Monster Hunter

What have you been grinding lately?
All games welcome btw

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Just finished velkhana 4 piece set. Now do I use the lsd or gs with it?

Safi and angry brachy

I'm waiting for AT Kulve instead of farming safi.
Hopefully I will get my ice CB back

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Deviljho. No item in particular, just Deviljho. I've been killing every Deviljho I see in expeditions for hours.

Nothing. There is literally no reason to grind or augment anything in this game or even still play it.

It's way too easy, 50% of people just cheat everything in and it's just boring and annoying to play due to verticality/clutch claw which makes every fight feel way too similar.

I haven’t touched switch axe since base world, did the weapon change much, any recommended weapons to craft and is elemental viable or do I go raw

Mostly GL shit so Ill have excess materials to augment the alatreon and Kulve weapons.

I only just got back into things a week ago, so I'm trying to put off grinding more Safi or Brachy. I could also really use shadowcore ore, but the only thing less appealing to me than more safi raids is grinding tempered elders

I'm burned out and taking a break till Kulve.

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Being able to use ZSD from claw is a pretty big change, it also got some evasive moves but they're alright, Raw is king.

Finishing up the last parts of High Rank before diving into Master Rank.
Lunastra a shit
Any protips for Behemoth?

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>they pulled the Kulve siege before MR Kulve hits
I'm conflicted: on the one hand I wanted to try for more kjarr weapons before I kill her, on the other holy fuck the gacha system is so bad. Countless fury incitements and breaks and not a single kjarr SnS to show for it.

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>Any protips for Behemoth?
Bring flashbugs, also he apparently really hates water weapons.

Havent played since pre safi cause of Animal Crossing and Eternal. How hard is it to get into Safi raids now? Im thinking about MHW a lot but still enjoying Doom and want to do my UN run so its kept me from hopping back in.

I'm hammering it, so element is pretty much whatever.
I'll bring flashbugs and pods though.

Grinded 2 hours for Steamworks yesterday, mostly to get Gourmet Tickets, Golden Eggs and Steam Tickets, got 60k fuel and got everything i needed so i'm gonna take a break till MR Kulve hits.
I was doing a lot of Kulve runs before this festival to get the Kjarr weapons, did it a fuckton of times and the Fire and Thunder Kjarr SnS never dropped, theyre apparently increasing the Kjarr drop chances for HR ATKT when MR Kulve hits tho.

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>just spamming standard sns combos when there's no huge opening to fit a perfect rush, ready to jump out at any moment
>still outdamage most of the shitters around me
The entire skill set of this thing is just disgustingly good

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>Any protips for Behemoth?
Return to this motherfucker with master rank gear and laugh into his faggot face

not too hard if you can find a dedicated lobby for it.

The axe got some mv buffs, a new fade slash, and a new slam attack that also gives axe a buff to partbreak and stun damage.

It's a big change that actually makes the axe mode a viable part of the kit instead of just swording all the time.

Well, the whole point of doing it before MR was to actually do it the 'intended' way and not steamroll everything with rank inappropriate gear.
Otherwise I would've been running Defender weapons like a faggot anyway.

The revamped axe mode is genuinely incredible and well worth using on its own. Buffed axe has hidden trip and part breaking modifiers which makes it godly for knocking monsters down.
Two best SA right now are Safi status ones and Raging Bracy, don't go elemental.

>I've been grinding Bloodbath Diablos EX solo, you know the usual.

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What's the secret to consistent 4 figure charged hits with GS? I have a Safi shattersplitter with all attack V but I'm only managing to get like 750 on the last hit.

gonna make a second iceborne midgame set, royal guard larp with offensive guard cb is fun but i wanna try barioth crit-draw ls. Larp as jetsream sam instead

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You still need the crit meta set alongside it, dumbass

make sure all of the criteria are met:
-it lands on a softened weakpoint
-its an critical hit with boosted critical damage
-its a elemental weakness
-your attack stats have been buffed.

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>don't look at him, he's using a mantle

came back to it after 7 years to get all the achievements

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would you rather fuck dust or fidget or both

bruh das gay

been bullying temp zinogre and ruiner event quests. I am loving perfect rush on SnS, its so much fun.

>all games welcome btw
