GPU upgrade questions

I have a question to all anons
Should I buy 2060S or wait for new gpu's in the same price range?

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New consoles are close to coming out. And if the specs are half as good as what some people are claiming: they're going to drive down costs of components, especially GPUs. Which is good because these greedy fucks are trying to push $600 for midtier shit.

What's your current setup? What games does it struggle with?

Personally I'd wait for next gen, but if you have some toaster, go ahead and buy modern card, fuck waiting.

If you have any interest in switching to GNU/Linux you should seriously consider AMD over Nvidia due to the higher quality drivers.

RDNA2 cards are likely to be released around the same time as the next-gen consoles if not before, though they'll likely start with the rumored higher-end *900 card to avoid stealing the low-end thunder of the integrated graphics in the new consoles.

If RDNA2 cards end up being good you may see Nvidia lower prices a bit. The RTX meme is the only reason they charge a premium over the current RDNA cards.

5700XT has comparable performance to the 2070 Super minus RTX capabilities and it's like 100+ dollars cheaper.

I have ryzen 1600 and amd r9 390
I use win and Gnu
I don't use gnu for gaming so I don't care
I need Cuda for apps but I may choose Amd if it's really worth it

Isn't 5700 XT more on par with 2060S?

Also AMD drivers aren't the best for all games

It's somewhere in between but not by much, it's very close to the performance of the 2070S.

Depending on what you're playing, you might take a shot at gaming with your 390 on GNU/Linux then. Won't be a big upgrade, but the higher quality of the open source drivers and the greater use of Vulkan can really help.

Using a well supported card with open drivers can really help even with just the desktop experience.

Not OP but I game on memejaro with an RX580 and I would not recommend it.
Proton has gotten really good in the last couple of years but a lot of good games still don't work and some likely won't for a long time if ever because of anti cheat software.

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you should upgrade your CPU instead homie

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The answer to "should I upgrade" is always "depends on what you have right now"

It really does depend on what type of gamer you are.
If you've got to play the latest malware infested 'AAA' games you're likely stuck with Microsoft and Windows 10 despite all the shit they pull.
If you're mostly playing single player games or older games Proton, native games, and emulators really can cover all the bases.
You can't play everything yet, but the same thing can be said of Windows 10, and there's plenty of things you can play.

My point remains though, if you're running GNU/Linux, even if you're not using it for games much, you should probably favor AMD over Nvidia.

What's worse is that my 390 broke recently in the midst of this pandemic and I'm fucked
I can't even game
I need a gpu or I will go bonkers

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And also never ever get AMD and VR is a meme

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Like I said I don't need Gnu for gaming
Gnu is not for gaming in my setup
Any card will be fine with linux

I don't play AAA games. The only game I can't play that I want to play is a 5 year old online indie multiplayer game that uses EAC. A lot of games use EAC that aren't "AAA malware".

Also good luck getting Mod Organizer 2's VFS working if you want to play something like modded New Vegas. It's possible with Lutris and a lot of patience but it's not easy.

Definitely wait, you can still do 1080p adequately. Let nvidia fart out a console killer and AMD put out the last AM4 CPUs before you upgrade.

I can't do anything
My gpu broke and only works on Microso default driver
I get black screen when I try to install AMD drivers. Same black screen on gnu so not an OS related problem

ryzen 3600 and 2060 super

>I don't play AAA games
Is your 390 even showing it's age then? Are you actually hurting for frames ever?
I recently built a new system with a 2080S, only because my i5 2500k/GTX 580 was finally starting to show it's age. To be honest, based on what you want to play, I'd echo the rest of what the user's ITT are saying, just wait and see if prices go down; while I like my new PC, I do NOT like how much it cost.My personal way is to spend big and keep it for a long time, hence keeping my 580 for 10 years. The timing to upgrade was just unfortunately expensive.

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if someone asks what you have and a part is broken don't say you have that part

Your choice is to spend like $100 now to get an RX 570 that is close to the R9 390 to just replace it until we see what happens post-consoles or get like a $400 2060S and hope the consoles don't BTFO it too hard.

i have an AMD r9 390 and I don't feel like I'm missing anything. Think video cards are getting irrelevant as sound cards

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that post wasn't me
some idiot is pretending to be me (OP)
It's really lame dude

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Dude what games are you playing then?

not that guy, but what about a 1650s over a 570? I was on the same boat, 1600x and my gpu died

that's crazy
R9 390 is just holding up very abnormally well. Mostly because the consoles have capped multiplats to RX 570-580ish level hardware.

If you're not satisfied with your card than upgrade. If it plays your games at with satisfactory framrates/graphical fidelity, then don't. Simple as that.

The "just wait" mindset is retarded because there will literally always be a new card coming out in a year.

I can do that but 390 was already ass for me
Fallout 4 with ENB was like 40 fps
Any new games like Outer Worlds were a pain in the ass
How long of a wait would I need for new gpu's?

1650S are good cards

My 290X can play RDR2 at 60fps 1080p or 14440p 30fps.

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Outer worlds is a complete disaster on AMD cards for whatever reason, it's always the worst game on all AMD vs. Nvidia benchmarks. Obsidian was basically an indie masquerading as a AAA developer when they were making it before they got bought out by MS.