This is viper! Say something nice about her!

This is viper! Say something nice about her!

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the only good alien is a dead alien. earth for humans only. get the fuck off my planet.

Doesn't have as much killing potential as other aliens, so I let them live longer.

You'll make a fine pair of boots.

I would but the mods will get mad and delete the thread

she cute

I wanna tongue punch her cloaca.

do NOT fuck sneks

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Scalies are even more unsettling than furries

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Better start killing all the animals too then

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do you have the kelly spoof one with the breastfeeding viper?

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This is the man that put snek wives in x-com

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stupid zoomer who didn't play Apocalypse and Interceptor

Only if she puts WOTC on sale within the next few days so I can finally play that for the first time before I subject myself to Chimera Squad

what do snakes feel like?
I never touched one

Bags of ssssssssssssssssand.

Like a cock.

Grab a sheet of toilet paper and wrap it around your middle finger. Insert it towards the back of your mouth and feel around your throat. That's what a snake feels like more or less.

they feel nice
go buy one and be friends with it

can you recomand a cute snek?

ball pythons are pretty cute and easy to take care of

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The scales are very soft and smooth, like a how a glass mug feels. Now apply that with the suppleness of a flexed arm muscle and that's basically what holding a snake feels like.

Like a living leather jacket

I have many questions, but the snek is drawn on point, so idk and idc.

You forgot the statue of liberty

She's the only reason why I'll even bother with the new XCOM game.

Please post snek and not shitposts about diversity or genocide

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>god i wish that were me

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Touch the snek. Do it now.

what a cutie