What games did you play this week while quarentined, user?

What games did you play this week while quarentined, user?
Are they any good?
You DID play videogames this week, right?

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DQXI, plenty of megaman zero games and Good Job. all a good time

Ancestors: Legacy.
It's pretty good but I'd wish there were more people around my skill level willing to play PvP rather than PvE

I played Uncharted 4 and Prototype.
Both are pretty good.
I also tried playing pic related and it was awful.

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Intake. I like it.

>I also tried playing pic related and it was awful.
Because of that Epic Games Store giveaway?

I'm making my way through RDR2. Really phenomenal game.


Old School Runescape, and I don't like the quest, but I like it overall.

I played Bannerlord. It's alright.

I am not christain but I played RDR2 just now and it was amazing.

Breath of Fire 1
Not really

You play as a communist lesbian and you go traveling with your gf to race against right wing terrorists while the only ounce of gameplay is to go left or right with your car and choose dialog options while driving.thag is it.

spyro 3 remake its shit

Lord, twas Animal Crossing New Horizons and I doth enjoyed it verily.

I played no man's sky and I liked it i guess. Though the puny inventory you are given is just idiotic when the game requires you to hoard shit. I wanna smash Sean Murry's face with a bat for making it like that, fucking soifag bitch.

Christos Anesti

Finally tried AC Unity which I got for free when hehe Notre Dame go buuuuuuuurn. It's alright in terms of stability and bugs, but god fucking damn it feels clunky, short story as always, not enough character, essentialy abandonware by the devs after it got blasted so fucking hard by press that they scrapped the season pass. 7/10 in current state, nothing mindblowing.

i have the remake trilogy here but i just find spyro really boring.
at least crash some charm and challenge to it.

Anima: Tower of Memories since they apparently released a DLC with a new character.
John is a pretty good guy.

Its good at killing time I guess

star ocean has lots of replayability

Ignore fast

FF7R and it was good

How do I ignore slow?

Wow classic
I'm levelling a comfy human male warrior, lorefagging, taking my time to up my profs (which of course ar emining and BS, along with cooking FA and fishing). Currently level 20, just finished Westfall. This is fun.

Kinda what you get for downloading a game that's description calls the main character "a bold, spunky woman"

here we go, 500+ posts of christian idiots

Dragon's dogma dark arisen. Pretty good

Mostly Dark Souls 3. I also tried out Mega Man Xtreme 1/2 but didn't think too much of them. They're neat for what they are tho.

fuck your (You), low bait faggot.

Halo 3 ODST (360, Heroic Difficulty)
Yeah it was pretty good. Music was 11/10, never been a fan of halo OST but this shit hit different. Most of the weapons kinda suck, and a lot of the time it’s because they give you jack dick for ammo reserve. I hate picking up covenant weapons because while they’re cool, it’s 100% immersion breaking for an ODST human soldier to just pick up the carbine and destroy everyone because it’s the best weapon. I haven’t played any Firefight yet.

To proud of me? The fuck? Jesus you doing ok?

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>here we go, 500+ posts of christian idiots
What the fuck are you talking about?

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Played Dusk, I liked it even though I did play on an easier difficulty after episode 1 because I stopped finding secrets.
I would have liked some more creative weapons like the crossbow but strafe jumping and flipping around was fun.

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t. ignore fast

Bought Titanfall 2 for PC and played through the campaign again. Good shit. Trying to get some friends to play multiplayer with me.

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Wait for it....

Jesus, I got it from the Humble Trove and I already feel ripped off.

Animal Crossing New Horizons, eh, It's life for me.

also it takes 5 minutes or so to beat the game and you have to unlock like 16 endings or something.

don't waste your time.

Lots of fighting games with bros. Soul Calibur 6 was the last game I played. I enjoy it a lot.

This week I play Starcraft BW and played some LoL with some friends. I also played a couple games of DoW 2 Elite mod and TW WH 2 with a old co-worker.

Torment Tides of Numenera, 4 hours in

As a Planescape fan I am suprised on how mych I enjoy it. Probably because my expectations were so low based on the some user reviews

I got Witcher recently. Combat is just okay but writing and decisions are actually pretty well done.

Fuck all enemies that use arrows though.

Pathologic 2 and yeah, it alright.
Much less on the clock the same way 1 was though.