How will Nomura improve it in the upcoming remake?

How will Nomura improve it in the upcoming remake?

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Chrono Trigger Final Cross: Final Fantasy VII
>Chrono and friends were the time ghosts all along.

After your first trip to see the future, you immediately fight lavos and win. The rest of the game is dedicated to fighting magus (an ancient evil who summoned lavos in the first place) in every time period. Its about five hours.

Magus will pounce on Crono in a homoerotic manner, for one.

>Remaking CT
Fuck you for even joking about this shit

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It'll be cut into episodes with each time period being its own episode and then they won't finish it

>brought rpgs to the next level
>no actual rpg mechanics

Magus has the Epoch and is behind everything in the game.
He pushed Marle into Crono, he wrote the code for Mother Brain in the future, he made Lucca's mother a permanent chair warmer.
When you find the dead man in Bangor Dome, you'll see him stabbed into the wall with a fuck huge scythe of an homoerotic material and everyone will say "Did Magus do this?".

Was he literally the first time jannie?

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>game where you roleplay as goku
>not rpg

user I'm sorry but this is reality, this is what big publishers do. The brand recognition associated with certain games is just too high.
I invite you to look at recent game releases, it's 90% reboots/remakes/remasters or sequels to a well established franchise franchise.
This is the price you pay for liking something popular, it will inevitably get raped by a greedy corporation.

I finally understand the remake plot now. Thank you based gamelord.

Could be cool if they do it like the secret of mana remake.


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What's that stage in the Spenglerian cycle where the ascent and the explosion of creativity is long over, but people are now too cynical to even understand where that creativity came from?

>party kills lavos. His body spits open to show jenova core. Jenova looks like sephiroth with two wings coming out of his legs that form a cross. After form is killed sephiroth becomes an angelic clock like shape with wings forming the base in the shape of a cross name is “chrono cross”. Party kills form performing “chrono break”.
>finally kills final form. Party enters lavos spore and gets flung off to alien planet.
Subtitles Chrono Break: Star Ocean flash across screen and planet hopping phantasy star esque game we have waited for for decades finally begins.

>remake CT
>let Nomura anywhere within 50 miles of it

Don't you even joke about that, you sick son of a bitch.

I don't know, I haven't bought a Square game for years now because they have very clearly gone full retard.

Everyone else is too old or stuck in mobage hell. They just need to let some young people make New Ips.

>Was he literally the first time jannie?
no the protagonists of FF1 are

This is all I'll except. There's no need to innovate on the plot, a modernized remake would be perfect with extra content that doesn't change the main story. Although knowing square they'd change the entire game

Never ceases to amaze me how jrpg fags know absolutely nothing about rpgs.

Listen, we're to blame. People born between 85 and 95 are entirely to blame for all these retarded remakes and reboots. Stop buying these turds and making MEME videos. Don't encourage us. We're a failed generation.
Please I beg you more remakes. Just shut up.

That would be nice.

Or maybe a real, genuine CT sequel, but getting that team together seems to be a once-in-a-lifetime fluke.

I mean, the guy the End of Time kinda is.

This just shows that they have no genuine ideas left.

I'd rather they port Chrono Cross or something.

>user I'm sorry but this is reality, this is what big publishers do
It's pretty much just capcom, square and Sony right now. Everyone else only does a remake every once in a while.

Did nomura even have anything to do with CT?


Gaspar is literally the opposite of a time janny because he wants them to change the future.

I just remembered that I have a copy of the DS version
Should I play that or emulate the SNES version?

Depends on which translation you prefer, really.


I believe he's actually a GamesMaster.

DS version is fine.


Already happened.

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It doesn't need one, at all it's still amazing to play I can't see them improving the combat

>to the next level
>so little influence not even its sequel followed the recipe
I hate how we reached a time of history where everything about my childhood and teenagehood is literally either GOD PERFECTION UPON US or "nazi shit it's 2020 now lol"

>Brought RPGS to the next level
I don't remember Chrono Trigger influencing or elevating the genre at all. It was just an alright game.

>stats, level gear, skills, atb, party build, actually having different endings, good or bad, up to even killing some of the team
>not RPG
nigga please.

Most of the hype was from the Dream Team devs. The top minds of Final Fantasy and Dragon Quest collaborating was a pretty big deal.

by removing time travel

Yeah, I get that, but they only manage to make a decent game. I can't remember a single aspect in any game after Chrono Trigger's release that you can trace back to this game being the innovator.

>no actual rpg mechanics
Name an rpg mechanic.

Naming your party members

Genuine question. Why is everything a remake or reboot these days? It's not just video games, movies are suffering from it to.
Spider man is rebooted every 3 years. They make remakes of films all the time. They make remakes of games all the time.
Is civilization honestly just out of good, original ideas?

By making Flea a real tranny

Brought JRPGs to the next level maybe

CT remake won't happen, at least not in the same way everyone's worried about.

Toriyama fucking hates Nomura - they've worked on a few projects together, and Toriyama can't stand him.
Tori also had it written into his contract that he gets first dibs on working on anything in the Chrono series - he declined Cross, but since Nomura's been eyeing trigger there's no fucking way Tori would decline to remake his baby if declining meant Nomura would get his hands on it.

This isn't to say a Tori helmed CT remake would be good - the fuckers batshit insane. But it wouldn't be Nomu-rized.

Remove time travel, insert KH characters.

Which most rpgs don't allow.

He will re-make it. Make it again. Make it in a new way. Get it.

>Boss, they're sticking an inanimate clone there to die in his place. Iis this against the rules?

disney extended copyright to over 100 years so it's killing all creativity.

things need to be on a renewable cycle or else it's destructive to everything.

>Toriyama fucking hates Nomura - they've worked on a few projects together, and Toriyama can't stand him.

Based Toriyama.

>This isn't to say a Tori helmed CT remake would be good - the fuckers batshit insane.

All he has to do is design some characters then leave.

Two reasons.
Newbies getting into the field have no original ideas so they reboot/remake.
Exploiting the popularity of a brand. FF7 is probably the best example given they split it up to sell separately.

creativity is bankrupt, nostalgia is profitable

Why do the characters look like a dragon ball ripoff?

It's easy money.

It's the same reason scripts are generally bought up by movie studios or adapted from other mediums, and rarely produced in house. It's already been made, so you don't have to invest any development into the creation of the rock, just the implementation.

More importantly though, it's safe money.

Titles carry a lot of weight - if a game sold 20 years ago, a remake with the same title is likely to sell just based on title alone.