Thread about a hard game

>Thread about a hard game
>"Haha man this game is so easy I beat everything first try"

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Other urls found in this thread:

>see thread about an easy game
>post about how easy it is since people are pretending it's hard
Just doing my part to clear up the dishonesty plaguing this board :)

>>Thread about a hard game
>>"Haha man this game is so easy I beat everything first try"
>2 posts later
gets me every time

>clear up the dishonesty plaguing this board :)
oh the ironing

>Ask user why he thinks it's easy.
>Says he didn't die "much".
>Ask him how many times he died to a certain boss.
>"only like 6 times lol and I suck"
Why is it always the people who say a game is easy that die more often than anyone else who's willing to admit a game's difficulty?

Attached: evil smug.jpg (423x412, 83.07K)

is that the dude from Waiting...

For me dying to a boss six times means it's challenging. Dying 20+ times means it's hard. And I play in a very reckless way, not caring about dying at all. Usually my deaths are because I try to dodge/block/whatever at the last possible frame from the get-go, which just leads to me getting hit a lot when I'm not yet familiar with timings and animations.

Now consider Dark Souls, which according to internet lore is "like the hardest game ever made omg xD" and consider especially Ornstein & Smough which is considered the ultimate filter or some shit like that. Took me 8 tries total, after which I could wipe the floor with the boss on subsequent playthroughs. That to me was a challenge, not something that was "hard". So when inevitably someone makes a thread about how they had a tough time with the boss and how it's "literally impossible", I feel like I need to chime in and say "lol git gud, it's not even hard."

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This is one punchable face

This guy got so butthurt he had to make a thread about it LMAO

dying 6 times to a boss doesnt mean it's hard
>oh no it took me 10 minutes to beat this boss this is so hard omg!
you should try learning some real life skills if you think spending 10 minutes on something is hard