Can we take a moment to discuss how the PS5 is looking like the blunder of the generation. How on earth did they manage to fuck up the specs and pricing for this thing?

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Sony started COVID to cover up their asses.

You heard it here first.

>Sony is on top with PS2, they get arrogant
>PS3 loses, 360 is amazing
>Microsoft is on top with the 360, they get arrogant
>Xbone loses, PS4 is amazing
>Sony is on top with the PS4, they get arrogant

The cycle springs eternal.

wow, a guy named after a nintendo character said that ps5 is doomed on twitter
what an amazing thread

source is the bloomberg article, brainlet. enjoy paying $550 for a 9.2tf console.

>covid affected pr plans
like how? I understand if it's something like Nintendo did with their hands on stuff or games. But everything else? They already introduced sony directs, why not just using that format? GDC talk was incredibly stupid.
>here guise the specs and cerny talking 1 hour about the ssd
>let's release the 3d Model of our controller
Like there are people getting paid 100k and they can't figure out how to do a online marketing plan, like every fucking other company out there?

> $550
Fair price for a decent pc.

Surely they'll cut the price. I mean they're already vastly inferior to the new Xbox specs wise, regardless of their meme SSD. They would be retarded to sell it for MORE money than their stronger competitor.

360 had a strong start but was ultimately defeated by PS3 once they got back on their feet.

but I do get what you are saying arrogant Sony is never good

Looks like I'm not getting a console this time.
Well maybe the PS5 Pro Ultra Turbo will be better.

then why did you post that random twitter screenshot, retard

imagine being this fucking dumb

360 was a shit console PS3 had way more exclusives and passed it in sales by the end

The downside of having a million different departments handle separate tasks for your giant corporation is that at some point they will have to coordinate with each other and when any unexpected thing, not even as big as what the virus has done pops up, then it all goes to shit.

>worse specs across the board
>specs are so mediocre they are 100% relying on fucking SSDs of all things to sell their console
>no real exclusives lined up yet that aren't also coming to PS4
>legitimately the worst controller design ever (for a Playstation)
>only backwards compatibility with PS4, and even that is not guaranteed to be 1:1
this is what happens when you change your base of operations to being located in fucking CALIFORNIA

PS3 won in the end.

I can't take seriously someone with a name like that.

Ahhh yes

honestly who cares

just wait 2-3 years to see which one is the better bargain by then, and they'll probably even have other models out by that point too

>will have to coordinate with each other and when any unexpected thing, not even as big as what the virus has done pops up, then it all goes to shit
which I understand, but nothing greatly changed. They didn't fly over to fucking japan everytime something changed. They did the same as every other company doing telephone conferences. I know that home office slows you down and stuff, but marketing is not something you can't do remote honestly.

sony only catched up after microsoft went full retard and switched their focus to kinect

>in the end

360 was totally dominant when it mattered.

Doesn't even matter how shit it's gonna be. PS4 had fucking Knack and it still sold like crazy. Sony fanboys would support Sony no matter what

>PS4 is amazing
it really isn't and xbox is now better for multiplats thanks to game pass and xbone x

>Can we take a moment to discuss how the PS5 is looking like the blunder of the generation.

Yes we can take a moment to cope.

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This. If this gen is a guide, there will be maybe one or two games worth playing and the rest will be kind-of-HD-but-kind-of-downgraded-too rereleases as filler for the first year or so.

ps3 was a shit console and is my only regret to this day. i paid full price for that piece of trash and it was a joke the whole gen whilst everyone was enjoying party chats on xbox and better multiplat performance. fucking piece of trash console. and it bombed in sales compared to the ps2. it went from like 180m sales to less than half of that. joke of a console and the 360 was way better and way cheaper whilst being better for actual games.

even kinect was a success it sold 30 million units. i'd take kinect over playstation move. fuck the ps3 was so fucking trash i can't believe i bought it for full price (in europe as well where pricing is always fucked because we end up paying more after conversion rates).

the only reason sony still exists is because with the xbox 360 you had pay for online

>more followers means more likes
>oh nonono xbox is finished
Back then it was all about power, now it's about shtty likes anyone can buy


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>Accusing Sony of buying likes.

Yes, we can continue taking a few moments to cope, if we must.

It's such a textbook example of why competition is good.

well they're not using that money for buying better hardware.

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>PS3 loses
To the Wii? Yeah. To the Xbox? Nope. Xbox dead last 4 LYF3

Such a sorry-ass snoy cope. That generation in the U.S. BELONGED TO THE 360. More engagement, more software sales, games played better


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Yes, please continue coping :) Let it all out.

