Why Atlus refuses to listen to people?

Why Atlus refuses to listen to people?
Are they aware of how much money they're losing?

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Why are people so fucking obsessed with Persona?
Why not Nocturne instead?
There's way better JRPGs on the Switch already, just give me any of the other, more interesting ones, i don't want Persona, it's boring as shit, 50% of the game is managing relationship bullshit.
I don't want half a VN, i want a proper, full jrpg.
Goddamn, enough of this nonsense.

no, fuck this just give me a release date for scramble

But where's Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment?

>boohoo why didn't muh twitter campaign work???
Fuck off beggar

Not much, everyone who wanted to play that, has already played it

eww that's icky, I want my best fwend simulator because I had none back in high school :(

Portbegging is console wars.
Portbegging Persona 5, a PS3 game, for nearly a decade, is a sign of a mental illness.

Fuck you.

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nocturne is pretty easy to play for most people with emulation while royal and golden espiecally you need a ps4 or buy a dead console. not sure why we need p3 fes.

From the MN thumbnail I thought this was some Minnesota quarantine riot Facebook group using persona characters as mascots.

>t. P3 is his favorite

it's a game aimed at modern teenagers and has a larger target audience
it doesn't matter what you want, it matters what the majority of their potential consumer base want, and that isn't a remake of a 17 year old JRPG that the twitter kids have likely never heard of

>Begging for a port of P3
>before it gets a definitive edition including all content

Granted I don't care about this franchise so that may or may not be impacting my view on this heavily
but devs absolutely should never listen to people outside of stuff like bugfixes or game-breaking errors, and maybe balance-related stuff for multiplayer games too. It's their product and their vision, they can do whatever they want with it.

Atlus is based for ignoring the west

>begging for a PS2 game
the absolute state of tendies

Stop port begging you stupid retard. Atlus cant even make new games for their existing series without taking a long ass break. The last thing they need is to strech out their resources to make ports.

The thing that gets me the most is that this campaign claims to fight against games being kept hostage by a single platform, while demanding muh Switch port and nothing more.
You also never see #breakfreeastralchain or #breakfreefireemblem

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switch beggars are fucking pathetic. P5 won't even run on your potato console anyway

>game with heavy sony implementation and cooperation like their aniwhatever
>why don't they just port it

everyone who cares about vidya already has a switch

>Nintendies replaced PCfags as resident port beggers
>when Fatlus denied them P5:R they went on a shitposting spree about how bad Royal is
>now that no one bought their shitposting they're right back to port begging
Fucking. Hilarious.

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That's because the Switch is the Vita 2.0.
All JRPGs and weeb games must be on it, no exception.
If you're an Otaku and don't own a switch you're horrendously outdated and out of touch.

Why the fuck would i want 3 4 and 5 they are fucking garbage

give me remakes of 1 and 2 but don't add any fucking bullshit to them just remake them

>I don't have any valid criticisms
>I'll just project instead

>scramble sold less than half on Switch as it did on PS4
They aren't missing anything

I preferred Scramble to the new shit Royal added

Did scramble even come out in the west

You're the dumbest nigger on the planet.
What does your statement even mean?
I shouldnt want to play a game because it's a few years old???

Shouldn't you be out stealing someone's bike Jamal?

>inb4 why would you buy a spinoff of a PlayStation game

Ah, the usual
>"If you don't own a Switch you don't like videogames!"
I care about videogames and I haven't owned Nintendo hardware since the DS.

>Paying $60 for a PS2 game
>Being racist
Damn bro, lose some weight

you missed the point you retarded nintenigger
good job!

If you care about JRPGs or japanese games and don't own a Switch you're essentially left behind.
With Sony abandoning that niche almost entirely you've got no choice.

If they were listening, they wouldn't have released Royal in the first place.

>no Persona 2 duology
Fucking Persona fans

There's no new etrian for switch. and even if they did they'd reuse the assets from 2007 pump it with dlc. Atlus is shit.

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>Why are people so fucking obsessed with Persona?

Probably because its the series that most people know of and has taken off.

>Why not Nocturne instead?
Easy to emulate, and frankly doesn't have as much mainstream appeal. Its a great game, don't get me wrong. But, I doubt most of the people who have rallied behind Persona since 3 are really the same type who'd be super into Nocturne.

>i don't want Persona
I mean you said it yourself, theres other JRPGs on the switch, let alone in general. Its not like people are forcing you at gunpoint to play the game if they did port it over.

>begging for Ps2 games
Do Nintedrones really?.......

I mean, I emulated it but why not let buyfags buy?

1) With the release of Catherine FB on the Switch it's very likely that a port of P5 is at the very least on the works.
2) I wish this didn't happen because P5 is complete garbage.

SMT V is never coming out is it

PC is my main gaming platform and I still have my modded PS2 (because PS2 emulation isn't ready yet); I have all the JRPGs and Japanese games I can need for a lifetime. Don't tell me you unironically believe the "only the Switch has games" meme.

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What a disingenuous little shit you are. The fact that you can type all of that, knowing about the DQ XI kikery, is pretty fucking hilarious. If your assertion even WAS true, it'd be due to the fact that you autists refuse to play on any platform except if it's from Nintendo. You port beg just as much as the master race does, and you do it so autistically, so incessantly, that corporations like Square-Enix just fuck over the original adopters to appease your faggotry.

Don't even reply with implications of console war faggotry.
t. idort

haha pathetic

I'd buy P4/G on Switch.

The announcement date is probably getting delayed due to the pandemic, but it shouldn't be too far away. Early 2021 at the worst imo

Nocturne wouldn't do well unless they add a super mega baby mode

>portbegging for PS2 games
>when you can just emulate it well on a fucking toaster
Never change Nintendies

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If they put Persona on switch it's only fair that they put fire Emblem and Xenoblade on the PS4.

After all, fuck platform exclusives right? Fuck a healthy competitive market right?

I hope every SMT5 thread upon release and for the foreseeable future are full of PS5 and PC portbegging posts. Thank you, portbegging is very important to game discussions.

You've got no valid arguments, nigs.
Adapt or die.

Atlus doesn't even port their shit to future Sony consoles, having to whip out a Vita tv and a 3DS to play most of their catalogue is sad in itself. But if it exists you best fucking believe it's getting a Catherine port for whatever reason.
Really what they need to do is hire one of those third party studios to pump out their shit more efficiently than Atlus itself could manage.
Port begging is annoying, I get that, but if Falcom and fucking compile heart can manage to make steam and switch ports Atlus can do it too.
At this point I just wish Sony was cool and had the PS5 support their handheld games.

I don't think that's the same case at all since Atlus are not Sony affiliates, but sure. More games for everyone.