I love the atmosphere and soundtrack of this game so much but god damn could it use some game play touch ups. It had so much potential to be the best game ever.
Good games that you wanted to be better
Why did I drop this game twice, both soon after defeating Medusa?
All the gameplay touch-ups are in Apocalypse
You probably got intimidated from the Tokyo world map.
same fuck these first person dungeon bullshit
I put this down for a few months and now I have absolutely no idea where to go next on the map. I know I'm at least 2/3 of the way throough
I just want to play Apocalypse but I feel like I have to finish this one first
You might be fucked if you can't remember what the last thing you did is. This game will not just tell you where to go.
All it needed was some real dungeons and a vitality stat.
A re-balanced STR stat too please.
Yes, that too. At least that's something 4A got right.
And bosses that didn't die in 2 hits
And new demons that didn't make my eyes bleed
The real problem is how broken subapps are. You can buy the party mp restoration app before even reaching Tokyo, turns the game into a joke.
I agree I really like this game but I swear it is impossible to know where to go or what to do once you get to Tokyo without looking up a guide and tediously following it just to find the next objective. That's the only reason I have put the game down both times I tried to finish it about half way through the game
The problem is the context of the game escapes people outside of Japan. To a Japanese person seeing locations like Ginza and Shinjuku is cool, to an outsider those names may as well be fantasy.
I like how DDS handled Mana walk. You had to invest a lot of money to get it for only 1 demon. More SMT games need the Atma system. I hope they use it for the Nocturne remake instead of the flawed Magatama method.
I hate SMT4 with a passion and the fact I got tricked into playing such a boring waste of my time fills me with dread every time I hear someone praise it. I have never felt this much contempt for a game before in my life.
I can't play 3ds games, i have a N3DS with the bigger screen and any 3ds game looks like trash on it because all it does is stretch the picture.
>there was absolutely no guide maps online when it came out
>people on forums advised to "just pull up Tokyo on google maps"
And not be in first person for battles, give us something to look at. A turn based game where the combat isn't visually appealing is barely a game at all.
Also make the characters more like characters and less extremely obvious targets for your routes.
And give the demons some individuality, they're just skill lists as it is, each one is interchangeable and samey and since all you have is a portrait on the bottom screen to look at who even gives a shit about fusing?
>dropped the game after spending hours on a bugged sidequest
>Something happens in the plot.
>Character: ok let's leave.
>Have absolutely no fucking direction, don't get told where to go. Look up a guide. "Ok now go to ___"
>Have to fucking find where ___ is.
>Takes me 2 hours of constant running around into dead ends while plagued with back to back tO BACK TO BACK RANDOM ENCOUNTERS.
IV with apocalypse's gameplay QoL changes would be great tbqh. I can't recall how many times I had to walk around the map in and out just to find out where should I go
Did apocalypse fix 4's abhorrent fucking random encounters?
>random encounter
Please play the game.
It's still the same tho I think
They made it so the enemies can't phase through walls to get to you. You barely get attacked on the overworld now.
not him
but weren't there random encounters? I swear there were.
I kept getting the reactor ending because my choice is too neutral
Fyck this shit
I literally finished the chaos route recently you fucking faggot. You can NOT avoid encounters on the map, play the fucking game yourself.
What about enemies spawning directly underneath you?
Yeah, the fights weren't very complex, but I found the world so immersive that I couldn't put the game down.
It's really the only game in all of SMT that actually delivers on the series' themes.
>SMT4 has amazing premise, presentation (minus graphics), music, and concept
>Scenario building is all over the place and balance isnt there, half the shit is fucking DLC.
>Apocalypse fixes a ton, adds a ton of content and dungeons
>ends up fucking up base SMT4 plot, has terrible writing for the most part, awful side kicks,fuck ton of reused dungeons and assets
Man, they could have just bolstered base 4 more and went all the way, or made an expansion of sorts. Apocalypse is messy as fuck, but mechanically sound.
>t. filtered by minotaur
No more bullshit. More often than not you have to physically run into them yourself.
No, there wasn't.
They're not random, you still see the enemy on the overworld retard.
I don't think it's possible for there to be a perfect megaten game. As good as some of them are they all have glaring flaws.
I just want another SMT game that isn't first person, and I want the main character to have unique skills only they can get.
I beat the game, minotaur was easy and directly after him the game became "spam almighty/element spells repeatedly to win" because you never run out of MP and physical attacks are a shit waste of time and skill slots.
I think SMT4 was honestly incredible. It just needs a fucking budget.
>It just needs a fucking budget.
That's what SMTV is for haha...ha...
Hold me, bros
Fucking RIP. The only reason I have my Switch and I know its going to disappoint. Just a strong feeling it will fall short or come out late.as fuck.
Brb gonna just play Strange Journey.
You try to navigate tokyo.
>They're not random, you still see the enemy on the overworld retard.
You posted a picture of a dungeon you FUCKING IDIOT
>his defense is pretending the game is hard