Can Nero carry a DMC game by himself?

Can Nero carry a DMC game by himself?

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Only if Capcom calls it something else.

I will NEVER like Nero.
I just want Dante and Vergil.
That's it.
Why is this so hard for Capcom to understand.

I think a another game like DMC4 that feels less like a main story entry and more like a holiday would work. I doubt they would call it something else since that would just lose them sales desu.

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Most people aren't whiny manchilds like so probably yeah

More than likely he could without any issue, he's entertaining and fun to play as. That's really all it takes, and his banter with Nico is great.

Maybe if Tomboy didn't have that terrible startup/ending animation and could be activated easily. Nero's only missing "modes"

Maybe. Not sure if they should keep the robot arm or give him styles and other weapons like Dante, because I'd love for some variety so the next game stays fresh.

If they really expand on his breakers yes
Story wise it could be a throwback to DMC1 with Nero investigating a spooky castle looking for some macguffin or a way to bring back Dante and Vergil

I didn't care for his playstyle in 4 at all, I just wanted to play as Dante.

But in 5, something clicked for me, he felt much more interesting to play. Maybe it was the devil breakers.

Not sure he can manage it.
For a lot of people Dante = DMC.

There's also the fact that he doesn't have the weapons or styles that Dante brings to the table so he'd feel like a downgrade to some.

I can imagine they keep the breakers but add a kind of style system on top of it, giving breakers multiple functions they can use, and have breakages be different depending on the style

If they gave his breakers full movesets like normal weapons that wouldn't be a problem
Maybe give him different elemental exceeds too

I figure at that point the should just bite the bullet and let him get different Devil Arms.
If he supposed to carry the game without Dante or Vergil at least.

He'd kind of have to if they wanted to make a 6, right? They said it was the end of "The Sons of Sparda Saga" after all.

Maybe if they let him switch devil breakers at will, and make exceed change how the arms works.
If Itsuno wanted to go full twisted fucking psychopath DMC6 would have Nero & Vergil as the playable characters.

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>Vergil jobs again
>Dante Angelo
> breakers more like devil arms in terms of that demony look
fund it

They want to keep Nero feeling unique, even if it's just aesthetically with cyborg arms instead of normal weapons

if you like faggots yes
i'm not playing other dmc after the pile of shit that was 4


Cool thanks for stopping by

I like Nero more than Dante

I completely agree. Nero is a huge fucking faget.

3 Dante > 5 Nero > 5 Dante > 4 Nero >>> 4 Dante
5 Dante > 3 Dante = 5 Nero > 4 Dante > 4 Nero

Yes and it would give capcom a real chance to focus and evolve his gameplay into something everyone can appreciate

I think he could, but they need to add some more depth to him if he's gonna carry an entire game. I think more weapons that carry over the exceed mechanic would help a lot.

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>red queen upgrades that change how exceed functions and it's properties. Swap the functions with up and down arrow on the D-pad.
>Breaker swapping with the left and right arrows and the breakers and exceed can synergize with each other.
Took me 1 millennium to come up with this.

desu same (gameplay of 5 wise)

How much can one do with different exceeds anyways?
I can see different weapons with exceed esque mechanics possibly being effective but just different exceeds just makes me imagine element switching.

he didn't carry half a game by himself, so no.

DMC is literally just a character and cool-moves setting, Dante, Trish, Lady are in for the longhaul

He was the best part of 5 though

even in 5 he couldn't. dante and vergil stole the show

as he is now, no. a spin off serise maybe but he will need new weapons to carry the series by himself.

>3 separate story for Dante, Nero and Vergil
>Vergil quit the Underworld with his Yamoto leaving Dante for dead after his last battle
>Dante wakes up stripped of all his equipement scartered in the Underworld
>Nero changes his personality a bit since he reads more and becomes a more raffined but still a wild nigga since V's book
>Vergil and Nero fight
>We play as Nero and we get BTFO
>Rivalery between Vergil and Nero quality daddy time between them
>They do Demon hunting job together but with each job there is a hint that Mundus will return
>Dante actually discovers that Mundus will come back and he will
>All 3 of them comeback to stop Mundus
>last 10 missions of the game will be all character selected
>gotta stop the Army of Darkness and Mundus

Thats the big plot points but what we need now is more time to develop our characters TOGETHER.

Gameplay wise, they won't dissapoint that's sure. They just need new devil arms for all.

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>Vergil and Nero fight
I'm getting really sick of Vergil being a boss in every game now
Come up with something new instead of rehashing the same boss fight from 3 forever