Game has more than 400 achievements

>game has more than 400 achievements
Anything over 30 is overkill.

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>Achievement unlocked!
>Start a new game

TF2 has 520 achievements, but I think they do a pretty good job about it. A decent amount of the achievements are so contextual that they're difficult to replicate and much better to simply get when they actually happen for you. Gives a good feeling of "yes, I finally got that!" instead of "k, what next?"

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this shit is dumb. you’re not even achieving anything. misusing then cheevs like this is why gamer score has deflated so much in value

>52% of players have this achievement

How do you code achievements?

when event happens call platform-provided achievement api

>game has more than 1000 achievements

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I dislike achievement bloat as well but there are occasions where developers put easy achievements in to track player behaviour or how many people actually bother to play to what extent

>Achievement: Kill the first enemy
>83% of players have this achievement

good achievements:
quirky shit that makes you play the game in a different way or specifically go for certain stunts
challenge runs like little rocket man

bad achievements:
kill one trillion enemies
collect all the dingdongs

>MFW I can see which of my Steam friends got filtered by the marauder in Doom Eternal

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yeah, tf2's achievement system is mostly alright, but then you have those "play 100+ rounds on this map" and "get 100k views on youtube" that take gorillion hours of game time to complete or are just straight up impossible to obtain legally

fuck payday2, has achievements for every map and every difficulty, at least getting higher difficulty achievement also unlocks lower difficulty ones

I figured they were just using them to determine what people that bought the game actually do.
I've never cared about achievements though.

>game has MP achievements

>game has MP event achievements

>game has 1 achievement

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achievments for doing normal game stuff kinda suck, like starting the game or beating bosses

Achievements should be for more challenging stuff like getting all the collectibles or beating a boss without getting hit

>achievement: die 100 times
>achievement: complete this side objective in a DLC you don't own
>achievement: play the beta (beta ended years prior)

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>Shogun 2
>has an achievement for getting first place on world leader boards

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Then they should have their own tracking systems for that and stop trying my cheevo experience for a test lab

>achievement is just called "test"
>description is just the word "test"
>no way to unlock it

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>been playing TF2 for over a decade
>still don't have every achievement

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Don't these exist mostly as a 'control' achievement? If you can see how many people haven't even really begun playing, you have a better idea of what counts as a common or rare achievement among all players.

>beat game, get achievement
>one left, look online
>beat game on hard difficulty achievement
>hard difficulty only unlocks after beating normal
>go through 50 more hours to get one single achievement where all the devs did is half your attack and double the enemy HP

>other game
>beat game on hard
>achievements for beating on normal and easy aren't unlocked

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>achievements don't unlock in-game DLC content
thats the only reason i would ever do achievements

>achievement: play for X amount of hours

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>they should have their own tracking systems
how about no

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>devil daggers

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Based. Get good nigga.

TF2 is one of those games that doesn't string you along by the achievements, but rather you absent mindedly gain the achievements as you enjoy the ride. Don't be sad that you can't "complete" the game; be happy that there's still so much of it to do :)

>beat game on hard
>achievements for beating on normal and easy aren't unlocked

I will never fucking understand why they do this

how about yes? stop misusing cheevs to cover you’re own laziness

name the game

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Nobody, ever in the history of humanity has or will ever care about gamerscore

I’d think devs/publishers would want to hide that a large percentage of their customers never even started the game and just bought it out of hype/impulse.

>t.fake gamer

>Achievement: crash
>71% players

>Achievement: make one successful flight
>30% players

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>please waste time and resources to implement DRM and analytic tracking instead of just using the steam API to accomplish literally the exact same thing
You're kind of a faggot.

t. low gamerscore virgin


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this guy looks like he will have energy for a dark swarm soon

>making up excuses for developers to waste their time making their own tracking systems
how is having "get to X part of the game" kind of achiements in the game a misuse? are you autistic?

good job

completionist's worst nightmare

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>2% of players have this achievement

didn't some dude reverse engineer the game's code that unlocks this achievement and then the dev was triggered about it?

so how do they tell apart which people do the achievement because they are achievement whores and the ones who don't even bother because achievements are for retards?

more than that, but there's a saga about it, whenever someone figures out what you need to do for it, and tell everyone, an update comes out that locks it in a new way, the original was just to open the console and put in a command saying to give it to you

game is Stanley Parable if curious

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>god tier
>beating the game/level with a specific challenge
>per level challenges that are otherwise completely unnecessary but still difficult to pull off
>joke achievements that are obtainable

>great tier
>beating the game on the hardest difficulty
>beating the game without dying

>okay tier
>beating the game at all

>filler tier
>a cheevo for each chapter/stage beaten
>50 kills with X weapon or Y skill

>fuck you tier
>joke achievements that are unobtainable
>anything to do with leaderboards
>kill 50k enemies (fuck you prototype and warhammer space marine)

Only a small amount of autists looking to prove a point to other autists would care about this. As far as the devs and publishers are concerned, the ability to get people to buy your product "just because" is probably something for bragging about.