God I hate this stupid bitch so much

God I hate this stupid bitch so much

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Shouldn't you be in mass right now?


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you and 90% of the people here, u ain't special.

OP, your problem is not Edelgard.

The reason you so profoundly seethe at the mere sight of her has nothing to with her actions, or her character in the game.
The reality is, your inner self-pity is the problem. You refuse to stand up for yourself. You refuse to believe in yourself and strive for something greater. That is what Edelgard embodies and you subconsciously object improving upon yourself. This is why your hatred for her is so great compared to anybody else, despite her being a completely fictional character with having practically no real impact on your life.

You just hate yourself.
So think before you get worked up over an innocent discussion about Edelgard and look in the mirror at your own self and perhaps you might find what's really holding you back.

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I hate her because she refuses to give me children.
All they had to do was add one line in the epilogue, but apparently that was too much effort.

>You refuse to stand up for yourself
>That is what Edelgard embodies
Isn't this the woman that was confused at the thought of people fighting back against her army if they would surrender once they were defeated? She believes that conviction is purely black and white, that you're either willing to risk everything or none at all. She's a child

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i like her because she triggers the libs

>Children highly likely, almost certain to possess the extremely rare and all-powerful crest of Flames.
>Implying Edelgard would tell anyone about this, just like Seteth would with Flayn.

I'm thinking it was for the best.

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Bernie! Bernie! Bernie!

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How come none of the classmates actually hate Bernie? They just pity her and try to help. I feel like the best support convos come from the ones where they shit on each other, like Ferdinand-Hubert, Felix-his whole class except annette and mercedes, Claude-Lorenz.

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i prefer cooming to bernie

Aren't Hubert and Ferdinand gay?

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Linhardt was the only gay until Yuri.


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To be fair even if they did it would be secret since she can't be seen marrying a commoner.

no but you and me are.

lmao wut. She removes the noble system and abdicates the throne. The only reason is CF being unfinished.

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Not but you sure as hell are.

>The only reason is CF being unfinished.

CF is more rushed than unfinished, in the same way MM11 was rushed

I love my cute emperor and her gestapo butler!

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It's literally missing 3-4 chapters that the other routes get user. It's completely unfinished, shit like copy and pasted Edelgard endings are just nails in the coffin.

CF doesn't have filler maps. Every map makes the plot move forward and isn't just stalling for time like for example VW with that monastery attack or that Ingrid's paralogue map in which nothing happened.

Map 1 of CF is you already invading the Alliance. Map 1 of VW is the bandit reunion, then map 2 is a pointless monastery defense, map 3 is a pointless trip to lavaland, until FINALLY at map 4 you're moving towards the bridge.


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How could anybody hurt this?

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this guy would

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So you unironically don't see a problem with relegating the slitherers to end cards? You don't see how they could have used those last chapter spaces to deal with them? You think what we have is all they planned?

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I say it's rushed in the sense it has a clear end which was made through cutting corners

I made the Mega Man 11 analogy because the Wily Fortress has actually 2 stages unlike previous entries which had 4-5 (or 8 mini stages around the nes era), because the mandatory boss rush and final boss are given their own stages instead of being mashed into just one thing like it's usually done

Marianne is best

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The slithers aren't the main villains of CF. It's Rhea and the church.
It makes no sense to defeat the slithers before taking down Rhea and it makes no sense for CF to continue after beating Rhea and that climax at the capital that ended with Byleth losing the god powers.

In fact, developing CF was most likely more time-consuming than developing AM or VW (since they're clones of SS and that route was developed first) because it's the only unique route that had to be radically different. That's why they couldn't recycle all the cutscenes and maps that SS-AM-VW recycle between each other.
It makes no sense for Gronder to happen in CF. It makes no sense for the reunion to happen in CF, etc.

Imagine a world where Dimitri got to fuck his half sister, literally all of Fodlan would have been in peace.
remember folks, Incest is wincest

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Who said anything about those faggy reunions? Who said anything about making the last chapters filler? How can you say the slitherers aren't the end goal when Edelgard and the end cards explicitly state they're next on the list? Did you even play this game? BE's are my niggas, which is why I'm salty their route is the gimped one.

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>Some say their fame made even Emperor Edelgard jealous
She's such a fucking insecure brat

user...you can literally see the mark where that guy typed that shit in.

I watch the playthroughs on YouTube, idiot

Step sister.

I think what user is saying that killing the slitherers feels more like a sidequest you do after ending the game than the actual final threat

CF was never about killing the slithers. And Hubert tells you 100 times that the slithers will be dealt with after the war is over, in the shadows.
The entire route was about conquering Fodlan and defeating the Kingdom and finally Rhea. Never in the route they were hyping you up to defeat the molemen because they are not the focus of the story.


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>Yo OP, imma let you Finnish but uh, first, muh dick. You feel me, dawg?