Favorite series is Thief

>favorite series is Thief
>favorite game is Deus Ex
>regularly lambastes Angry Shill and Jim "Fuck My Wife" Sterling
>doesn't care about views or subs, always states his honest opinion even if unpopular
>also reviews badass action films from the 80's and 90's
>actually takes the time to research topics before commenting on them
>admitted Francophile
>loves baseball, the thinking man's sport
>expanded his channel to comment on current political events
>recommended Battlefield 1, proving he's not just a shameless contrarian who hates everything popular
>eloquent and articulate speaking style, boasting an impressive vocabulary
>opens and closes every video with death metal
>shits on JRPGs like any red blooded American should do

It's time to face the facts, Yas Forums. Razor is /ourguy/ and always has been.

Attached: Razorfist.jpg (900x900, 156.68K)

>paints himself as a human version of shadow the hedgehog
It must be pretty hard to stuck with a mindset of insecure 14yo.

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He is our guy but not for the reasons you stated. He’s our guy because he’s just as autistic and pathetic as we are.

This. If you unironically dress like a 90's action protagonist and feel as if you look 'cool', you're either mentally retarded or extremely autistic, with zero conception of what real life is. What an ugly, immature cunt.

that is somehow impressive for americans

Speak for yourself.
Cunt ;_;

>recommended Battlefield 1
Typical drumpf supporter, recommends kikery like (((battlefield))) negroid edition.

still waiting for a good argument, fag

His persona was mildly entertaining for a while but now pretty much all his content is about sucking off Trump. His game reviews are less reviews and more long winded tirades how much he hates Kojima, Witcher games and SJWs

I'm not arguing with someone who grasps the world about as well as a 12 year old.

>It's time to face the facts, Yas Forums. Razor is /ourguy/ and always has been.

another e-celeb shitty thread, i guess people never learn their lesson

>has an autistic breakdown because his girlfriend won’t quit her job and was out late once

Why are you here?

he's a weird guy, seems unusually upset about bugs in games but also loves buggy games

>filtered by FFVII, needed to grind to make normal progress
>doesn't complete the games he reviews
>Was an Xbox One stan when they mandated always online, kinect, no good exclusives, etc
>gets mocked by his ex-girlfriend when he tries to abuse her
>e-celebs aren't video games

It's time to fact facts, OP. You're a faggot.

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Witcher plagiarism video when, Razor?

I don't agree with everything he says but he's very entertaining and I get a laugh out of him from time to time

When he drops the character he doesn't seem like an actual huge asshole in real life. Not sure why people are so fucking triggered by the guy.

>why yes, i do dress like a 90's action protagonist while role-playing as shadow the hedgehog, how could you tell?

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>needed to grind to make normal progress
Lol FF7R was very easy and beatable with no grinding or side missions

What's wrong with dressing like a metalhead? I think the only ones insecure here are guys like you who likely lack the confidence to express their identities through aesthetics.

You don't need to 100% a game to form an opinion of it, sperglord.

He's an unabated faggot manchild, just like you OP.

Also not videogames.

he has more relatable opinions on video games than your average tranny sympathizer on Yas Forums, that's for sure.

He's ok and I get why people like him. But his entire character falls apart when he's not on a script. His interview with Chowder was him giggling like a weeb meeting his favorite VA.

>he's not just a shameless contrarian who hates everything popular
>shits on JRPGs

Attached: 1579032869305.png (1280x720, 1.56M)

I like his politics but his video game critiquing leaves a lot to be desired. I understand though when his favorite genre of game is stealth and there hasn't been a good stealth game in all of existence because, well, stealth games genuinely suck on all fronts.
That being said I can already see the sperging he's going to do for FF7R when he reviews it.

>expanded his channel to comment on current political events

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>favorite series is Thief
>favorite game is Deus Ex
>doesn't care about views or subs, always states his honest opinion even if unpopular
real fucking unpopular, totally not normie, opinion he's got there. I'd love to see that dislike ratio on those vids.

JRPGs should be shat on.

>shits on other people's tastes
>likes hair metal

You forgot
>completely exonerates Michael Jackson on the side between gaming

>shits on JRPGs like any red blooded American should do
Didn't he live in Japan for a while?

That's pretty based ngl

He did? When did that happen?