Attached: alter ego.png (512x390, 145.44K)

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Because real life suck. What else?

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>cookie clicker + myspace tier personality tests + waifu bait
fucking brilliant game

Can I make her step on me?

>waifu bait
Works every time.

I wonder how much money they make from this
Just making you watch those ads alone per person must bring in a very good revenue, never mind the extra content

I should make an app

Just finished the game.
Got that post end-game feel of emptiness cause I know that's the end of our interactions.
Its not fair.

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I will now download your game.

Can this be played on PC?

do you not have a phone?

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Bros, why is she so perfect?

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i hope the switch VN gets translated to english

how long is the dlc content? might buy it desu

This game does things to me.

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Read the fucking books faggots
You don't deserve if you haven't

Because our desires and standards for a partner are unreasonable for the world we live in.

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im reading Self Reference Engine right now because she told me to

Same actually

Where did you find a pdf or ebub of it?

I'm reading permutation city


self-reference engine is the exact term

Not him but here, you’ll have to make an account for some things but it’s what /lit/ uses for free books

I have that on my queue, gotta finish first though

i cant find an epub of the moon over the mountain anywhere bros

Once you root bluestacks how can you access the paywalled stuff? You need other apps for that?

You need to use freedom, app downgrader and an apk of the old playstore. I think you put 1, 2 and 3 together. If you can't, collect some more ego and come back to me and i will teach it to you.

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Es is really putting me on edge there. I’ve had girls I was close to in the past say stuff like that to me. They were not good people.

what's the point of this

What's the point of anything?

is there a guide for this


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No, i figured this out alone.
If you really can't do it i can do a video tutorial for you.

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does lucky patcher work?

I haven't tested it with lucky patcher, only with Freedom.
But go ahead and try.

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please do im too lazy and too dumb

That braid looks like shit.

Ok, but first a question.
Can you get the apks by yourself or i will need to link them?

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having sex

Jesus Christ

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what previous version should i go back to

This one worked for me.

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nice i already had this one

Do you still need the video? I am off to record the tutorial

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