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Cornering the neet market. Xbox may give you graphics, but can it give you a friend?

can i fuck it

>and watch movies
It’s like the jokes write themselves.

I want a robot friend

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What happens if you're playing a non-Playstation game in front of it?

Ahahahaha, snoyfags have no friends.

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The patent office needs to get more restrictive about dumb shit like this.

I hope it can suck dick or I don't see the point.

Fuck robots.

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Sony finally ripped off ROB

i immediately started thinking about how i would probably get one of these and then get sick of it after a while and now i'm sad over my hypothetical robot friend that i abandoned

>Cornering the neet market

They already did that with JRPGS

based. I hope people sabotage robots to make them unprofitable.

agreed, there's nothing there to warrant a patent. it's just a robot that sits there, there's no real idea yet. it's like some user patenting a robot that shitposts online and sucks your dick at the same time.

This is Binary Domain all over again.

Haha yeah can you actually imagine having no friends to talk to or anyone to care about you at all? haha what a foreign concept

egg did nothing wrong :(

I hope people sabotage YOU to make you unprofitable.

That option is for pc chads only.

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is the newest cool way to get a surveillance device in people's homes?

Let me know when it looks like this.

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robot detected

xbots already jealous

Some patents are absolutely amazing.

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You dumb bitch that’s motor oil

they can be based

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Yes, but imagine having a friend that watches you play JRPGs and doesn't ever complain

Isn't it a little weird that no company has come up with a cute virtual gf to ping you occasionally and keep you company?

They can't spy you if you never give it your wifi password. Assuming you are just some random dude and not someone worth getting the alphabets to add some wireshark shit or expensive satellite conection to spy on your fapping habits.

i imagine it's mostly a matter of making it feel realistic
like it would be amazing if you were able to forget it's just an auto generated response machine but if you can't it just becomes an annoyance like clippy

snoyniggers in suicide watch now.

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>Try and think up vague ides of what might happen in the near future.
>File a patent and sit on it.
>Someone else has a similar idea and puts time and effort into implementing it.
>Show up with a bunch of lawyers and demand a share of the income.
Patents should be null and void if you're not doing anything with the ideas you're trying to cover with them.

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It is actually, considering how much free publicity they would get and how much money they would make off it.

Wouldn't take off. Most people have friends, family, significant others

Did that police robot tell woman to go away and then sang a song?

Come on, it's not like it ever did anything bad to gam...

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what are those numbers?

Patents are also useful to prevent Jews from ripping everyone off by just sitting on a shitty idea and never using it

>this thing
>always on nsa spy mic in the controller
Sony really going for that creepy distopian feel this gen eh?

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Seeing the literal billions gacha is raking in I wouldn't be so sure.


Nintendo copying Sony yet again.

so there's Gatebox, which actually has had two releases in Japan now, but they're not bringing it to America. Instead, they developed some weird virtual assistant non-hologram old guy for English speakers and have no intent to bring it outside of Japan

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>Most people have friends, family, significant others

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>he didn't have desktop strippers downloaded on his first laptop and then panicked when he couldn't figure out how to delete it

It will call you a faggot.

>no intent to bring it outside of Japan
why do they always do this. sometimes it feels like it's out of spite

To explain stuff in patent file.


Based bot

Remove this post. Forever alone is copyrighted by Manlytears.

better not!

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I remember having some cute Higurashi mascots that would do stuff on my desktop. It wasn't until another "nerd" friend mentioned how so very unnatural it was that I realized how much I had strayed from common normalfaggotry.