Concept Art

>when your concept art is better than what is in your main game

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Post more kino concept art

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Thats basically just Zack

The first Darkstalkers game devoted three whole months solely to having ten artists churn out concept after concept for each of the general character ideas. These are just a sampling of what was drawn in those 3 months.

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Lara croft

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wtf i actually like this design

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Attached: 012.jpg (1275x1650, 2.18M)

Some recent stuff

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>that griffith/DBZ monstrosity

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Pic unrelated.

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Yeah, he's a bit of a clusterfuck. The other concept next to him isn't too bad, though.

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>Transition from concept art to ingame model is flawless
How the fuck do they keep doing it ?

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lel fuck off. What we got is way better than this shit.

>he wraps the tooth around in the chains of the shield
holy shit i never noticed this

Havel was fucking metal. I wonder what he'd look like physically under the armor.

They didn't use that Cloud because apparently it was too masculine and people wouldn't be able to relate to him. Still looks badass.


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But he doesn't look much different. Except the hair.

Attached: The Ark.png (1776x1000, 3.79M)

Capcom better let Itsuno has his time and team to make a proper DD2.

THIS is how you do character design. So many indies get it wrong by stopping at the 1st or 2nd iteration when creating characters. This is why they'll never top the classics. No discipline. and no traditional art training. but can't blame 'em. Artists don't code. Programmers don't draw.

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Indie games have and always will be largely shit.

Fallout 4 concept art makes me fucking cry.

Pic related has tons of souls

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looks like the anime version of the 'just fuck my shit up' haircut

>Flat computer painted, half finished trash
I fucking despise digital art, it makes lazy onions artists just scribble a flat brown tone,a grey tone,and a shadow and call it a day
Looks like shit

I agree but its still ten times better than what we got for Fallout 4

Even the old Maxon's art was pretty based and traditionalist. Unlike the hipster we got in the final game.

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