>Your /vg/ general is dead
Your /vg/ general is dead
Other urls found in this thread:
>your favorite game is dead
>your favorite person stopped coming online
All very bad feels.
>you are dead
>/vg/ general is alive but nobody talks about the game, just threads-long autistic discussions with the occasional semenskulling, and nobody even seems to actually play the game
Years ago I used to run a game giveaway thing on 8ch where people had to guess where audio clips came from and got to choose a steam key off a list. Yas Forums on here is too fast for it, would /vg/ let me run it there? I have like 300 keys left over and nowhere to get rid of them, cant really be bothered dealing with people ebegging and lowballing when buying them.
I miss you, /fhg/.
No, /vg/ is that wrong place for that
Try /bant/ maybe
>your /vg/ general isn't dead but you wish it is
/vg/ deserves the rope
>t. Katawa Shoujo /vg/ poster
>you are dead
Your heart stopped and your brain is cooooold
Try Endchan
It's for the best user, your general either dies comfy, or lives long enough to have it's own discord server.
>Your /vg/ general is dead
what's her name,Yas Forums?
>Enjoy a dumb F2P game
>Schizophrenic autist loses his mind and ruins the general until no one makes threads anymore
>He's kept this up for more than a year now
Better dead than infested by Yas Forumseddit.
For me, it's /nepgen/
>tfw your favourite /vg/ general died due to discord and other generals invading it
had this exact feel for Mordhau. Old chiv vet, rank 50+, and I had been following Mordhau's progress since it was called Project Slasher back in the day. Waited on buying it until it went on sale, but the general was long gone by the time that came. Sucks, because the game has a lot of potential but is ruined by retarded niggerdevs that are worse than torn banner in some ways
/wtg/ reporting
Good. /vg/ generals that artificially continue when no more organic discussion can be had quickly turn into shitshows.
>tfw its still alive and kickin
Your favorite game dies before its even released
/wowsg/. it ultimately died due to lack of interest and inside clan drama with some pedo furry. it was merged briefly with /wotg/ but it died as well due to lack of interest.
>your general is still there
>its nothing but name/avatarfags circlejerking each other
> /fg/
/wotg/ and /wowsg/ but I don't blame them WarGaming is literally satan and both games are pure ass now. Looking forward to new BALANS Russian Cruiser)))) and undeadable no counterplay instant deletion subsurface citadel-seeking submarines.
Big RIP to /eagg/
>your general can't be made because it pissed off the mods to the point its permabanned from Yas Forums
serg dies tonight
*kpop whore*
>general dead
>game dead
>still enjoying the game with the few hundred people left playing it
They had fuckall to talk about, even when the fourth game came out.
>not a single racing game general outside of CTR
Battleborn didn't even get enough traction to have a real general.
Any time someone would try it would either have no one post or autistic blizzdrones would shit everything up.
FFXIV is frustrating as fuck
great game with amazing fights/music but holy shit if the community is the most garbage thing on the market.
>Healers can just afk and not touch a single dps spell in dungeons and not get banned
>On the other hand you can get banned for spamming spells in cities because you might trigger some neckbeard playing a naked modded catgirl afking in Limsa
where are my WoT bros at?
Reminder that bioware tried to shill Anthem on Yas Forums my making a general called AnthChads and it died in 3 days
>Your /vg/ is alive
>It's filled with faggots spamming the same thing each thread like groundhog day
>your general will never die thanks to gamers and waifufags
Picasso is dead
Steve Jobs is dead
Walt Disney is dead
I'm dead
>Your /vg/ general is still alive
>In order to be so it has accelerated into a fucking mess
>check for /gerg/
>it doesn't exist anymore
No... my close knit autistic internet friends... scattered to the wind like dust... I guess Greg really is on the loose now.
>guy trying to bump the thread gets increasingly passive aggressive as he waits for other posts
>discord kills your general
/vg/ - Video Game Generals?
more like /vg/ - Gachashit and Circlejerks
If that happens then it's a general that has degraded so much that it deserves to die.
Between Bannerlord and the next hero being delayed because of the Wuhan Clan, she didn't stand a chance.
if discord killed you gen then it was already on life support
Why is discord not banned from this site yet? It is the No.1 killer of generals
>there is still a general for Heroes of the Storm after being "dead"
Name a general killed by discord and explain why discord kills generals.
Battleborn was the exact opposite, considering Gearbox/Randy hate and blizzard cock sucking were at an all time high Battleborn never had a chance, Randy is too cheap to hire shills, not even reddit could save it.
Now it's been years and I still stand by Battleborn being more enjoyable.
Overwatch had an extremely easy layup and fucked up royally.
Battleborn was kneecapped out the door and still managed to squeeze out some fun times.
i always hear this meme but i dont really get it, how specifically does discord kill generals? And please be specific, i always get vague answers to this question.