Can we finally admit this?

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user... video games are for children

What timeline are you from?

Not all of them.

Attached: Stalker.webm (1366x768, 2.76M)

All Nintendo games are for children you retard

shooters are the most kiddy games


....your point?

>Thing popular
>Journo shits on it for hate clicks
>Retards on Yas Forums spam threads about it
>Journo gets hate clicks
It has gotten so tiresome

Modern 'realistic' shoots are the worst offenders in being designed for brain dead toddlers
>walk down corridor
>pre scripted fight
>interact with setpiece

yeah your GI-joes are more mature than my teddy bear because their guns go pew pew

so what would be a cool exciting game for adults then

is this a mod?

>tfw you will never be paid to write glorified Yas Forums shitposts

Yes. China was right to ban it.

Sometimes I wish Yas Forums was as well moderated as Yas Forums
I can understand mods not deleting scattered, individual shitposts but entire fucking threads stay up in this shithole.

That cool game made by the same Publisher as My Video Game Journalist Paycheck

no shit

Stalker is neither modern nor any of the things you list you fucking clown.


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>fun is for kids only, being an adult is all about being the most serious boring person ever who only enjoys serious things
Why is this such a common normalfag mindset?

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i could see animal crossing being boring if you're a boring person devoid of creativity or imagination

>Stardew Valley
This had to be satire, because it’s too perfect that a fucking manchild would encourage everyone to play a game with cucking, race mixing, and CAPITALISM BAD propaganda.

Sorry dude, this is a Trannymal Crossdress board. Now if you'll excuse me I have some pretty dresses to wear and some interior decorating to finish.

Because they want you to be as miserable as them. That being said, I agree that AC is a dumb game, and I still love it. People like dumb things all the time. For example, marvel movies are the most normalfag thing ever and it is the dumbest thing ever.

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That's not what he said at all.

>this is just an opinion piece
>but you need to admit this thing
Even if he's correct, these types of articles should be purged from the internet or at least from "news" sites

>enjoying serious things
>enjoying anything
You must be a child.


But doesn't Yas Forums hate video games already?

Why does Yas Forums pretend to hate clickbait?
You love clickbait. You breath and live it every day.

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they've been spamming their shitty opinion piece all weekend

>journalist has a shit opinion
what else is new? And let me guess, he's also jewish? It's all so tiresome.

Wrong, they're also for pedos who want to groom those children.