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>Yes, we can continue taking a few moments to cope, if we must.
>reddit spacing
I hope corona ends and you fags fuck off

You can get bored with shitty vidya and they can only play vidya and maybe some teevees. Eggs are versatile and tasty and you can throw them at something for entertainment too. Why are we here when we have eggs?

>360 was totally dominant when it mattered.
It only mattered in the American market. Everyone else stuck with Playstation.

>Xbox One sold less than PS4
>Xbox got less likes than Playstation



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Everyone on the planet knows what an egg is. Eggs are used by the millions daily. Millions of people buy, like, and consume eggs.

What the fuck is this even proving? People liked a picture of eggs? They're everywhere. Of course people know what an egg is and thought it was funny to like it.

All this shows is that half as many peopled went out of their way to like Xbox than Playstation.

Seems like history will repeat itself again. Xbox dead last 4 LYF3

>People on instagram like anything, see! They liked Eggs!

>even then, still don't like Xbox as much as Playstation


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The saddest thing is that there are people on Yas Forums who will buy the PS5 expecting the good Japanese games that appeal to Yas Forums, although the PS5 is now just an Xbox and all the Japanese games moved to the PC and Switch. They will expect to get good games for $550 without realizing that they're going to be baited into buying trash. The only people who should buy a PS5 are dumbfuck Europeans and retarded Americans, everyone with a brain will upgrade to a new PC or spend the extra 25 bucks on an Xbox.

Gonna be laughing real hard come November.

What record did that egg broke?

>blunder of the generation
Yas Forums says this about every generation of Playstation systems.

>over a million more people liked PS5's controller than the entire new Xbox console

that's pretty extreme honestly

Uh no.
I usually buy consoles a year or two after launch if they have games I want.

>PS5 is looking like the blunder of the generation
The Sony name and big dev names like Santa Monica, Polyphony and Naughty Dog will save it just like they saved the PS3. It could be a piece of garbage with first gen ZEN and 2 year old GPU it would still sell the most units.

I worked at Best Buy when the PS2 came out, and there were low "units" available supposedly.
No one cared and the PS2 was available within a month.
It's all just publicity to drum up demand for a console with no games.

Dude when you post this egg picture all you're actually showing is that PS5 got more likes than Xbox... Again. The egg shows more people liked an egg than Playstation, and more people liked Playstation than Xbox.

You're not helping your point about social media at all.

no one is buying the Xbox, you dumb shill. Go make another 500 post thread with 50 IDs lol

That's absolute BS because PS2 had shortages everywhere the whole Christmas season and they were getting scalped online for thousands.

You're a fucking zoomer roleplaying as a boomer.

Damn dude literally obsessed

Once they reveal the console on social media it will be the death of Xbox (again) lmao

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PC + current Nintendo console is the only right answer.

Xbox is already fucking forgotten. People are sitting here frothing for info on PS5 so much that they masturbated over the controller reveal. There's an immense amount of hype for PS5. Not Xbox. Xbox is fucking dead and Xbox One killed the brand. Anyone hanging on or shitposting about PS5 being a flop or blunder are literally delusional right now. You may as well be with the delusional Shitch posters who went apeshit in 2017 when Switch sold out everywhere.

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I have a strong feeling PS5 is going to be really well designed console that looks sleek as fuck and it's going to make the tower Xbox look like a joke.

I really believe it's going to be a laughing stock after PS5 is revealed. You can screencap this.

No, Europe was 50:50

I used to be a die hard Sony fan to the point I'd shill it for free on image boards if I knew about any back then in the ps2 era but then 7th gen came round and the 360 humbled the fuck out of me because I had no response to the people who were enjoying the better ports (bayonetta), the exclusives (halo 3, mass effect for years), the timed exclusives (GTA4 DLC timed exclusivity for 360 made me so mad), the features like xbox live chats, the controller (which I never admitted even to this day I liked it those 360 owning friends). It was just a really really good console and xbox fans were satisfied for the vast majority of that gen. With that being said I still got a ps4 this gen but after that near traumatic experience for me as a hardcore fanboy back then it's made me realise brand loyalty is fucking retarded and I'll say right now the PS5 looks like hot trash. I've followed the next gen consoles for years since the speculation threads all those years ago and I'm severely disappointed with the PS5 hardware and features. It's just shit like nobody can defend how shit it is. For that reason I'll probably go xbox for the first time ever and honestly, I'm looking forward to it. The back compat is the icing on the cake for me because of all the 360 titles I missed. You get to a point eventually when you realise you can't consider something a hobby if you purposely limit yourself from experiencing it to the full because if retarded loyalties and shit.

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That custom ssd is unnecessary

You know things are getting bad for Sony when normies are even calling Sony fanboys gay

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