What type of gamer are you?

What type of gamer are you?

Attached: what gamer are you.jpg (598x1132, 59.06K)

mature gamer reporting in just fragged some charlies in PUBG poggers minglee

Ironic shitposting is still shitposting faggot

Cesar Romero

reddit tier post

cry more lil' redditard

New School Chad reporting in.

Shitposting is defined as low-effort posting and whoever made this picture clearly put some effort into it.

>unreal tournament 2k4

Attached: file.png (770x442, 842.39K)


Do you really think OP made this picture? Have you genuinely never seen it before?

I actually made the new school part of the image. Get fucked

old school here

Attached: ciiwfmxvkbx31.jpg (1280x720, 47.45K)

ResetEra faggots are still pushing for gang weed meme ? It was never alive or remotely popular outside of Reddit faggots, change material

Mature school reporting for duty

Attached: Nobunana Oba.jpg (536x818, 63.89K)

>Old School
>League of Niggers and Call of Faggots
jesus christ you are such a colossal faggot, you need to kill yourself ASAP fucking redditor
holy shit that's even gayer than liking traps

Nigga I'm a real one.

Based on that I'm Pangea School.

""Ancient"" gamer here

Prehistoric school

>Halo 3

Attached: Bait253.png (680x1147, 1.1M)

Wholesome :)

Paleolithic gamer reporting in

>Angry Birds
>Blops 2
>BS Infinite
>>>old school

Attached: existential screaming intensifies.png (600x539, 170.33K)

>thieft, deus ex, sistem shock gamers be like

Attached: ancient skeleton.jpg (542x700, 72.81K)

>all these autists taking it seriously
A lot of new school gamers here, I see.

Attached: 1525461712041.jpg (800x600, 197.63K)

What about him?

Attached: Melvin.jpg (902x578, 29.95K)

i cant believe im considered anient gamer now the fuck
>just 26
>started playing in 2007 (not that long ago)
>considered ancient now
Why is this allowed fuck zoomers

fuck yall kids these days

dwarf fortress
bad company 2
ultima online

Attached: 960x0.jpg (960x960, 58.98K)

>Dragon's Lair

Attached: Dust.png (1542x828, 437.12K)

>portal is now considered ancient
what the fuck

Attached: bait 1.jpg (600x600, 17.82K)

Jew, I played Enemy Territory soon after it released. Moreover, I even remember reading on „Planet Half Life” about the HL 2 beta leak.

>DMC5 isn't considered old or ancient
I'm not sure why this triggers me.

crypto gamer: the choosen one

LOL what even is that shit in the bottom?? Glad Im not stuck with that crap, we got it good nowadays boys

Why can't these new school gamers appreciate an innocent humorous vidya thread now and then

Attached: THE ONE TRUE JOKER.jpg (720x720, 214.26K)