This kills the PC gamer.
This kills the PC gamer
> mediocre VN + primitive grindfest jrpg
just in your dreams
>emulate it
good job pers*yna retards, truly killed me
>emulating a Vita game
o i am laffin
>emulate a PS-Vita game
>Being this retarded
>persona 4 never came out on the ps2
jesus christ just fucking kill yourselves, not even worth a single (You)
I prefer the original cut/Chie
>forced to hang out with retarded people
>weebs call this gameplay
Seems like your game.
P4 and P4G are different games.
m8 have you ever TRIED to emulate a vita game? Spend 5 minutes researching it and you'll find out y ur wrong
Each "enhanced" version of Persona games have been inherently (besides P3FES) So playing the PS2 Version emulated is way better than playing this shit
it also SLAUGHTERS the switchcucks
the only user with intelligence in this thread
This game kills 99% of the board since almost no one got a Vita or PS TV
>He doesn't know how to emulate vita games
just like every other persona game rerelease? 1 extra dungeon, 1 extra girl and new social link situations to self insert into?
Nah not really. P4G is still the definite version of P4
>Has Marie
>Stuck on a literal who handheld
>Snow trip was shit filler
>you can emulate base game for years now
>Snoys think that three additional hours of content are that much of a loss
Original, despite all it's shortcomings, was perfect the way it was.
Based and truth pilled Niggerske
Isn't it funny how the enhanced versions are "bad" except for the one that can be emulated?
Still the definite edition
>tfw i have this game and a psvita
>tfw i haven't touched it since i bought it
I don't know why am I like this...
I played the ps2 version so many times when I was in HS
It's funny that I have it on ps2 and ps3, and it's still better than dusting off my vita to play Golden.
imagine not buying a pstv when they were on sale for $20
Imagine buying a PSTV
imagine not having $20
Combat was rebalanced to make every character viable. Activities are expanded and have more depth. It is a straight improvement over the original before even taking added content into account.
Old Chie VA just doesn't sound right