Did you change your opinion on GGS after the beta?
Guilty Gear Strive
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>that pic
so what, does that mean /fgg/ likes it now?
I liked it still. It does have a lot of problems and definitely needs another beta to test stuff out
No, I always knew Arcsys was shit
Pretty fun and I like what it's trying to go for gameplay wise mostly. I hope they add more defensive options.
It's really hilarious how it exposes weeaboos for having no standards. All the criticisms for Shit Fighter V (short combos, no execution, extremely shallow linear gameplay, retarded damage with crush counters, piss poor starting roster, etc.) can also apply to Strive. Except SF will always have an active playerbase while Strive will most likely die days after release just like most GG games.
Yeah it's pretty fun. The lobby could stand to be better, but pulling off combos using the new RC drift is super fun.
You did give EVERY reason you liked and disliked the game in the survey, right?
I went in skeptical and left even more skeptical
the changes to gatling and airdash just make the game feel like crap to play
I haven't done my survey yet but is there a limit to how much you can write in each question?
I don't want to have to return to the lobby every single time one of us wins/loses. The faster rounds due to the high damage wouldn't feel as bad if not for the fact that it takes a long time to get another match, just let me keep playing the same guy I'm already matched with.
I answered every question to the best of my ability. But for the final question which was "Do you have any additional thoughts" I just wrote "Please add Bridget"
I don't think any of the changes really attain the goal they were looking for. The game is less accessible but also less varied. Everything to do with the combo system feels much more arbitrary yet you'll struggle to do anything cool. So many people are confused about how the walls work, but not in a cool how can I optimise way. Ideas fail to feel like they flow together and rub up against old GG in there that they are desperate to make sure doesn't really work.
Whole thing does remind me of how the SFV beta went, fans didn't go mad straight away but there was a lot of WELL it is fun and kinda different so lets see.
If you voted for Bridget in the survey, you’re a genuine faggot
what did you guys put under the collaboration question?
Its definitely looking super rough atm. Alot of limiting as fuck shit that kills creativity plus high damage off any RISC at all that lets even retards do easy corner combos since its all OTGs and shit now especially the legions of Mays who can all do the 75% plus combo.
Its showing signs of SFV faggotry too where alot of people have legitimate criticisms with the limitations its setting and odd clunky concept choices but you have retards posting any tech/oki that looks like a shell of previous GG games like its proof the game isn't rough as fuck. Or the people saying gatling is for babies Ps aren't braindead now nonsense.
The beta seems inferior to Granblue. If you're going to play a simple anime SF game Granblue is much better. This seems like a middle finger to GG fans especially with that ugly indie art looking lobby that if you didn't know was GG you'd never be able to guess the game.
The only person i know who is having fun with it and isn't atleast mixed on it is Jmcroft because he can mash with Axl and people don't know the game yet where as on Xrd his Axl got filtered in like 2 streams
I said I hate guest characters.
I didn't even get to play a game. Truly impressive to be such a terrible online experience.
I had massive criticisms for SFV after CE i think its a 6/10 game with a bad skeleton. Strive looks like a fuck you to GG fans alike and i agree its not going to capture a magic player base.
They should've stayed at Xrd levels of complexity and just made some new systems and switched some out with the new graphics. GG has always been niche even games like UN with weird popularity spikes dip back down after a few months to be the same thing. As popular as it is Granblue is still leagues more niche then most played games DBFZ is about the only game Arksys has with a big ass player base and they still keep trying to capture that player base with other games and just alienate people.
I feel like the BB fanbase must feel with CT.
What is with Arcsys and doing retarded lobbies?
Does anyone really care or want walking around as a chibi instead of you know playing games.
Shit after the removal of most gatling and what not im convinced they don't give two fucks about the surveys. Im just hoping this shit bombs hard enough for those vague Xrd 3 comments to become reality and i get Anji/Testament in that engine with some balance changes and +R amount of content atleast.
But if this shit turns around heavily and looks good i won't turn my nose but this is looking bad. I can count less then 5 pro/GG vets who are positive on Strive. Could've atleast paid someone to shill.
Chibi shit was fine. Then DBFZ made it so you had to go through 2 more hoops of making the lobby and meeting up on the server. Xrd made it so you had to use a password which was 1 hoop more. Strive made a shitty indie art looking lobby and makes you go through several hoops and hope it works.
I wouldn't be surprised if this shit is a worse DBFZ when it comes out in terms of ROOM NOT FOUND being a major issue with connecting to people you are in a server with standing right next to.
There was no reason to go past the Xrd Sign lobbies though. Just a regular lobby screen with 4 cabinets and no chibis.
guile's 30-hit sonic loops and all those microwalk combos take more execution than anything in that Strive beta. I'd love them to fix their mistakes but probably not gonna happen, oh well the series turned to shit after ACR anyway. Only thing I liked in the Xrd era were Jack-O's quirky moveset and the Dragon Install design
The obvious answer.
