So can we have an original FF7 thread without talking about the remake like the good old times please?

So can we have an original FF7 thread without talking about the remake like the good old times please?
I'll start : what the fuck is the Jenova doll/robot in front of her tank supposed to be? just a monument to her or does it have a purpose?

Attached: Jenova_doll.png (320x480, 125.79K)

Other urls found in this thread:

containment unit

>like the good old times
Oh, you want the "good old times"?
You want to see how Yas Forums talked about FF7 before FF7R?
Here you go:

FF7 is absolute shit game, it's the most entry level JRPG for smoothbrained baboons ever made and literally any other JRPG out there is a million times more interesting than this piece of shit ever was.
FF7 was, is, and will always be, babby's first JRPG.

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man just imagine these niggas who actually hate on ff7

it was and is the best jrpg of all time

>it was and is the best jrpg of all time
Yeah, if that's all you've played in your lifetime, sure.
It was the COD of JRPGs.
The FIFA of JRPGs.
FF in general is for the most basic of entry level bitches.

It's the most normalfag RPG that a lot of dumb kids played first, and so have distinct bias for. The setting isn't particularly novel and the characters aren't particularly good either.

On top of all that, anything that made FF7 unique in terms of setting?
Completely stolen by the ideas of a certain other director, on a certain other project that was meant to be the actual original idea for FF7 before being changed as a separate series.
Not even during draft, mind you, shit was stolen literally mid development and badly integrated into FF7.
FF7 is essentially a sham of half implemented, stolen ideas, packaged for mindless normies.

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Always thought it was some kind of guardian and would be a boss if your party fighted it but Sephiroth just tore it with it's bare hands

>like the good old times
everyone hated ff7 here before the mobile poster cancer spawned

>a sham of half implemented
>xenogears picture
Come on, user

these are not criticisms, they're opinions, and bad ones
muh conspiracy

Obviously, because it got it funds sucked away from FF7 itself.
When you like FF7, you're literally liking a game that is a shallow copy of something much better, and stole funding for that project, like a leech.
You're consuming unoriginal shit that killed better games as a sacrifice for itself.

Essentially, you're willingly consuming horrendous slop designed for the biggest casuals of it's time.

>a sham of half implemented
if only you knew what irony meant

>The setting isn't particularly novel and the characters aren't particularly good either.
That is, by definition, a criticism, and a valid one at that, you stupid fucking idiot.

>Make a thread about FF7R
>Everyone shit on it
>Make a thread about original FF7
>Everyone shit on it
>Make a thread about Xenogears
>Everyone shit on it
Fuck this website

bruh i hate to tell you this but there isnt a jrpg that exists thats actually good

ff7 is the best one, sorry, deal with it

>but muh kingdom hearts!!

the only other acceptable answer is suikoden 2

You're only allowed to make threads about games i like.
Then, and only then, i'll call off the 4 discord groups that shitpost this place 24/7 and let you have one thread with 5 good posts before it 404.
You're my bitch, don't even forget it.

most xenogears threads were neutral/positive until xenoblade2 fags realized their game was truly shit and have to attack the real game of the series

Yeah because Xenogears setting is completely unheard of maybe

explain this

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Holy fuck it's Xfag, but in a FF thread.
What is this crazy crossover shit, you're not supposed to post in other threads you madman.
Stay in your little cage.

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>I hate to tell you that this game you said is shit is shit
>Deal with it

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considering it gets ripped off, I'm going to go with a monument that Hojo probably had commissioned because he's a strange fucker like that

Ramake is better. Original aged like shit. Stop pretending something is better just cus it's old... Fucking boomers.

read a book zoomzoom. try to not look at your cell phone for 1 hour, i challenge you

>makes a thread explicitly forbidding people who already played the original from talking about it
>still asks a really fucking dumb question that everyone and their mother already knows, because the game is 23 years old
>doesn't even bother looking it up first, comes in as a self-ordained arbiter of threads on Yas Forums, and then asks the original fans a question

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I rarely see anyone outright shit on Xenogears here when someone isn't talking about how much better it is than Xenoblade 2 in a Xenoblade 2 thread. Mostly I see praise from fans, fair criticism from fans, and fair criticism from people who've only recently played/are currently playing through it.

Xenogears is shit tho

>Xenogears here when someone isn't talking about how much better it is than Xenoblade 2 in a Xenoblade 2 thread.
This doesn't really happen.
Xenogears is it's own thing, and so is Xenosaga and Xenoblade.
Criticism towards XC2 comes almost 99% from XCX fans, and very specifically from one, extremely insane, extremely autistic XCX fan we all know.
XC2, XC1 and Xenogears fan get along just fine, and Xenosaga fans are all dead and don't really exist anymore so they have no opinions left on anything.

Back to your general Xeno2 faggot.

>This doesn't really happen.

I've seen it happen. Someone wants to say that Xenogears is the only good game in the series in an XC2 thread and they get attacked because they're being a shithead.

>Criticism towards XC2 comes almost 99% from XCX fans, and very specifically from one, extremely insane, extremely autistic XCX fan we all know.

Oh, you're one of those people who's only way of coping with the fact that a lot of people don't like what you like is deluding yourself into believing it's just one person. Nevermind then.

I like XC1 but can't fucking stand XC2, no matter how many times I've tried to enjoy it.

>Not posting the superior FF7 spinoff where FemCloud fights NotJenova in NYC.

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>Someone wants to say that Xenogears is the only good game in the series in an XC2 thread
That’s not shitting on the game, that’s calling out the blatant shitposter.
Gears is not even half finished, it all but completely gives up being a game and just tells you what happens in the story. Calling it a game in the same way any Blade game is is already generous, calling it the “only good game” is literally just a roundabout way of saying the entire franchise is shit.

Why? And the answer better not be muh anime.

When is it my turn....wouldnt care if KH fanboi directed it, how can he fuck it up?

name ten examples

Combat got boring quick, the story was going nowhere, the writing was fucking awful, the characters weren't interesting. Rex was especially egregious.


Wtf i love xenosaga tho