Why don't people like the Halo 2 aniversary multiplayer? I've been playing the PC beta and having a blast

Why don't people like the Halo 2 aniversary multiplayer? I've been playing the PC beta and having a blast

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Is it already out?

Not on PC, no

The beta or "flight" is. You have to sign up to their "Halo insider" program to get an email with a steam code.

It's too goddamn dark. I can barely see anything.

>still no server browser

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Most people can't even try it yet because it's still Flighting
Also I think people will dislike it because it has loadouts like Reach

Not enough maps is my main gripe. Other than that, movement doesn’t feel as smooth.

I played it and it doesn't have loadouts????

I couldn't find any matches unfortunately.

>Eventually, Anniversary's social gametypes would shift to using a single loadout.
nvm, I didn't know they removed them later on

>Why don't people like the Halo 2 aniversary multiplayer?
Literally the only people who don't like it that I've encountered are on Yas Forums, and it's because "durr it was made on the Halo 4 engine so it's bad" despite the fact it plays 99% exactly like Halo 2 but without the faggot ass button combos. It's also got the only good re-imagining of Blood Gulch.

H2A MP is shit because its just Halo 4. I'm only playing H2C MP.

Literally proving my point a second later.

>Durr it's just Halo 4!
>No sprint
>No armor abilities
>Replicated run speed and damage numbers of Halo 2

cope 343 shill nobody wants to play your trash

I enjoyed it but it only has like 6 maps

no use trying to fuck this dead horse anymore, i gave up on halo and never looked back. fuck 343 and fuck you.

This. But I fucking hate that there’s only 7 maps. Forge is pretty nice tho but 343 hopefully ports the other maps but it’s unlikely.

Like clockwork

Clearly they do because I literally only play H2A on Xbox and get games all the time, and I'll continue doing so on PC when it comes out. Reach multi sucks ass, CE multi sucks ass, 3 has some of the worst maps in the franchise, 2 is riddled with BXR abusers. 2A is leagues ahead of every multiplayer experience so far.

I've been playing the campaign during this flight here and there.
>tfw it's dark as hell in some areas, Arbiter doesn't have a flashlight, and there's no option to adjust the gamma

The optimization is shit

good for you, keep eating shit.

No the real reason is because the aim assist and bullet magnetism have been increased to such a degree you can't enjoy it online with KB+M.

Infact it haithe inferior version of halo CE compared to custom edition release because of the aim assist and no shot leading. Since this has come to pass, people just went back to playing custom edition.

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Alot of the multiplayer was outsourced. One of many reasons MCC was a shitshow at launch. I doubt they'll be adding any "new" maps.

runs fine for me ;^) the co-op is probably still fucked though

It's the best multiplayer without the BXR stuff, halo 3 is the only one that compares.

Halo 2 always had infamously huge aim assist and bullet magnetism. It's literally in the "Halo 2 is for babys" Youtube video from like 2006.

I put a few hundred hours into it on xbone. I actually loved it.

Name your favorite Halo so I can fucking roll back and laugh. If you say Halo 3 I already know you're a sheep faggot who defends melee trades and thinks garbage maps like Guardian are good.

>>Replicated run speed and damage numbers of Halo 2
Liar! Try dual-wielding a weapon and compare the damage output from Halo 2 to 2A. 2A nerfs dual-wielding.

Halo 2 already nerfed dual wielding to near uselessness. Weapons lose 25% of their damage when dual wielded, defeating the purpose of doing so.

The H2A multiplayer maps have performance issues

Because more than half the levels are missing and it was broken on launch

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I literally only like CE online, it doesn't take itself so seriously, has the best map design and art a clean art style that's nice on the eye and just peak-aesthetics for gameplay purposes.

Too bad it's dead on PC and they forgot to give Death Stranding Banshees.

The only bad part of H2A is the aesthetic, otherwise it's the best multiplayer on the MCC. I'm pretty confident it's where everybody is going to move on its release.

And they are nerfed even more in 2A.

Dude, I like Halo 2A to an extent, but it was literally remade in the Halo 4 engine and with several, noticeable balance and engine changes.

It's not a 1:1 or close 1:1 of Halo 2 with newer and shinier graphics and shaders. It is its own, new game.

Meh, hardly makes a difference when it's a BRfest anyway like Halo 2 always was.