Persona 3

Persona 3
>Life is short and death is inevitable. Make the most out of it.
Persona 4
>Be what society expects of you. Don't try to be different and accept it.
Persona 5

What did ATLUS mean by this?

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Persona 5 is the best of the three games. Accept it contrariantards

I've been edging for 4 hours... the next makoto pic I see will blow my load...

>Persona 5
>Rape makes a man stronger

I love Anne!

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>>Be what society expects of you. Don't try to be different and accept it.
I'm pretty sure the whole "You're not me" thing is the opposite of this

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Le epic social commentary is how you get the trannies and incels attention which is clearly the main demographic of these games

>Chie wishes to be feminine, which is what's considered normal for girls in Japan.
>Yukiko ends up going back on her plan to leave town and instead decides to inherit her inn, which is what's expected of her.
>Kanji and Naoto drop their distinct appearances in Golden's epilogue, instead becoming more "normal" members of society.
>Yumi accepts the father she never knew that abandoned her and her mother, which is what Japanese society would expect.

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Persona has always been about appealing to teens. It's just that these days teens are more concerned about politics and RISING UP instead of universal life issues.


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Where did this meme start? The game has you befriend adults who aren't Le bad, if its cause of that comment Ryuji makes then just know its Ryuji, he's a retard

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ah so you didn't finish the game. I'll give you a teaser, "Adults bad" wasn't the actual message of the game, and anyone who thinks it was is a ryuji tier brainlet.

Chie wishes for what she feels is expected of her but feels better being herself and going for her own goals.
Yukiko felt railroaded into inheriting the inn, like she didn't have a choice and everything was decided for her, but after her SL she realizes just how much she truly loves the Inn and everyone in it, she just wanted to make that choice for herself.
Kanji was going through a phase where he felt he had to look tough to cover up his non-masculine passions, but now he's over it.
Naoto has accepted herself as a woman, and isn't insecure about her sex affecting her daily life after P4.
>Choosing Yumi

Why post bait when it can be easily dismantled? Are you actually that retarded?

With that kind of story and plot it's not surprising that it would be attractive to simpleton liberal bitch nigger.

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Don't mind if I do.

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>Muh jungian complex.
>Only use the Trickster archetype.
Yeah real "jungian" there.

Based. OP is in fact a brainlet retard and learned nothing from P4

please let this be ironic

What would his palace and boss fight be?

I don't think he would even have one. He plays the jester AND he seems stable.

The absolute state of the Persona fanbase

Rising up is literally what everyone is supposed to do. Today's youth has a notion of wanting to rise in status while never growing up.

By far. I remember playing Persona 3 near when it came out and being totally bored by near the end. People forget how little there actually is to do in that game in your free time and how completely fucking awful tartarus is. Only the main storyline is any good and it take forever of sitting through shit to get to.

Imagine misunderstanding a game as simple as P4

Imagine a foursome with Kawakami, Kashiwagi and Toriumi.

It would be a Castle again. Boss fight would be all of the people who defended him and got fired

A giant business tower, clearly. I'd say his defining characteristic is ego, so anything that props him specifically up is fine. King imagery, npcs that look like trump, golden toilet imagery. Anything like that really.

That's what's bad about him is he'd line up with other villains and because he's a human being and not a cartoon, he's also a bit more complex. I'd say anybody thinking he wouldn't have a palace if he existed in persona is deluded though.

Persona reflects the teenage demographic of it's time. P5 is zoomer incarnate.

they meant that persona is for nihilistic jaded neocons

Persona 5's theme is don't bow to authority

>how completely fucking awful tartarus is
Oh, is classical dungeon crawling too repetitive for little babby wabby? Does babby need constant new setpieces so babby does not get bored? Want daddy to jingle the keychain and peek-a-boo before you get grumpy wumpy?

>expecting deep life lessons from a shitty japanese high school simulator vidya
>pretending that you're not playing these exclusively because you're a sad wreck who missed out on getting a gf and experiencing anything in high school or college so now you're trying to cope and live it through the eyes of persona main characters who get all these waifus you wish you could have

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you are not wrong but you don't have to rub it in either

Imagine arguing that 250 levels that all look and play the same is a good thing.

If it at least were proper dungeon crawling with traps and puzzles I'd agree with you.

Here's the deal. Tartarus fails as a classic dungeon crawler because the floors go by way too fast, and with proper movement, you will never fight a shadow. Moreover, the floor bosses can be some of the hardest fights in megaten history and you'll need to do at least some grinding. Therefore, tartarus is less of a dungeon to crawl and explore and is more of a horrible and slow grind-box

>Be what society expects of you. Don't try to be different and accept it.
No? Persona 4 was about accepting your true self, that be thoughts and emotions you have are part of you even if you don't like to believe they exist.

I only played like 2 hours of p5 so I might be speaking out of my ass here. but isnt the first dungeon about rescuing ann from her pedo gym teacher? And then inmediately afterwards they go and sexualize her and all the other underage female characters like it's no biggie

Tartarus sucks, but
>how little there actually is to do in that game in your free time
You don't have any free time to begin with. The game is merciless with what it gives you to work with, unlike p4 and p5. It's more of a time management simulator than an rpg.

The bottom of the tower would be sweat shops, the middle would be cubicles of faceless drones. The top would be the White house

>erected nipples

there is no way this is official art

imagine the smell

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That's what tipped you off?

well yeah, it isn't.

Arena Mitsuru's IK is though.

Pretty much this. P3 would be the best Persona game if it got a remake with the P5 treatment.

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