Was anyone else scared by this game as a kid?

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You just gonna go to page 10, like G did?

Dude those games were so fucking fun back in the arcades
Played the latest cabinet of The House of The Dead Scarlet Dawn at a Dave n Busters and it was really enjoyable
I think that the bad voice acting is just a staple of the series which makes it fun

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Was afraid to even look at it a tiny kid.

>Legitimately scary enemies
>Excellent sound design
>Kino mysterious story with a nice touch of the occult
These games had too much soul

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Yeah I always avoided looking at it in the arcades.

I used to have nightmares of this game back when I was 6

This, the attract mode for 2 and especially 4 creeped me out

>When your parents let you go to the grown up section of the arcade.

Finally, I am a man.

>Be 10
>Go to Arcade with siblings
>This game is dead center of the fucking Arcade

Good times, I still have fond memories of it all, and even had it in my dreams. The whole idea that you were changing routes depending on how you played through each stage astonished me.

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I thoroughly enjoyed Typing of the Dead. I showed this game to a couple of friends and I was surprised that they liked the novelty of it. We played on LAN, taking turns while drinking beer.

The chainsaw boss in the second game used to give me the big spooks

the grown up section of the arcade was gambling in my city
and house of the undead was just at the entrance

ya when I was like 8

I was always fascinated by it, but my parents wouldn't let me play it. I was kinda glad they didn't lol just the sounds were scary
Nice, my arcade also had the third version which looked insanely disturbing. I still remember the opening credits that flashed through a timeline, and it was set in the year 2019 lol

The sounds from that game seemed to echo through the arcade

The scream the machine made in 2 when you put in the token/quarter is ingrained in my mind forever.

Hilarious how Goldman was legit sinister in 4. Glad they didn't direct his new voice actor to be shit on purpose for ebin cringe Reddit meme points.

Help ME

>The the house of dead
What did they mean by this

it means
you are mentally handicapped

Terrified me fore most of my youth until me and my friend in Highschool played it in my local bowling alley
I legitimately had nightmares of this game when I was 7 since my school had a fair and they decided to rent this cabinets and I often watched the older students play it

I never saw House of the Dead growing up, but I did get scarred for life on a camping trip up in Canada when the local arcade had this fucking game.

I value the worth of an arcade by how many house of the dead machines it has in it

Unironically scared me more than horror games for whatever reason


The HOUSE..........ofthedead

>9 years old
>At a family fun center
>Filled with all sorts of cool games, ball pits, and other jungle gym like things
>One day notice in the back behind one of the ball pits is a dark hallway leading to the storage room
>In it there is one House of The Dead Arcade Machine

I swear it was haunted

It was kinda creepy

the second one scared me

the third one terrified me

I beat this game dual wield in the arcade, so much fun.

The third one could be counted as the most terrifying desu because of the environment you're trapped in while being chased by a mutated security guard
Also the bad ending where Curien's son becomes a zombie too

>Hearing the heartbeat before every boss fight
God, that always made me immediately on edge

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the horror aisle at blockbuster must've been a nightmare for you

I remember as a kid in 2006 my arcade got a cabinet of HotD 4, I got scared of that intro and never played it.

First one had the best color selection of the series
Second one had the best bosses, both design and gameplay-wise
Holy shit that giant with the chainsaw was nuts