The last game you played is the only game you are allowed to play for the rest of the year

>The last game you played is the only game you are allowed to play for the rest of the year.

How fucked are you?

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Last Oasis. Hot take, but I could probably play it that long. Minorly fucked.

battlefield 4
eh, it has a lot of content so id be fine

>cities: skylines

I'm scrett.

Darkwood. Pretty fucked. Can't imagine the game being fun after 2-3 plays.

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>league of legends
i'll just stop playing games then

I don't play games. I don't talk about games, I just shitpost on a board about games.

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I'll be fine. Maybe I will finally learn Russian.

>Jump Force
Fucking kill me!

Fuck yeah

>R6 Siege
Guess I'll finally git gud and unlock all operators for free eventually.

>uncharted 2
god please no i'm already tired of it after two hours

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GTA 4 meh could be worse

will probably get old

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>Hollow Knight
fuck fuck fuck god dammit I literally just gave up on The Radiance
I don't want to git gud, I've been playing for 30 hours already, I'm ready to be done


nothing changes

Tekken 7
Welp.. time to git gud or just pick up a different hobby

>not playing the superior Yas Forumsscape

cringe bro

resident evil 3
pretty fucked I'm doing inferno mode now and won't play it again unless resistance counts I could grind that out for a while


I'm good

For fuck’s sake. There’s too much shit to loot in this game. I just want to explore the post-apocalypse, not run around picking trash all the time.

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>get to play Bloodborne for an entire year


I can no life for a year, easy


uh... I guess I'll finish those no damage runs of the bosses I was working on faster than expected. I'm just combofagging now, though, I already finished All S last year...

I'm okay with this

Gal civ 3
I just started playing it so i should be okay.


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>Receiver 2
Maybe I'll get past level 2 consistently

>Dominions 5
well then

>Morrowind GOTY Edition
I can also install mods. I'm good, OP.

Baba is You

=> killme.exe

>Drakengard 3
story's okay so far, but this lag will be the death of me

>is MMO
>is the only game I play the last year

>civ 4
I'm okay