The internet rants a lot about SJW stuff, why does Final Fantasy always get a pass when literally implying things like gender being just a social construct? Or the dig at Drumpf in FFXV where the literal Hillary character talks about fake news.
The internet rants a lot about SJW stuff...
Because it's OK when Japan does it
Cause "It's ok when Japan does it"
The message of "don't let societal gender norms determine your actions" doesn't have anything to do with the insanity that people actually frown upon.
Julian was literally the "beautiful Big Bro" in the original and looks like a tranny in FF7R while he looked like a blocky tranny in the original. Making Andrea be a "fabulous fag" shouldn't come off as a surprise especially when Aerith had a cross dressing fetish in the original and even the clothes makers in Wall Market were embracing cross dressing. It's just in line with the original. Or are you conveniently forgetting that?
iz a okay when a Jopon doeze it
nobody in their right mind gave this sjw shit a pass its just that FF7R has so many other issues that its minor in comparison due to this sjw shit making its way into everything making people more numb to it.
Is because is Yas Forums retards spamming his shitty meme of japs are honorary aryans.
When they are disgusting race- mixing rats kikes that like shit.
Because is not the west.
Of course they are schizos.
They are not real aryans in the world with all the race-mixing bullshit in Yas Forums that think Nazi Germany was like that.
And they are disgusting animals lovers and freaks that love trannies.
But does'nt about geopolitics and basic history.
They are schizos and full weeb retards.
And is not OK with Japan does.
All SJW shit in JRPGs is due to translators and doesnt exist in the original
Why is FF so gay and progressive today anyway? it was all jokes back then, now its serious about it and feels like western SJW blogs or CNN
Because this was played off like a joke
Japanese version doesn't put Cloud in a dress I bet
Sure is ESL in here.
user, this post is insane.
yes, in the original 20 years ago. Not here, though. There is nothing jocund about what he says.
At least stop being delusional about your shittaste.
jap devs getting tricked into thinking this is what sells overseas or actually believing in this progressive garbage. Also fujoshits eat this kind of shit up also to some extent.
FF is a communist construct made to undermine conservative values and is a general threat to national american security, its only a matter of time before this shitty series starts telling us that vaccines are good
>Cloud has to infiltrate a place dressed like a chick
>this is played for laughs and it's made clear how silly it is
>gender is a social construct
People here bought this shit.
Holy shit the amount of cope and tinfoil hats in this thread
>Hillary in FFXV
I dont remember this what the fuck.
I´m ancient boomer, what does ESL mean?
His line unaltered and directly translated from Japanese:
>"Fuck niggers, fuck homos, fuck western degeneracy. Death to China and Korea, they are dogs! The Empire of the Rising Sun will be reborn, as the dawn! It cant be helped. A tsunami strike the shores of Africa and cleanse the monkeys away! Ten thousand demons arise from the depths to swallow USA! REVENGE FOR HIROSHIMA! REVENGE FOR NAGASAKI! GLORY TO THE EMPEROR!"
Dont get why they altered the line so much. The meaning really was lost in the officual translation, at least a little bit imo.
Because nobody except trannies play this game
It was meant as comedy and not as anything SJWish.
sounds based. Anything that pisses off right-wing manchildren is usually good
>yes, in the original 20 years ago. Not here, though. There is nothing jocund about what he says
Everyone but mc laughs and wacky music plays. Nothing serious here.
>At least stop being delusional about your shittaste.
Well fuck you too, buddy
Best about this all is how Cloud pretty much just does this because HE ABSOLUTELY HAS TO and as soon as he can get out does it and Tranny's idolize him.
...this isn't at all what he says in the Nippon version, what the fuck are the translators doing?
Becuase Cloud is dancing to impress his date Aerith user. They are on a date still.
Underrated post.
Gaming is a fucking joke nowadays. How about we go back to reading books?
That entire sequence takes place with Cloud in ridiculous crossdress attire. It's not meant to be taken seriously.
He's saying there's no shame in beauty, or enjoying beauty, regardless of gender
And he's right
You retard are overthinking this. Andrea means that MEN can be BEAUTIFUL too, not only women, which is fucking true.
>he thinks books are safe
Because everyone stopped caring about Final Fantasy like a decade ago.
>why does Final Fantasy always get a pass when literally implying things like gender being just a social construct?
A single stupid faggot bad guy voicing his opinion =/= a central theme or point the media is trying to make. You're just as bad as the libtards. They think if a bad guy is a racist or gropes a woman that means the game is saying those things are okay.
You can express a view point in your fictional media without it being what the fucking story is promoting.
Well the last books I read was Goosebumps when I was a kid.
>It's not meant to be taken seriously
Explain why every tranny and their mother is worshipping the game for representing trans people then.
It's okay when Japan does it
That's why so many trannies are hardcore weebs and vice versa
Extreme coddling and constant damage control ruins their brains.
What pass? The guy your usual flamboyant dude trope. Stop taking video games so seriously.
>that smirk
Most trannies adore Hollywood movies.
Not that user, but I am curious what part of the world you visit that frequently display tranny fandom for this sequence.
To be clear, I don't interact on social media and my close circle of friends we really just talk about the story itself or the graphics impressively handled on such dated hardware.
>Andrea means that MEN can be BEAUTIFUL too, not only women, which is fucking true.
Are you fucking stupid? Did you even think before this thought crossed your mind? Holy fucking shit, user. Just because trannies are fucking mentally ill retards, doesn't mean that the scene wasn't made to be taken as a joke you fucking mouthbreathing retard. Do you get your thoughts off of a piece of paper you read in a dumpster?
It implying gender is a social construct doesn't make it SJW, unless it starts to delve into moral sanctimony or identity politics.
Either way, he's saying he doesn't have preconceived notions on what it means to be a man or woman. And ultimately, there are bigger issues with the game, so why be so autistic over this when there are a dozen or so more things wrong with it?
At least pic in OP is subtle. Could just be referring to how either men or woman can be beautiful, which isn't some outrageous concept.
>I don't interact on social media
Then shut your stupid boomer fucking mouth and stop commenting on shit you don't know anything about.
The "intent of the author" or whatever means jack shit, what matters is that trannies can and WILL use it as ammo to bolster themselves further.
why don't you just get a life lmao
What the fuck is that dialogue and expressions? And Cloud is not a soldier he's an ex-soldier
He's just talking about cross-dressing. It's still degenerate but "Dude, dudes can wear girls clothes, too!" is pretty fucking weak on the SJW scale, especially since it empowers men and not women so they never talk about it.
Also unironically, it's ok when Japan does it.
That's a thing fops have been saying forever. It's really nothing new, we just used to ignore it.
That's quite a judgment conclusion you made about anonymous. I asked a simple question and you come back with that.
>boomer retard who cannot into modern internet tells others to get a life
If it was a western game it's SJW pandering and the game would be ruined.
Luckily though, it's Japanese, so it just a minor scene that doesn't matter.
What does that have to do with anything? You are actually incredibly stupid.
Nothing about it implies Cloud should cut off his dick or go on hormones. Neither is it empowering toward any kind of identity movements. It's a one time superfluous comment about men wearing women's clothing.
Did your mother or father not love you enough? Perhaps you should consider re-evaluating your personal routine.
Gender is just a social construct. People are becoming more and more aware of that. Why should a game not bring it up?
you're going out of your way to be mad about people liking something, guarantee your life sucks ass and you're a fuckin loser
Japan got the real message. "Don't be afraid to be yourself, you're beautiful."
In the west, this somehow turned into MEN ARE THE ROOT OF ALL EVIL