Things that need to be in the next Spider-Man game

>pick up and play co-op
>day/night cycle
>dynamic weather: light snow, heavy rain, etc
>full revamp of the stealth system. Either fix it or remove it entirely
>all suits need a symbiote version
>suit damage
>Brooklyn, Staten Island, Bronx, and Queens, and Liberty Island must be present and readily available to explore from the start
>NO Topher Grace or Tom Hardy inspired Eddie Brock
>Marvel Hero cameos and more landmarks such as the Baxter Building
>fall damage

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needs to be bigger boobies

>Things that need to be in the next Spider-Man game
#1 - not be a console-exclusive

more suits
superior for example

totally crazy create your own spiderman for spider universe shenanigans


An attractive, less annoying MJ, lewder costume for Black Cat and that silver bitch

Eddie Brock isn't gonna be Venom, Harry is.

it needs a writter than isn’t a SJW cuck. I don’t care about gay flags and Miles Morales in the game, but the arc character of Mary Jane and that Silver Bitch are attocious

What about Yuri? Will that ever be resolved?


What happened with Yuri? I didnt play the DLC

>More playable characters
>Deeper and better Combat system
>online mode, Where you can create your own spider-man/girl
>Better Swinging
>Better Activities and not tie in to the story mode
>More boss fights
>Field boss fights
>Less OP or broken abilities and gadgets

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He'll come after her she's a vigilantemurderer now

She became a run away serial killer

The game is based on Ultimate Spider-Man primarily, where MJ's more book smart/Lois Lane/reporter than stunning lovely lady.

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Hammerhead killed a bunch of cops and she snapped almost killing him and getting kicked off the force, then she killed this mob hitman leaving a bunch of recorders at crime scenes for Spidey.

I thought MJ was one of the best written females of all time. Bitch was all over the place.

Dr. Connors should be in the next game

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How about things that shouldn't be in the next Spiderman game?

I think we can all agree that MJ shit should not be in it.

comic accurate costume and controlling individual arms when web swinging

>no stealth missions
>random events not tied to tokens
>MJ not being a cheap Oracle
>fuck tokens as a game progression honestly
>More sidequests like the Tombstone one
>No speed cap while swinging
>Map being more interactable and having more shit to do
>interaction with the rest of the Marvel Universe to the minimum
>every gadget should had a porpouse in the main story no congratulations you now unlocked three gadgets that peter never use in the main story
>Morales being only a support cast

that's my wishlist after playing the game

He is

>comic accurate costume
This will literally never happen. Remember this is movie Spider-Man.

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I think he was already dealt with when Peter was in college or earlier you can find a cure he used as one of those backpack items that apparently didn't work long.

if they can give us movie acurate costumes is it so much to ask for comic accuracy why does no one care that they stopped giving us comic accurate costumes since mvc3 why does everything have to be chinese knock off mcu

REMOVE Miles and MJ segments.

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Miles dies before he even becomes playable

You start out with the classic comic suit

Less tacti-cool suits.

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more mommy sable?

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>pick up and play co-op
>day/night cycle
I prefer scripted
>dynamic weather: light snow, heavy rain, etc
see above
>full revamp of the stealth system. Either fix it or remove it entirely
>all suits need a symbiote version
>suit damage
scripted is better
>Brooklyn, Staten Island, Bronx, and Queens, and Liberty Island must be present and readily available to explore from the start
i guess
>NO Topher Grace or Tom Hardy inspired Eddie Brock
why not
>Marvel Hero cameos and more landmarks such as the Baxter Building
>fall damage

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>Peter Parker is going through incredible stress since the weight of the city is constantly on his shoulders
>MJ could help with that
>they broke up because he was always trying to protect her because he cared so much for her
>as the story gets worse for her and he clearly needs her the most she still keeps pushing him away.....
>......except when she needs favors from him to forward her career then she calls for his help
>at the end only after Aunt dies and he befriends a young black ward does she decide to go back to the most popular and well liked person in all of NYC

She was really a bitch this game and I hated her every time she called. An emotionless self serving hipster cunt. She was literally that meme comic where Lois Lane is wondering if she can do better than Superman.

>pick up and play co-op

How can the same company make a cutie such as Sable and at the same time, make Black Cat look like a dude?

you don't actually yeah it looks similiar but it takes design cues from asm 2 and mcu spider man in certain areas, and the webshooters are bulky as fuck as well as tiny which is more of a modern thing

he was not he writter dumbass


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>"The Heist" dlc..
>implying I care about the Black Cat to begin with
just want more sable man..

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how does she look like a man to you are people like you just shitposting at this point

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Don't forget LGBTQM represenation.