GTA 5 is 7 years old

>GTA 5 is 7 years old
>GTA 6 in early development

what the hell are they doing??

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Waiting for next-gen, duh.

Making shitloads of cash off of GTA:O whales

>GTA 6 drops single player
>the whole game is just GTA Online

going to be ruined by feminssts

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GTA Online is still printing money. Why would they hurry with anything

RDR2 was also in the works after GTA 5. So that...duh.

Honestly that'd probably be for the best.

Rockstar North is behind the curve in the single-player sandbox/open-world game.

They were in all hands on deck mode for RDR2 and they've been coasting off of GTA:O money

>it's a subscription model
>costs 20$
>per month


Protip: There's more than one Rockstar studio.

Rockstar North handles GTA. RDR is Rockstar San Diego's thing.

>no argument
concession accepted

R* will milk GTA O until it's dead. We won't get next GTA in next 5 years.

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I hope its different. I'm tired of Rockstar's bloated singleplayer.

Did you guys like forget about Red Dead 2?

>Dogshit take with no no evidence.
>Needing an argument

You are schizo from Yas Forums.
Shut up mutt retard.

They wont make a new until it drops at least 50% in the online income department.

>GTA 5 relased on 2013
>First RDR trailer released on 2016
>RDR released on 2018
>GTA 6 trailer will drop in 2021
So, according to my calculation. GTA 6 will come out in 2023.

Pretty much everyone did, I can't think of a more forgettable game since I probably forgot about it too.

>what the hell are they doing??
Bully 2, duh.

You mean expand in GTA Online only?

Acquire acumen, cretin.

>No single-player DLC because of multiplayer whale faggots
>New GTA game will be built with online first in mind and whale fags

This is why multiplayer faggots will always deserve the rope. Don't call it a coffin, its the fucking future you chose.

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if it's in early development give it 5 years

They're too busy ignoring Red Dead Online in favor of adding 5 cars to GTA Online.

Bunch of bs. Rockstar will release GTA6 with a solo part as a tutorial on how to connect online with your parents' credit card.
More seriously, anyone thinking R* still has any drive to expand a solo mode is a retard, they're gaining too much from Online.

I fucking doubt Jewstar will even release a game in 10 years after what they did to GTA:O. I'd be fucking dead

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Rockstar did.

What's the point of working when you can earn hundreds of millions in profits from GTA 5 online?

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I mean they did recently release RDR2 which was just as grand in scope as GTA5

You wish

>weeds out all the underaged and third worlders
with something reasonable like 10-15$ a months i'd be ok with that

swimming in money . You got RDR last year you retard

They were utilizing all the studios to some degree for RDR2

The minute Houser leaves they make a smaller GTA with DLC out the ass, this is bad.

GTA 6 will force you to enter your credit card number before you're even allowed to play single player.

kek, "new era of gaming"

What could the context for this possibly be?

>smaller regular updates
enjoy paying 60€ for each mission

The reason they won't release soon is because they're making a shitton of money from online.

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Americans worship basketball people.

How much money does GTA actually make from selling Sharkcards? As far as I can tell, a third of online consists of modders and the rest just wait to get moneydrops

>also costs an initial payment of 40$
>still has microtransactions

Why does GTAO make Yas Forums seethe so much? You can get literally everything without paying real money.

I just want a 1980's simulator to role play in.

Just think of all the console and casual players, shark cards are a huge rip off, but people will still eat them up to buy the next super retarded flying motorbike with missiles and countermeasures.

they want double dipping it will release when ps5 and xbox series x will be in the end cycle and new consoles will be about to launch.

>Rockstar North is behind the curve in the single-player sandbox/open-world game
GTA 5 and a SA are the best games in their genre.
It’s not even close.