Just watched a video of his for the first time. Why exactly do you faggots froth over this memespouting retard again? he's as unfunny as penguinz0 and twice as boring
Just watched a video of his for the first time. Why exactly do you faggots froth over this memespouting retard again...
a perfectly good thread died for this
Cause dude hes from here so hes Le /Our Guy/
>he's as unfunny as penguinz0
Unironically this. We support our own because it ensures our ideas become more widespread if they succeed and if they turn on us, we just drop them and they lose a large chunk of their viewers
i don't know what else to compare it to when some monotone retard fails to make me laugh for 20 minutes
i dunno man some of his videos made me laugh
You have to like video games to be interested in his videos.
I unironically liked his league videos the best
if you think he's doing anything other than creating ad revenue for himself you're retarded. .0000001% of the population even knows who this guy is and he's changing nothing
That's the point. If he doesn't succeed, then we still have a monkey to sing and dance for us. It's a win win. We own him.
Yeah if you don't give a shit about the game he's reviewing you're not going to be interested in it. Even a passing interest should be enough to enjoy it. I've never really played VTMB but I still thought the review was enjoyable cuz I always thought it seemed like a cool game.
Atleast he commissioned Godhand porn
>he's as unfunny as penguinz0
I'd say he's as good as him when he was actually funny
He has gotten stale, but old sseth was the only was decent and based
i will now subscribe to his channel
He is edgy and funny.
And he talks about good videogames, many of which I played because of his reviews.
lmao, gayest post on this site right now
>a smash thread died for this
The more comfortable he gets the less likeable he is
>le obscure game
>le epic Yas Forums reference
>We support our own because it ensures our ideas become more widespread
this is some Yas Forums shit, who cares if "our ideas" become more widespread?
i just like seeing a brotha get ahead
das rite
>kike larps for shekels on internet
>also rapist
Not surprised
>commission porn
Nothing surprising here.
Because he makes trannys like you Seethe.