Why don't people like the Halo 2 aniversary multiplayer? I've been playing the PC beta and having a blast

Why don't people like the Halo 2 aniversary multiplayer? I've been playing the PC beta and having a blast

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Is it already out?

Not on PC, no

The beta or "flight" is. You have to sign up to their "Halo insider" program to get an email with a steam code.

It's too goddamn dark. I can barely see anything.

>still no server browser

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Most people can't even try it yet because it's still Flighting
Also I think people will dislike it because it has loadouts like Reach

Not enough maps is my main gripe. Other than that, movement doesn’t feel as smooth.

I played it and it doesn't have loadouts????

I couldn't find any matches unfortunately.