7R - worst thing you will ever see in a video game

How exactly can this be in an AAA game and how is there no uproar about this laziness and stupidity that led to it getting greenlighted?

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I love fucking FInal Fantasy

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They thought that people would accept all this mess only because is FF 7.

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Well, were they wrong?

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Cyberpunk suddenly doesn't seem so bad anymore, lads.

Lol what the actual fuck is that first part from?

doesn't look asian enough to be a final fantasy character to be honest.

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I always imagine a 3-year old making vroom vroom noises when I watch this

if they just cut the flip the scene would have been fine. they couldn't resist shitting it up though because it's modern SE

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No scene is fine with these character designs and gay undertones every 2 minutes.

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the only way this game's getting these many 10/10's and even meme 11/10's it's because critics and fanboys chose to ignore all its flaws. And is not like they are just a few, there are plenty and not all are that easy to ignore either. Flaws in its level design, graphics, pacing, story and even the combat... It's actually a very flawed game getting a free pass probably because of nostalgia and overhype. I mean, several critics gave it an 11/10 unironically, I think that says a lot about how ridiculously overhyped and overrated this shit is and that there's something very wrong with game critics.

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>several critics gave it an 11/10 unironically
Jesus Christ, which sites? I'd never give those a click ever again.

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Hojo's lab after a boss fight

That's fucking ridiculous. Who thought that would be okay?

>ardyn lost chadness
>lunafreya got sexier but more generic

What's the problem? It's a video game.
It's not that serious, man. It's designed for people to play and have fun. Did you actually play this fight? It was dope.
Go read a book, my dude. If you want serious drama, craftsmanship, narrative structure and believability, go read some serious work by Faulkner or Dostoevsky or McCarthy. Or someone, I dunno. But keep this drama out of games.

>What's the problem?
The beyond awful, alpha-looking animations for one which should yank out even the blindest fanboy.

It's supposed to be sort of goofy.
Am I the only one who remembers how fucking goofy the original was?
Why did everyone want this super serious, grim and dark FFVII? not to say those moments arent in there, but... it's just funny to see all these people who vicariously experienced the game through youtube and then try to give an opinion about quality.

Imagine being threatened by a lady-boy.

>Cloud's face at the end

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Imagine playing a ladyboy simulator.


No I mean I can see if that were in the reactor at the beginning or something, you could claim he leveled up to be able to do all that gay anime shit but Hojo's lab is like immediately before that.

This shit makes me yawn dude. The game is fun as fuck. Who cares?

It's supposed to be bad guys.

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>The game is fun as fuck.
It's boring as fuck.

>Who cares?
People with common sense. Not only does that cutscene look distractingly awful so that you get yanked out of the story, it's illustrative for how amateurish the entire game is and makes you see flaw after flaw piling up.

Are you just pretending to be dumb or 12, btw.?

I mean, do you expect Japs that always make these Naruto fights where emo boys jump from building to building mid-air to have a sound understanding of physics?

To be fair no one expects SOLDIER 1st class level super humans to try and cut trains and buildings in half so they don't build them to that spec whereas Hojo wants to breed said SOLDIERs and ancients in full view glass tubes that will require that kind of enhanced structural rigidity.

Name some games you like and want to talk about bro, or create your own thread.. Seems like you don't belong here :)

>Seems like you don't belong here
But... the OP is literally saying how bad FF7 is, you're the odd one out.

This. Also, let video games be video games and have funny and epic moments.

I kinda liked the new DMC for the most part. Or Metroid Prime. Monster Hunter has some nice fights too from a gameplay perspective.

What is your point?

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So they modeled these characters after white people? What about the rest of the cast? How does real life Cindy look like?

is that where she squats to let out all the cum from her hundreds of customers?

>absolute gutter tier shit animations
>haha it's supposed to be funny!

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The original was goofy for sure, but it preserved the sense of scale for moments that made sense and was all around more grounded, at least as much as a JRPG can be. Point to a single moment in the original where any of the main characters are pulling the kind of shit that they do Remakes ending? Not saying characters didn't pull ridiculous stunts but there was more care in how they used those moments

Gender is a social construct.

lol fun and epic

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Cidney wasn't in the movie.

He's literally saying it's ok for games to have good-looking characters regardless of whether they're a dude or a chick

It's one in the eye for SJW uggo campaigners, from a gay man no less

Andrea is based

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Yeah, kill yourself, you freak.

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He literally looks like a bug catcher in a gay club. This game is thoroughly revolting, desu.