What are some monky core vidya?

what are some monky core vidya?

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monky core vidya?

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Nintendo games are for monkies

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Best thread on Yas Forums

Janny, kill this guy.

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NBA 2K20


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Ape Escape

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Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix


most based thread on Yas Forums and Yas Forums(nel) right now

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Tarzan ps1

don't let the Yas Forums janitor find this thread

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It should be pretty evident, to anyone with a modicum of deductive skills that is, that there is a concerted effort by shills to delegitimize the figure of President Putin. Seriously, in the span of a few days, our board has been filled with freaking HUNDREDS of derogatory images where Putin is likened to a monkey. Like I get this is the price for not bending the knee to the NWO and its satanic subversion of traditional societies but still, this is going too far. Imagine a Head of State giving his best to save the white race just to have some pawns of libtardism pumping those ebin le monke memes at him. This is outrageous and these threads need to be banned. Whenever a new thread trying to make Putin look short or like a primate is created, cultural marxism dances in joy as they encroach on the Western values that Putin incarnates. And yeah, Putin might be slightly shorter than average height and like 180 cm at most but his moral stature is freaking HUGE so yeah, whenever you think you're being so cool and marvellous with your damn le monke memes, keep in mind that Rothschilds are smiling at your action! Seriously, guys, stop. You're hurting the white race.

Look, I understand why you're doing this, I really do. You're angry, and you're angry for a reason. You're brainwashed, and who wouldn't be? Look at your newspapers, look at the coverage on Russia. MH17, HIV, Electoral Fraud, worse living standards than all of the EU, a shitty shadow of the Soviet Union. All lies. Putin is doing great work, he's saving YOU. Did you know that the EU is becoming less and less white every year while based Russia remains 100% white WITH traditional values? Did you know that Russian girls are cuter than your whore women? Did you know that Russia could nuke your shithole off the map with no effort, and nobody would notice you're gone?
For all the reasons listed, Putin is fucking based. So I would really appreciate if you deleted this post and that utterly horrifying morph of a monkey with his face in it, it is extremely disrespectful to our only hope for the white race. If you must make fun of a country, please refrain from doing so with Russia, it really undermines our cause here on Yas Forums(nel) of uniting our white brothers all across the globe.

Super Monkey Ball, Ape Escape, Donkey Kong Country, Ape Out, Grand Theft Auto San Andreas

Stop right there

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explain the monky meme
Yas Forums is full of homos so I never go there

>He has no Life
>He has no Wage
>This Yas Forums janny has choose to do it for free

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We just want to get rid of Russian Yas Forums janny.

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I don't know if this is a copypasta or not but this monkey Putin thing is a meme from Yas Forums because a lot of the posters there believe that anything negative you say about Russia is deleted because of some mod. It's a big deal for a board whose entire purpose is to take the piss on all countries.

there's an Yas Forums janny that experiences complete anal annihilation every time he sees the picture

we are all one race, the monky rase

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le santa

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>why yes i angered the janny

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>Error: You were warned. You must first view this warning to post again.

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>Cope and dilate, bro. They're just images.

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>mfw pcfags will NEVER EVER get ape escape 4

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I really, really, really like this thread