was obnoxious

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Can't play what I don't own.
>Super excited for BL3 cause it's a guilty pleasure, going to be a day 1 buy
>See the EGS logo at some point in the previews
>Immediately lose all interest cause I'll buy it on any other PC platform besides Epic
>Gets cracked
>Honestly don't even want it anymore, just gonna work on my backlog
>Comes to Steam
>Only half off
>Literally don't want it unless I can get it for $15 or less
>So just still working on other games

I like Tannis but there's no fucking reason she should be a siren, and they don't even bother explaining how she got Angel's powers, as far as I know. Ava is Ava, and Lilith sat on Sanctuary being fucking useless for the entire game, only to get her powers back and in 30 seconds sacrifice herself for some reason, while Ava gives the most cliche "she's a real hero" speech ever, breathy voice and all, then we get THIS GIRL IS ON FIRE and we're supposed to take it seriously. And fucking Ava is leader of the Crimson Raiders now. Not Tannis, or any of the other older members of the CR. Fucking Ava. The last part of the story felt like they completely gave up.



Have sex, please.

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Isn't she some kinda space mexican though? I mean, she's Typhon de Leon's kid, plus there's the whole part where she goes "ay pero" when Troy phaselocked the moon.

There's zero reason to play mayhem beyond 3 until the revamped system comes out.

She's a jew/siren hybrid.

is it like 2 but with more guns and better skill customization? i couldn't care less about the story and whatnot.

when is the final DLC so that i can pirate it all at once?

Borderlands 3 suck real talk.
Borderlands 2 is better and I prefer the second over the third even with 3’s improvements to gameplay

>telling people to have sex on a website specifically for virgin NEETs

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>De Leon

2 is irredeemable hot garbage and excluding story, 3 is objectively better.
3's story is so bad, it actually docks the game 2 or 3 points out of 10, honestly, but besides that, the game is great.

welcome to /vb/ 2.0

Have you not played the game? The entire joke is he's a fat jew midget.

maybe I'm just not Yas Forums enough to see jews everywhere I go.

nah, if there was even a shred of Yas Forums on this board, retards who didn't fit in would be permabanned immediately. Pic related.

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>he plays borderlands 3

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Bruh. He talks like a jew and straight up says yiddish shit. You haven't played the game.

>muh secret club
This place is for everyone, its just another popular social media website like reddit,facebook or pornhub.

>he plays video games

go away retard

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Fictional characters do that. Spider-man literally says oy and oy vey in various situations through his decades of existence. Not once has he been a jew.

Mayhem 4 is retarded
>boost enemy health, shields and armor by 1000%
>still easily able to one-shot most enemies, if not bosses
it's the same shit as BL2 all over again only this time they have no excuse.

Imagine getting filtered by borderlands. A game series that consistently pumped out fun games with great gunplay and memorable characters. Imagine being that fucking dweeb.

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He is clearly a new york jew. You'd have to be fucking deaf to not see it.

>he plays borderlands

>fun games, great gunplay, memorable characters

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Let me guess Yas Forums hates borderlands because they dont adhere to their white nuclear family ideals?

>Imagine getting filtered by borderlands
>great gunplay
>memorable characters
go back

Noone can defend the characters after the dumpster fire that was 3.

boring as fuck gameplay
story is shit and full of reddit memes
thats all


ah, no argument, ok

Randy, "filtered" is meant to be used for when the game's content is too difficult to handle for people bad at videogames (the most recent example being the Marauder in Doom Eternal), not for when the game itself is repulsive in its gameplay, writing and setting

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He is based as fuck, i can see how Yas Forums would hate a Chad like him.

Where is your argument dude. Or are you seriously saying that 3 story was good?

I just got to chapter 7 or 8 and I one or two shot everything. It seems the only way to activate TVHM is to download a save file of someone that already beat Nomral mode.

Is it even worth it? I just stand in the open and fire my gun once to strip an enemy of their shield and put a dot on them that kills them. No need to cycle between Shock, Corrosive, or Fire since everything just dies.

>getting filtered by the word "filtered"

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No matter how bad Borderlands has gotten, just remember, it could be worse.

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>boring as fuck gameplay
No. Game is actually fun with lots of guns to play with and some cool boss fights.
>story is shit and full of reddit memes
Overall story is alright but with extra cringe dialogue in a lot of parts and a stupid ending. BL has always had reddit memes.

3's writing was legit somehow worse. the amount of times 3's player characters are straight up non-factors is baffling.

what gun are yuo using?
I got a shotgun named Lob that made the entire last half of the game trivial because it killed everything in one hit and could kill bosses with one mag or less.

>have to play the game 5+ times to get the hardest difficulty
sounds like a waste of time.

>he cant solo true takedown mode

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there's no difference between Normal and TVHM right now.

>opinion is utter garbage
>attaches fpsdoug despite not knowing who he is, just beause it's a pic with a funny face

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Whoever told you that is retarded.

Fuck Borderlands 3. The gameplay is repetitive and wears itself thin after a while. The characters are either extremes in all their traits, or are all the same person. No in-between.

why doesn't the pad in sanctuary always spawn?

No point in playing right now since mayhem 10 is releasing soon.
Also the game isn't hard, just play amara or zane and slap your dick against the keyboard.