What do you want to see out of the next Kirby game, Yas Forums?

What do you want to see out of the next Kirby game, Yas Forums?

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>60 FPS
>Endgame content to rival KSSU, or Triple Deluxe

>10-15 hour campaign


>Redeemed Magalor

>Superbosses hidden in levels


>Copy Abilities and Kirb himself are upgradeable with perk trees, but not too complicated. (Something as complex as Skylanders, at most)
Maybe a bigger succ, higher health, AoE rocks for Stone, etc.

kirby but undertale

the thing I want the most is sprites, an impossible dream I'm aware

Not using the fucking RTDL engine again

Played SSBU World of Light with Kirby alone and it made me really crave for a full kirby rpg

If they move to 3D, then they need to drop the pretense of this series being a platformer and just make Kirby DMC.

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Air Ride 2

>wants the next series installment to be the "pinnacle of Kirby games"
So every subsequent game will be worse?

Fully 3D Kirby ala those 3DS games.

Make Crystal Shards but with more than one hour of content and more abilities.

I wouldn't mind seeing a 3D Kirby game with co-op

A 3rd person Plattformen like Mario 64 only it also has Zelda like combat where Kirby smashes things with the hammer

PLEASE make it 3d HAL
also more lore

>3D platformer
>Copy Abilities have individual level up systems and skill trees that allow you to unlock new attacks
>Ability skill trees also have different paths that upgrade an ability’s certain attributes like a path in Sword that upgrades blade attacks and one that upgrades and expands upon Sword’s energy attacks
>Minimum of 40 abilities and maybe some DLC that adds more

And everything else this user mentioned

FUCK co-op seriously FUCK it. It ruins the damn level design to accommodate 4 pleayers instead of one.

Kirby 64 but it is a full 3d platformer with a few more hours.

I kind of want a remake of amazing mirror or just a straight sequel, it's the most obviously flawed kirby game that could really use a remake.

and good level design

Im gonna post cringe
>Kirby 3D a la Odyssey

To maybe stop making them for a while until they make it more fresh?

just make it 2.5D like crystal sharts

And if not 3d they would need to surpass Robobot, so I guess gib harder boss fights and shinier spectacle

I want to see Shiver Star

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isn't star allies 2 years old? this is a pretty big hiatus considering how fast robobot came out

less cringe combat.

you guys ever noticed how much shiver star looks like pluto?

3d collectathon, also give bandana dee a boss fight

Amazing mirror 2 would be great

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Single player campaign with multiplayer minigames that are like Battle Royale but don't suck.

>What do you want to see out of the next Kirby game, Yas Forums?

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More insane lore.
A 3D game and not a rehash of the RTDL style.
Also everything said except for Magolor, it's getting annoying seeing him everywhere now.

now THAT'S funny! I'll be sure to post that on reddit, kind stranger!