Most overrated game ever

Are they right?

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Kingdom Hearts 3DS

as many problems as it has, it still has soul (at least KH1 did), the true contender is probably some focus tested oscar/journo bait like the last of us or RDR2

this game has such a good pacing and a good story that you easily can play over and over. I wish they would make a remake with kh3 style and add some more superbosses to it. That way they could do some reconnect bullshit.
>gummi ship from kh3
>combat from kh3
but I guess they would need to do something about tarzan

literally who? And no, KH has always, at the very least, had fun gameplay.

Nah it's Ocarina of Time

meme opinion.
it's actually unironically Last of Us

> Good story

Its not overrated, its just shit. Perfect for weebs.

I feel like mass effect is pretty damn overrated.

It’s slow and boring.

KH1 is a genuinely amazing ARPG. The enemy and boss designs are, for the most part, very well-designed, the tech point system is a great risk-vs-reward system that actively encourages you to play outside of your comfort zone and rewards you for doing with so with more EXP, there’s a good amount of customization presented to you in the game, whether it’s Keyblades, accessories, or even the very beginning, in which the choices you make can affect your ability progression system and even dictate how you want your EXP curve to function, thus changing up how you play the game, the level design and environmental interactions actively reward you for exploring every nook and cranny, etc...
It’s a very well-designed game all around. People who say otherwise are just fags that refuse to adjust to the controls and Disney shenanigans.

All people cry about is story, story, story when it's the GAMEplay that people should be playing video GAMES for. The combat was fun, the game had a large number of bosses to use the combat with, plenty of optional shit to do, and the worlds ended fast enough to prevent any significant monotony.

combat is fun tho, played 2 first and still enjoyed it for that alone

By now yeah. If we'd ended at 2 it would have aged awkwardly as we all stopped being nerdy teens into this level of edge.

By now though, with like sixteen spinoffs and three (3) main story entries which just got another TBC, it's awful. There's nothing worth redeeming. You may as well just never open the rabbit hole because if you give a single fuck about the narrative then the constant continuity of this godforsaken series will bring you total despair.

>> Good story
sorry user, that you don't like a generic fantasy story. Really sorry.

>combat from kh3
How about no?

Just started with 1 and now on rechain, is 358/2 worth emulating or should I just watch the movie?

The first KH is a pretty outdated game, it uses R2 and L2 to turn the camera damn it.

Objective list, only counting games that aged like shit or are poorly designed
> Witcher 3
> Last of Us
> God of War
> Final Fantasy VII
> Red Dead Redemption 2
> Grand Theft Auto V
> Mass Effect 2
> Halo Combat Evolved
> Red Dead Redemption
> Super Mario Bros 1
> GoldenEye 007
> Half Life 2

>generic fantasy story
>constantly dodging what the fuck Kingdom Hearts IS
>just adding more layers of "we only sort of exist"
>after 2 is just a treadmill; add some derivative of Sora, add another variant of Heartless, and make another clone of Xehanort or Ansem or Leonard Nimoy or whatever the fuck they decided his name is this time around

> Fallout New Vegas
> Uncharted 2
> Minecraft
> TES V Skyrim
> Doom

Good thing all the modern versions of it let you use the right stick. Also, nah, KH is a pretty fantastic game.

>constantly dodging what the fuck Kingdom Hearts IS
Someone didn't play the games.

All games are shit and gaming is a shit hobby.

Watch Netflix.

Are they talking about the first game or series as a whole
They're right if they're talking about the series

solid gameplay. Absolutely awful story and characters. Tough choice.

Remove Super Mario Bros, add Persona 5

>Super Mario Bros 1
The only thing that's bad about SMB is the springs, which are used pretty sparingly. Now, SMB2 is some shit BECAUSE of this.

>How about no?
why do you honestly think kh1 has a better than kh3? I also like kh3 more than kh2, but I didn't played kh3 since release.
>>constantly dodging what the fuck Kingdom Hearts IS
>>just adding more layers of "we only sort of exist"
>>after 2 is just a treadmill; add some derivative of Sora, add another variant of Heartless, and make another clone of Xehanort or Ansem or Leonard Nimoy or whatever the fuck they decided his name is this time around
But you do know that I talk about kh1 right? Because all of that shit you listed came from the new games. I just want a remake of kh1, with more superbosses and kh3 bs

I'm saying use 2's combat you twat, 3's is ass centered entirely around screen clearing AoE cinematic garbage.

This, if a Mario game goes on there it should be Odyssey.

>this game has such a good pacing
Amen. I'm replaying it for the first time in a decade and am floored at how the worlds are just long enough for you to beat and get that "just one more" itch going.

the person writing has nothing to really say

First kingdom hearts is a legitimately good game. Its the sequels and spinoffs that are overrated to hell and back.

KH1 is actually really damn good. It’s a hybrid of action, RPG mechanics, and platforming, and it does a great job at making all three feel equally important. The beginning has you be able to control and adjust how you want to acquire your abilities as well as your preferred EXP curve and said abilities also allow you to change up how you actively play the game.
The enemies and bosses are, for the most part, very well-designed with tons of tells and can even deflect or fade away from your combos, so you can’t just keep mashing them to death if you want to win on the higher difficulties.
The platforming rewards you for going back to previous worlds and actively exploring the terrains with cool new abilities and materials/items, in an almost Metroidvania-esque way. On top of that, you also had enemies and bosses that require you to use the platforming to your best advantage, such as Oogie Boogie’s tower, the endgame enemies in End of the World, and the entirety of Hollow Bastion.
All in all, KH1 kicks the shit out of most ARPGs today.

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Take Half life 2 off. The rest I'm cool with

>3's is ass centered entirely around screen clearing AoE cinematic garbage.
yeah that is true. But I still feel 3's is more fun. But as long as I get air guard I don't care.

Nah, I liked it

In all sincerity, if the story is even if the game then it has to serve a purpose right? whether it's to explain shit, create motive, bolster the atmosphere, or give a break actual game part, it's supposed to do something. so wouldn't judging the game off of how all of it's merits benefit and enhance the gameplay be a valuable and reasonable point of critique?

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>Hollow Bastion
Oh boy I sure do love trying to bait Wyverns to melee range and not fall off of the edge and backtrack on slow moving elevators