I'm convinced people who praise the battle system either played on easy or aren't actually aware of what's going on in combat. It doesn't even work as advertised. Most bosses have long arbitrary periods of immunities and other bullshit that prevents you from even pressuring them, rendering you incapable of doing anything other than hit and runs.
I'm convinced people who praise the battle system either played on easy or aren't actually aware of what's going on in...
Other urls found in this thread:
learn how to assess enemies brainlet
Extract excellence
>he doesn't use subversion materia
>crab warden
Oh wow what's next you going to send me a video of some guy punching the first boss on dark souls to death?
>rendering you incapable of doing anything other than hit and runs.
Or blocking, dodging, parrying, and spam magic while you cant pressure them
>waaaah they said press square to win but i can't win waaaah
stay bad, fucker.
>doesn't understand what periods of immunities are
Thanks for proving my point
Is change bad?
>press square to win
Yes I know you played on easy.
>thinks crab warden is scorpion sentinel
My actual problem is that you go from barely doing any damage for 5 minutes to killing the boss in 1. You just start spamming everything you got and suddendly the boss is dead. If some bosses had no transitions, the fights would've been over in the blink of an eye.
Yeah... also known as hit and runs.
You are supposed to take control of the flow of battle and actively cause stagger
No my point is crab warden doesn't do shit except a lightning AOE u can prevent. Just like the first dark souls boss and his 1 to 2 move set.
>insta-kill sewer water
They are immune to pressure and often times abilities and spells that influence the pressure state during quite a bit of many joss fights.
>that button mashing
I love that you can actually visually see the player being bad
>square square square square square
>triangle triangle triangle triangle triangle
>go into menu
>press a thing
>boss does some shit
>mash square 60 more times
Do JRPGfags really?????
>pressing buttons in a game
lmao losers
This game is dog shit easy, first playthrough on normal i didnt get a single game over, literally just read what your skills do and read the enemy data when assessing holy shit
>can't spam magic because ATB takes forever to fill
>can't fill ATB because enemy AI focuses everything on you
>get constantly pinballed around and interrupted if you try to attack
>just block or dodge lol
So the player is reduced to a passive participant while waiting for the shitty friendly AI to fill their ATBs while the player acts as a bait. Great combat system.
you are bad at the game. you have to accept that fact if you want to improve. or you can continue seething into the void. the choice is yours, kiddo,
Combat is easier in hard mode imo cause you have better tools. Nothing like bullying Abzu without seeing a single time his attack where he floods an entire part of the stage.
Only immunity I can think of is hell house's god mode and it's not even bad if you understand how to effectively stagger it when it drops the shield.
Whining about ff7r makes you no better than people whining about Marauder being hard in Doom Eternal lmao.
>thundaga in the first stretch of the game
this remake keeps becoming more dogshit the more footage I watch
If you spammed pots like a retard what you say is possible but if u actually play the game as instructed u had to have died a couple times. They literally have boss fights intentionally designed to kill people who followed instructions.
>They literally have boss fights intentionally designed to kill people who followed instructions
That is not true
>aren't actually aware of what's going on in combat
I'd guess you don't either.
>bosses have long arbitrary periods of immunities
You mean like a jrpg?
You don't even know what's you going on on screen. Bosses get temporary invulneravilty where they take 0 damage because square doesn't want You to take them down too fast. You have no right to call anyone bad.
if you didn’t die to shiva’s diamond dust you’re a liar or you over leveled like a pussy
Ever used haste ? I'll give you a hint, it doesn't make you hit faster. If you're lazy you can even link it to magnify, and you'll be drowning in atb.
Oh yeah let's see you dodge roll, block, or parry Rises tackle u lying fucking faggot.
>seething so hard he can’t even spell properly
name one boss like this so i can prove your dumbass wrong
This. These mother fuckers are lying or playing on easy.
>already trying to bust out his lvl 50s
You'd have to play on normal on a new play through u cheating faggot
I used my brain so I went into battle with elemental resistance
i have multiple saves from start to finish you dumb nigger