I voted for Fanny and asked for a cooking show featuring Sol. How much of a fag am I?
Chibi avatars were super cute but more importantly the actual lobbies were functional. It was super easy to play - just hop on the cabinet and wait for opponent. The only problem world lobbies had in Rev is how connection in those take more time for whatever reason so everyone but japs stopped using them and moved to rooms.
I wish they'd just make world lobbies like in Revelator but without or with minimal connection issues so you can just go there and play with people instead of fishing for open rooms.
And to be completely honest I'd even pick a menu type of lobby over current abomination.
I thought Xrd was fine i liked AC+R too and Reload. But man Strive is an eye sore so far. I feel like they're only going to make it worse. Im predicting very few issues will get fixed but the damage is gonna see significant nerfs in bad ways because of all the 80% risc combos. Either that or risc will go down super fast but i see damage scaling out the ass.
Strive just doesn't seem like GG. Xrd is like Reload but better atleast to me in Rev1/2 but a tad bit slower/bigger. Strive seems like a mix match of ideas wearing GGs skin.
All I'm going to say is the netcode better be KI tier rollback because everything else about the game is just not good right now
I honestly think it is a smart idea, poorly executed.
What is a big thing in most multiplayer games? The social aspects. You can chat, often with a long down time. Roll with the boys or hurl racial abuse at Russians. FGs lack this, but ArcSys lobbies give it a chance. Imagine if they became actually good hang out spots where it was easy to sit around, watch matches and chat. Put a big tv screen that shows recorded or current matches. Have it on when a big tournament is on. You could make for a really fun environment
I regularly play delay netcode games in 1-2f connections. The difference is minimal between that and good rollback if this game has KI netcode on steroids and still contains all these shit concepts/limitations then its still shit and buying something to support netcode for 60 bucks sounds full retard.
>I don't think any of the changes really attain the goal they were looking for
This is the big kicker for me. None of the changes make the game more appealing for casuals or long-time fans. I can't actually figure out what the fuck the vision for this game is in that regard, other "innovation," ie: Trying to reinvent the wheel for no god damn reason. And I don't dislike the gameplay either, but it feels like some weird, alternate reality of Guilty Gear that doesn't make a lot of sense.
That'd be extremely cool but also super sad when those amazing lobbies will be empty few months after release.
>for 60 bucks
>new ASW games are 15$ on release in my country
>I can't actually figure out what the fuck the vision for this game is
I can sort of. They want a more grounded game where big combos are often corner carry with a lot of re-jumping or whatever you'd call it. Pressure is less wild in theory and """"in theory"""" the new corner system should make the corner less scary. Systems are generally easier to use/combined yet are often less rewarding
In practice very little of this worked. Just make it Vampire if you want a kind of not anime anime game
Its very easy to do cool shit in the corner because of how you can OTG combo unlike most GG games where once someone hits the ground the hit stun decay usually only allows for small pickups bar a few. Like how Sol can 2K 5S gunflame or 2K 5S into oki. Or how Potemkin in the corner can do c5S 2S heat knuckle off Pot buster or 2P 5S into it. Meanwhile May/Potemkin struggle to do anything cool in Strive until the corner where they do 75% off baby combos.
Most "cool" combos otherwise are just doing a basic 4 hit combo into wall splat into the same for like 2 more reps into break. Chipp has the only combos i've seen that look cool alot of mid screen shit is 3-4 hits into a RC 3-4 hit followup.
Because of the pushback all of the creativity is in the corner. But its just a few reps of easy baby combos because of wall splat. Meanwhile because of the damage and wall splat weirdness the only character with good corner oki is Ky with RC off heavy fireballs when you wait a second.
Unlike SFV which still has its own issues limiting GGs mid screen game/air game drastically is shitty. This feels like another overly simplified game where retards might learn a few easy combos but will ultimately lose to decent plays who play it and quit because its not easy or intuitive in the ways they can grasp. Nor is it complex/varied tool wise in a longevity way like other GGs.
I heard FAB was being positive about it and im curious what he said. Or it was mixed shit and hes just happy he can two touch people with Pot busters and win with reads/defense more in this game atm but dislikes the game itself?
But changes are make it more appealing to casuals?
>no mechanic bloat so you don't need to learn about a lot of shit just to realise what's going on
>way less useless moves only purpose of which was only being combo filler, now everything has a clear purpose
>easy and understandable combo system where you just hit your opponent until he hit the ground
>counterhit slowdown makes it way easier to hit confirm
>high damage highlights your mistakes
>short combos and less setplay makes game more dynamic for both players so you don't sit there watching your opponent's 15 seconds combo
I'd say they did a really good job, honestly. Obviously, many veteran players aren't happy but changes are always extremely painful in FGC. I personally had a lot of fun in beta. It felt kinda clunky at times but it also was exciting to get actually NEW Guilty Gear, a game I have to learn again instead of just doing same combos I did 15 years ago. Over years I started to truly hate YRC shenanigans so Rev3 probably wouldn't satisfy me anyway.