What would Blizzard have to do to make you return?

What would Blizzard have to do to make you return?

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make it so you can't buy lvls

Pay me.

Realistically, I'd like to see pristine servers. No cross realm, no lfg, no lfr, one or maybe two raid difficulties on the same cd and linear or closer to linear raid progression. No ingame shop of course.

Also, they need to completely weed out boosters. Yes, it's possible.

I'm gonna give it a shot but whether I stick around will depend on the same factor that made me abandon Legion and not stick around BfA more than a month: Can I actually spend my time the way I want to without being gimped or do I have to be always grinding some bullshit that I hate?

I'm addicted so I'm returning regardless

then dropping the game again 1 month in

create a time machine back to 2006. it doesn't matter what they make i'm too old now to enjoy it

Never going back to it, but I'd at least give it a look if they returned a sense of genuine progress to the game. As it is, the game is packed full with a ton of shit that becomes completely irrelevant once you hit the current expansion, meaning you have no incentive to bother until you reach that point. (aside from a couple of old reps for allied races.) The insane speed you level at, which they're gonna crank up even more with Shadowlands, makes all of that other stuff even less worth your time.

>muh achievements
Those were bullshit from the start. and they became even more bullshit as they started detaching old progress from new content.

>the same obsessed tranny making this thread every day begging people to come and play his abortion of a game

I've seen loads of people complain about dead old content, but how are they supposed to keep it relevant? FFXIV has a crack at it with daily roulettes and level syncing but it's still not quite the same.

I'm not saying make it important even once you're at the current xpac, but make it worth doing while you're at the point where it's relevant to your level.

Mainly thinking of tradeskills and old reps with my complaint, and it wouldn't be hard to incentivize keeping them in mind as one levels up. Easy solution for tradeskills would be to slap a progression quest onto them at some point to make it so you actually have to do the skill early on in order to do it in current content. Not necessarily the best solution, but it makes doing the skill while you're leveling actually worth it. Reps would be a bit more difficult, but linking old reps to current ones wouldn't be too outlandish. If anything, the progression overhaul coming with Shadowlands (do one xpac, then current content) would make that easier.

As it is, the only thing that really carries all the way from start to end is the level of your battle pets.

>then dropping the game again 1 month in
i dont think that counts as addicted

Nothing, they are liyerally Marvel-Disney of videogames. They fucked up big time when tried to act as if their IP was original during 2003-today and made everything so shitty we only need their "characters" as colorful as the content so they look as gay as they are.

revert 95% of the gcd changes. precasting windburst then smashing trueshot and aimed shot in the same gcd while all your trinkets and procs go off at the start of a fight was fucking sick in legion, the game no longer has those big moments where everything goes off at once

Literally pay me

This, since the GCD changes, tanking is atrocious.
And let us play, AT LONG LAST, High Elf Alliance side. I'm tired of this bullshit, no high elf paladin, no buy/no sub/nothing. Blizzard you're dead to me.

They would have to kill Sylvannas within the first 10 minutes of the expansion.

Make wow 2, restart the timeline and fix everything wrong with wow

Futa draenei findom on every server so I don't have to grind gold on moon guard to get my fix

if this quarantine goes on any longer I'm gonna sub to fucking bfa even knowing how shit it is. thanks china

>revert GCD entirely. Game feels like shit because of it.
>All artifact abilities return and are made baseline, more un-pruning, more utility in each class that's shared across the specs.
>The return of hard low-level content I can partake in instead of wasting hours to get to actual, engaging shit. Having challenge modes and other shit that isn't just mythic would be nice since mythic gets boring. I liked Ulduar's hard modes and shit like that, it was fun.
>Level squish because only a retard thinks this game has 120 levels of content to go through (they're doing this)
>High elves as allied race
>no more AP grinds or daily chore lists, shit is boring and garbage content
>No more sylvannas wanking, she isn't a very interesting character and BFA just made her more annoying with her "all according to plan" bullshit she was riding on in every patch.
>A return to the server community (lol never ever)

So in other words, they'll never bring me back.

there is nothing they can do, they killed wow near the end of wotlk. now ff14 is my best friend.

make a good expansion.

Pay me

tbc classic

By designing actual mmorpg games, not raid simulators.

go bankrupt

>£15 per month to play
lmao fuck right off

not fuck it up as badly as before, I'm definetely going to check out shadowlands

i usually do the first raid then bail if it looks like a shitshow

release WOTLK classic

Too early to say. I'm still gonna check out but if mythic raiding is still the same 3 month grind without any real rewards, I don't think I will be sticking around that much.

I could reach character limit just writing about changes to one subsection of the game, races for example. And almost all of it needs overhauling.

wtf bros why hasn't blizzard hired this genius yet?

Make her playable.

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The company is managed almost as badly as the game itself, I wouldn't work there unless they paid me as much as the executives.

Because criticism or negativity is not allowed anymore in the "DOJO"
I wish I made this shit up...

Make wow2 on a new engine.

>High Elf Alliance side
It's pretty clear by now that it'll never happen. After the bullshit with Void Elves this is jusz the last shit ion and co take on Alliance players.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-19 New Blood Elf Character Customization Options in Shadowlands.jpg (1196x1609, 398.68K)

All employees would have to commit suicide

I know, I know but hey, because of this, I stopped WoW and I know I won't come back. So thanks Blizzard I guess.

revert the GCD changes
bring back tier sets
remove flying
remove LFD and LFR
remove the mission table
de-emphasize the M+ bullshit, this is an mmo not fucking diablo
expand and deepen crafting/gathering professions

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what the fuck are they doing? this is some sims custom content tier shit. bfa completely fucked up any identity the horde/alliance had. allied races have been a fucking disaster