Now that new horizons has been outed, what's a real mans game to play?

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Who the fuck did he think the game was made for? Hairy 30 yo greasy douchebags with no life?
Of course it's for children.

Finally someone says what we've all been thinking

Amazing journalism.

>business insider
Although it is true to be fair

>"it's time to start thinking as I do", some shithead journo who thinks his opinion holds merit and some faggot will post it on Yas Forums

And that's a good thing!

Pure clickbait

>Faggot op makes the same thread that he did yesterday
I hope it fucking dies you shit posting nigger faggot

>gamergate won

>plays animal crossing

how come you don't play actual video games bro?...

>business insider
why do these sites insist on writing about video games that aren't in any way targeted towards them?

this entire animal crossing thing is like a bunch of adults going to a new playground that opens up because they're not allowed to go anywhere else and then complaining that it's boring and not targeted at them

They just heard people are playing alot of this during quarantine, so they think that if they call it shit people will stop playing it and reopen the economy.

this has been posted literally at least 50 times since it came out

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>why do these sites insist on writing about video games that aren't in any way targeted towards them?

except everyone playing animal crossing is adults?

kids don't have time for boring non-game bullshit, kids want to have fun.

As a 30 yo myself, it really saddens me to see the sorry ass state of modern gaming. In truth though its been this way for over a decade. Gaming was a lot better when it was innocent, pure and free of adult neckbeards and tryhard adults like these journalists. By tryhard I mean so called normal types trying to live normal lives that are into games yet try to act like gaming is supposed to be this super serious adult business type stuff.

It is okay to enjoy games and games made for adults, even games made for children, but its sad as fuck to see actual adults reviewing children's games and then getting angry or complain when it doesn't match up to what they want. It is extremely cringe to witness.

Honestly, gaming needs to go back to being more a child and teenagers hobby type of thing. Adults should only be very passive into the hobby at best. Long post I know but hey maybe this will resonant with some neckbeard out there.

>says what everyone already knows
>expects it to be some kind of revolutionary opinion
this is something people knew from day one
only basedboys and faggots actually play the game

ohnonono nintendoodoobobos

>what's a real mans game to play?

that's not Nintendo's fault, Animal crossing is and always has been targeted at kids

>"adults play this game, children don't"
>"this game is for children"
One of you is a liar.

No it's not. I feel it's distinctly targeted at adults with the non binge design.

posting non-archived links should be banable offense
fuck off

>mobile version of a business insider article phoneposted on Yas Forums on sunday


Nintendo's games are meant for children, but conversely only adults play them.

>directly linking clock bait

When will you fucks stop doing this. This ass gloated on twitter about how much his inflammatory article made off of hate views.

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how many times am I going to see this thread today

Postal 2.

>Hairy 30 yo greasy douchebags with no life?
100% the demographic for all nintendo games

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>with the non binge design
That's pretty much exactly how it is targeted at kids. Remember when mum told you to not play too much vidya?

how many times are you gonna spam this fucking thread

My point to keep it tldr is that it is okay for adults to play children's games but they just shouldn't get all pissy about it whenever the game isn't fully to their liking.

Can't cultivate a beard in my neck area, but you're 100 % right friend.

No. I don't. Most kids who play vidya don't have their time regulated; parents want to not have to deal with the kids.

Uhh.. anything not made for children or incels? So no nintendo or weebshit

>No comments enabled
How much does that make you tendies seethe? He just tells the truth and doesn't allow you to shill in defense.

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ok sonyer


In the 90's gaming was very much seen as a children and teenage hobby by most. These days it is seen as very acceptable for adults to be into it and I would even argue most AAA gaming panders to teens-adults rather than it does kids-adults. This is nowhere near what it was like in the 90's. Even M-rated games back then were still seen from the lens as if it is still for children, its just got too much of that blood, gore and sex going on which bad. These days though its pretty much expected a game is like this, along with it having well done voice acting, being similar to a hollywood movie, etc. Something changed and the only thing I could think of is what the guy earlier said. It seems like the millennial generation doesn't want to fully grow up. I admit though its hard because we have all been spoiled and many of us never been allowed to actually become more mature or adult due to shitty parents or upbringing.

Adults from the 40's to 70's would never have been this childish. But people born mid 80's to now, its not looking good for the state of their minds. This is most of us here today btw so not saying I am even any better.

How the fuck is it clickbait? Obviously it's for children, it's a video game after all.
Just because a lot of no-life losers can't get over their childhood hobby doesn't mean that video games suddenly are a mature pastime for adults.
MLP isn't entertainment for adults just because a bunch of incel neckbeards started watching it.

>Nintendo's games are meant for children, but conversely only adults play them.
It's conceivable that a company might make something for one target audience and end up with a completely different one, but not when we're talking about the fifth or sixth entry in a long-running franchise.
The audience that's playing it is the target audience.

>why do these sites insist on writing about video games that aren't in any way targeted towards them?
Because it's adults reading these articles. Even if a game is explicitly marketed only towards children (which AC is not), there is literally nothing wrong with analyzing it to see if it's on par with "adult games".
This is more so the case when you realize that reviews aren't about fairness to the product.

>Adults from the 40's to 70's would never have been this childish.
If you disregard the whole 60-70s hippie movement

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Real talk what children have been playing Animal Crossing? I'm sure there are some but 90% of this market so far seems to be adults who grew up with Animal Crossing or Nintendo in general, and the only children playing it are children of said fans. It can be safe to say that the vast majority of this game's playerbase are adults looking for a cute getaway.

>Implying it’s not made for furries and closet fur nintendies to supply bottomless bara fapbait fanart
That’s literally all it’s for. That and a timewaster for dumb white girls.

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Drugs and sex is what I am assuming you are getting into. No that is still done by teens and adults today and is seen as much more adult thing to do. I don't know how else to put it to you dude, gaming did not in any way start the way we see it now. It was more seen as a nice little family entertainment type of thing or just simply really mainly for children. What you see now has been a slow steering to this point over several years. Again this isn't even to shit on games today.

Would a real man stop doing something he enjoys because Business Insider told him it wasn't for him?

I don't have to justify what I enjoy to some contrarian hivemind.

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>Monster Hunter
>Animal Crossing
>Hollow Knight
After 2 hours with each of these, my conclusion is they are gateway games for people with new experiences to vidya. People who grew up being taught games are for children, respect that worthless opinion, but begin breaking that assumption because they’re exposed to low quality design hooks for the first times.
Perhaps in time, they will develop better taste like the rest of us did.

arguing against this is pretty pointless when all of your counterpoints can just be rebutted as you being a child

>yeah well I had some connections with my villagers
>because you're a child lol
>I had no problems with the UI interface myself
>because you're a child lol
>I like both Stardew Valley and Animal Crossing
>because you're a child lol

Argue all you want, you lose no matter what

>Drugs and sex is what I am assuming you are getting into
That was a small part of what was going on and can be easily compared to what you're complaining about. Honestly you can say that with each generation, but you can't make such a blanket statement as that would never occur in earlier decades when it did. I'm not saying video games have not aided in what's going on today, but it's something that's been going on for generations with or without video games.

>that entire post
I tip my fedora to you, good sir and I sincerely
hope you enjoy your bing bing wahoo.