Why do girl streamers cream themselves over Barrett?

Why do girl streamers cream themselves over Barrett?

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He's good looking and arguably the best character in the Remake.

the earring

Marz is the only good one at the moment. Fairly competent at vidya, interested in the world of it, keeps the boring whatever's going on in her life shit to separate videos.

He's a caring father, he's strong and he's tall

Portrayed as basically perfect, creators never take any risks with giving flaws to black characters. It's been a noticeable trend since the 2010s.

tattoos were a mistake

Because they love the dude playing the dude disguised as another dude.

Attached: FF7Sequel Barret.jpg (937x720, 61.06K)

You know how Yas Forums is composed by repulsive radioactive waste that hates everyone else and everyone else hates them?
Barrett is the polar opposite of all that, thus he gets pussy.

>didn't even notice she had tattoos
Explains everything. Tattoo = ruined woman.

He stands for what he believes in.

Any sane person would coom to Barret.

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Please don't post pics of my wife on the internet

bitches love anime family guys

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I wanna sniff his armpits so bad

Hes got a big black gun he likes to shoot hot rounds out of.

Barret is legitimately the best character in the game story-wise.

Also these:
and pic related

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This game is shit.
I mean I can pass over the fact that in this world there is magic.
I can pass over the fact that the main character doesn't want to fuck 3 10/10 girl that throw they pussy at him and still call himself etero.
I can pass the fact that there are time jannies.
But a fucking black guy that adopt a child ?
This is pure bullshit!!
Niggers runs away from their kids and now you want me to believe that negroid want to rise another person kid ?

>Why do girls cream themselves over a handsome dark hunk with a full face beard
reminder that it is biologically proven and an observable external and anthropological phenomena that females are more attracted to richer melanin males, and that greater melanin concentration in males increases desirability, just as the opposite is true for females.

Are the changes in FF7 remake bad?


he's not perfect, he's shown to let revenge get the best of him and he's a hothead who needs Cloud to help him think things through when the pressure turns up

To be fair, Barrett is based

>tatted STD filled roastie
Ofc she does

But the revenge is rightful.

Barrett is unironically handsome as fuck, no homo

Noone asked about your shittastes simp

She reminds me of my ex girlfriend, not only do they look the same they have the same mannerisms and everything.
she cheated on me with her professor

imagine not liking barret.

it is but it impairs his judgment and always brings the group to the edge of fucking up, he has a hard time understand that there's a time and place

He essentially led the former Avalanche members to their deaths and it sort of eats him up inside throughout the other parts of the game

Of course in the next remake episode this will either be diluted down or theyll do something else with him.

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cause they made him white

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modern feminisim ruined everything to make them like blacked
Like Tifa

well there's still Dyne