Nintendo NX

Do you remember?

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I mean, it took about a year or two after launch for the 3DS to die

The 3DS claim was believable. The Wii U obviously was not.
I'm still waiting for these 3DS developers to hop to Switch.

He's right, it didn't replace either the wii u or the 3ds, it replaced BOTH of them at the same time.

They also said that about the Nintendo DS not replacing the Game Boy line of products. They were just covering their bases in case things went south.

I love all these new games coming out for my 3ds and my WiiU.

Didn't Nintendo say the same with the DS and the Gameboy?

They always say that to cover their asses in case the new thing flops
The DS totally wasn't going to replace the Gameboy either, look how that turned out

Yeah, no reason not to say something like that if you're vague about what "replacing" is I guess.

I still liked the Wii U and you can't stop me.

They couldn't say it upfront at a time when they had a failed home console and a successful handheld, replacing both with an unproven concept was a very risky move as it could've jeopardized their only source of profit.

>has two systems
>many first party titles on both with a good release schedule until the end of their lifespans
>release schedule is even shittier for first parties when they only have one console to work on now
Unironically what is Nintendo doing? Output should be even faster now that there's only one console but instead it's slower than ever before.

why make games when people are buying the console anyway

I hate this. The same thing happened with the PS4 and I've been assmad every since.

I imagine that switch game development is more expensive and time consuming than 3DS development

They didn't lie though. They tried hard, specially with the 3DS, but the market rejected it.

A lot of smaller devs they owned choked and died during the end of the 3DS' life

The output was never going to be as fast as that of a non-HD system like the 3DS where games took much less time and budget to develop. And Nintendo never had entirely separate divisions making console and handheld games, they were mostly the same ones alternating. The only real additions were Intelligent Systems and Game Freak who were forced to start making their flagship series in HD quality or at least attempt to.

nintendo should have refunded wii u owners 2bh

>haven't gotten a wario ware on switch because of this shit
Thanks Nintendo

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>why isn't Nintendo making a new Mario Kart
Because MK8D is still flying off the shelves and ranking in every topseller list

>where isn't Nintendo making new games in general
Nintendo blew their load earlier. Many of the games you saw on the Switch were probably Wii U ideas which got turned into Switch games when they realized that the ship is sinking. Thats why the start of the Switch had tons of exclusives and now with all that stuff released its going to take a while before they can make new stuff. Game development can easily take years after all and you probably can expect BOTW 2 or a new 3D Mario to not get released before 2021 at best.


This too, some smarter ones like Good Feel were already prepared for HD development but others who were entirely handheld-focused like Alpha Dream got fucked.

They always always always say that.

No one believed them, not even for a second.

New Nintendo 3DS XL still the GOAT handheld.

They try this 'third pillar' shit from time to time
They said the DS wouldn't replace the game boy

A Wario Ware game should come out at the launch of every new system to show off all the gimmicks.

the wili u was a failure cut off mid life span. the 3ds sold big and people got pissed nintendo was acting in their interests to make more money by adding more games to that instead. the switch was convenient

>A handheld with the power of a console? Nah, that will never catch on.
>W-What do you mean it's selling? We can't make Pokémon in HD Nintendo-san, we're a small indie company!
>Fine, we'll shit out another gen 1 remake with less content than the previous one, but then you have to make a 3DS successor, okay?
>Goddamnit, why won't this thing stop selling?
>That's it, we'll make the new games for it, but we'll put in less effort than we did before. Not our fault if anything goes wrong!
>They sold how much? Ha ha ha, holy shit! I love the Switch!

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Nobody believed it wouldn't replace the Wii U, but many believed it wouldn't replace the 3DS too, even after they revealed it fully worked as a handheld, even after Pokémon games got announced for it. Several retards on Yas Forums saying they'd announce a successor to the 3DS as late as last year. Only the Switch Lite finally shut them up.

So that thing about Furukawa saying the Switch Pro isn't coming this year is bullshit too then, right?

Despite what the graphic whores on Yas Forums will lead you to believe, people just want to keep playing on the hardware they already have. These people would still be bitching for new NES games if they hadn't already been forced to move on decades ago.

>NX rumors

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Too bad they didn't keep the NX name and too bad they didn't make a better console using that same name.

Those threads were hilarious.

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>Switch Pro isn't coming this year is bullshit too then, right?
with corona-chan fucking up all production chains who knows, the switch is selling like hot cakes so maybe the'll wait until the sales slow down a little.

No. A vague statement said years in advance is one thing, but saying in January that new hardware won't launch the same year means that it won't. And that's even ignoring how coronavirus fucked with tech production.